Ryan Lubke wrote:
> TestGuessNumber.testGuessNumberNullInput() could sporadically fail
> because the new EL implementation correctly converts
> a null input to 0 since the target propery is a Number.
> SECTION: Modified Files
> -----------------------------------
> M guessNumber/src/java/guessNumber/UserNumberBean.java
> - modified getResponse to use assert that userNumber is not null.
> With a correct EL impl, this shouldn't be the case
> M guessNumber/web/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml
> - Changed the minumum value from 0 to 1
> M test/tests/com/sun/faces/demotest/guessNumber/TestGuessNumber.java
> - modified testGuessNumberNullInput's expected response from the
> application
> when no input is provided
> M guessNumber/build.xml
> - add source="1.4" option to javac task
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