Re: None Managed bean with non none references

From: Adam Winer <>
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2005 16:03:06 -0700

I don't think "none" means managed externally.
That's <referenced-bean>. "none" means you create
a new one every time, and it is a finer scope than
"request"; just as "request" can access "session"
and "application", "none" should be able to access
all three.

-- Adam

Michael Youngstrom wrote:
>> I think that makes sense with the new EL stack, really the case you are
>> presenting would be coordinated in bean management outside of JSF
>> because you 'none' scope actually means something-- managed externally.
> I see your point, 'none' is really saying 'externally managed'. And I
> see now the value of the spec attempting to save developers from
> accidentally violating the scope of a managed bean.
> However, I think that 'application' scoped beans could still be
> allowed into 'none' scoped beans since there isn't really any JSF
> appropriate "accidental" way to violate the scope of an application
> scoped bean no matter how the 'none' scoped bean is externally
> managed.
> The case where I ran into this problem was in attempting to create an
> object with 'none' scope because I didn't want to share its data with
> any other instances in the request and I wanted to inject some
> application level logic into the none bean to operate on the instance
> specific data. That seems to me like a relatively valuable case that
> would not create scope related problems.
> Mike
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