>>>>> On Thu, 11 Nov 2004 12:45:00 -0500, Roger Kitain <Roger.Kitain_at_Sun.COM> said:
RK> Just a few comments... (inline, of course)..
RK> also, take into accout Adam's Comments.
>> + private MethodBinding beforePhase = null;
>> + private MethodBinding afterPhase = null;
RK> make these "beforePhaseListener"/"afterPhaseListener"?
>> +
>> + /**
>> + * @return the {_at_link MethodBinding} that will be invoked before
>> + * this view is rendered.
>> + *
>> + */
>> +
>> + public MethodBinding getBeforePhaseListener() {
>> + return beforePhase;
>> + }
RK> make this "return beforePhaseListener"
RK> similar changes below
When speaking about a JavaBeans property, the ivar name is irrelevant.
The external contract is formed only by the getter and setter method
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