[REVIEW] Complete RI work for Spec issue 43

From: Ryan Lubke <Ryan.Lubke_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 08 Nov 2004 10:03:08 -0500

This change bundle will complete the RI work for spec issue 43.
Just a few comments on how standard-html-renderkit.xml is now handled.

  - The original standard-html-renderkit.xml has been renamed to
     standard-html-renderkit-base.xml and all entity references have
     been replaced with xincludes.
  - All entity references in the included document fragments have been
    replaced with xincludes.
  - If any changes are made to any of the included documents or to
    standard-html-renderkit-base.xml, call 'create.standard.xml'
    (in jsf-api). This target uses a utility called xmllint (so far it has
     been available on Linux and Solaris (still looking for a win32
The reliance on xmllint is unfortunate, however, while JAXP 1.3 does support
xincludes, support of the xpointer scheme when using xpointers is
optional per
the XInclude specification.

SECTION: Modified Files

M jsf-api/doc/actionsource-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/base-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/command-button-attrs.xml
M jsf-api/doc/command-button-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/core-attrs.xml
M jsf-api/doc/core-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/editable-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/events-attrs.xml
M jsf-api/doc/events-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/focus-attrs.xml
M jsf-api/doc/focus-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/form-form-attrs.xml
M jsf-api/doc/form-form-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/graphic-image-attrs.xml
M jsf-api/doc/graphic-image-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/i18n-attrs.xml
M jsf-api/doc/i18n-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/input-attrs.xml
M jsf-api/doc/input-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/input-secret-attrs.xml
M jsf-api/doc/input-secret-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/input-textarea-attrs.xml
M jsf-api/doc/input-textarea-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/link-attrs.xml
M jsf-api/doc/link-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/list-attrs.xml
M jsf-api/doc/list-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/listbox-attrs.xml
M jsf-api/doc/listbox-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/menu-attrs.xml
M jsf-api/doc/menu-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/message-message-attrs.xml
M jsf-api/doc/message-message-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/messages-messages-attrs.xml
M jsf-api/doc/messages-messages-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/output-format-attrs.xml
M jsf-api/doc/output-format-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/output-label-attrs.xml
M jsf-api/doc/output-label-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/output-text-attrs.xml
M jsf-api/doc/output-text-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/panel-grid-attrs.xml
M jsf-api/doc/panel-grid-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/panel-group-attrs.xml
M jsf-api/doc/panel-group-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/selectmany-checkbox-attrs.xml
M jsf-api/doc/selectmany-checkbox-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/selectone-radio-attrs.xml
M jsf-api/doc/selectone-radio-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/table-attrs.xml
M jsf-api/doc/table-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/text-attrs.xml
M jsf-api/doc/text-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/uicolumn-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/uicommand-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/uicomponent-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/uidata-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/uiform-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/uigraphic-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/uiinput-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/uimessage-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/uimessages-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/uinamingcontainer-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/uioutput-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/uipanel-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/uiparameter-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/uiselectboolean-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/uiselectitem-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/uiselectitems-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/uiselectmany-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/uiselectone-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/uiviewroot-props.xml
M jsf-api/doc/valueholder-props.xml
 - made each included document well formed by adding a <root> element.
   This was necessary in order for xinclusion to work
 - replaced general entity references with xincludes

M jsf-ri/src/com/sun/faces/standard-html-renderkit-impl.xml
  - recreated document to work with xinclude.

M jsf-api/doc/standard-html-renderkit.xml
  - Merged/formatted version of standard-html-rederkit-base.xml

M jsf-ri/conf/xslt/merge-config.xsl
M jsf-ri/conf/xslt/prune-tool-data.xsl
  - namespace changes

M jsf-api/test/javax/faces/webapp/config-file-0.xml
M jsf-api/test/javax/faces/webapp/config-file-1.xml
M jsf-portlet/portlet-lib/src/conf/META-INF/faces-config.xml
M jsf-ri/src/com/sun/faces/jsf-ri-config.xml
M jsf-ri/conf/basic/META-INF/faces-config.xml
M jsf-ri/systest/web/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml
M jsf-ri/systest/web/WEB-INF/init-faces-config.xml
M jsf-ri/systest-per-webapp/el-performance/web/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml
M jsf-ri/systest-per-webapp/nested-datatables/web/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml
M jsf-ri/systest-per-webapp/replace-application/web/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml
M jsf-ri/systest-per-webapp/unique-view-id/web/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml
M jsf-ri/web/test/config-with-failing-property-conversion.xml
M jsf-ri/web/test/config1.xml
M jsf-ri/web/test/config2.xml
M jsf-ri/web/test/locale-config.xml
M jsf-ri/web/test/locale-config1.xml
M jsf-ri/web/test/locale-config2.xml
M jsf-ri/web/test/runtime-components.xml
M jsf-ri/web/test/WEB-INF/config-lists-and-maps.xml
M jsf-ri/web/test/WEB-INF/faces-config-empty.xml
M jsf-ri/web/test/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml
M jsf-ri/web/test/WEB-INF/faces-navigation.xml
M jsf-ri/web/test/WEB-INF/none-scoped-beans.xml
M jsf-ri/web/test-config-1/WEB-INF/embed-config.xml
M jsf-ri/web/test-config-1/WEB-INF/extra-config.xml
M jsf-ri/web/test-config-1/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml
  - removed doctypes and referr to schema

M jsf-api/build.xml
  - only include standard-html-renderkit.xml - no need to include the
    base or included fragments
  - added new target create.standard.xml which will create
    standard-html-renderkit.xml from standard-html-renderkit-base.xml
    and the associated fragments.

M jsf-tools/build.xml
  - include standard-html-renderkit.xml - no need to include
    the base or included fragments
  - Adjustments to namespace post-processing after applying stylesheets.

M jsf-ri/build.xml
  - include standard-html-renderkit.xml - no need to include
    the base or included fragments
  - use standard-html-renderkit.xml for uptodate check

M jsf-tools/src/com/sun/faces/config/
 - Configure xerces to perform constraint validation
 - Replaced System.out.println with logging statement

New Files
A jsf-api/doc/XMLSchema.dtd
  - missed this on initial checkin of schema

A jsf-api/doc/standard-html-renderkit-base.xml


SECTION: New files

? diff.txt
? modified.txt
? jsf-api/testresults
? jsf-api/doc/test.xml
? jsf-api/src/javax/faces/application/diff.txt
? jsf-demo/lib
? jsf-demo/testresults
? jsf-demo/carstore/build
? jsf-demo/components/build
? jsf-demo/guessNumber/build
? jsf-demo/helloDuke/build
? jsf-demo/nonjsp/build
? jsf-demo/nonjsp/dist
? jsf-demo/standard/build
? jsf-demo/test/build
? jsf-demo/test/mappingDemo/build
? jsf-ri/merged.xml
? jsf-ri/testresults
? jsf-ri/systest-per-webapp/build
? jsf-ri/systest-per-webapp/command-link-back-button/build
? jsf-ri/systest-per-webapp/command-link-redirect/build
? jsf-ri/systest-per-webapp/el-performance/build
? jsf-ri/systest-per-webapp/nested-datatables/build
? jsf-ri/systest-per-webapp/replace-application/build
? jsf-ri/systest-per-webapp/unique-view-id/build
Index: jsf-api/build.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/build.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.134
diff -u -r1.134 build.xml
--- jsf-api/build.xml 8 Sep 2004 17:55:55 -0000 1.134
+++ jsf-api/build.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:10 -0000
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@
     <uptodate property="skip.generation"
        <srcfiles dir="${basedir}/doc">
- <include name="*.xml"/>
+ <include name="standard-html-renderkit.xml"/>
@@ -711,7 +711,27 @@
+ <!--
+ ===================================================================
+ Create the standard-html-renderkit.xml document
+ ===================================================================
+ -->
+ <target name="create.standard.xml">
+ <copy file="${basedir}/../jsf-ri/src/com/sun/faces/standard-html-renderkit-impl.xml"
+ todir="${basedir}/doc"/>
+ <exec executable="xmllint" dir="${basedir}/doc" failonerror="true">
+ <arg line="--xinclude --format --output standard-html-renderkit.xml standard-html-renderkit-base.xml"/>
+ </exec>
+ <replace file="${basedir}/doc/standard-html-renderkit.xml">
+ <replacetoken><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>]]></replacetoken>
+ <replacevalue><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ </replacevalue>
+ </replace>
+ <delete file="${basedir}/doc/standard-html-renderkit-impl.xml"/>
+ </target>
@@ -740,7 +760,7 @@
           TCK related
   <target name="detect.tck" description="Detect the presence of the JSF TCK">
       <available property="jsf.tck.present" file="${jsf-tck.dir}" type="dir"/>
@@ -811,9 +831,9 @@
       <classpath refid="compile.classpath"/>
- <copy todir="${build.javadocs}/javax/faces/component"
+ <copy todir="${build.javadocs}/javax/faces/component"
           file="${src.dir}/javax/faces/component/UIComponentHierarchy.jpg" />
- <copy todir="${build.javadocs}/javax/faces/event"
+ <copy todir="${build.javadocs}/javax/faces/event"
           file="${src.dir}/javax/faces/event/EventHierarchy.jpg" />
@@ -885,32 +905,32 @@
     <antcall target="copy.template.sources" />
     <antcall target="test.FactoryFinder">
       <param name="build.classes" value="${build.classes.instr}/classes" />
- <param name="jcov.jvm.args"
+ <param name="jcov.jvm.args"
              value="-Djcov.file=${build.coverage}/test-FactoryFinder.jcov" />
     <antcall target="test.FactoryFinder2">
       <param name="build.classes" value="${build.classes.instr}/classes" />
- <param name="jcov.jvm.args"
+ <param name="jcov.jvm.args"
              value="-Djcov.file=${build.coverage}/test-FactoryFinder2.jcov" />
     <antcall target="test.PhaseId">
       <param name="build.classes" value="${build.classes.instr}/classes" />
- <param name="jcov.jvm.args"
+ <param name="jcov.jvm.args"
              value="-Djcov.file=${build.coverage}/test-PhaseId.jcov" />
     <antcall target="test.component">
       <param name="build.classes" value="${build.classes.instr}/classes" />
- <param name="jcov.jvm.args"
+ <param name="jcov.jvm.args"
              value="-Djcov.file=${build.coverage}/test-component.jcov" />
     <antcall target="test.model">
       <param name="build.classes" value="${build.classes.instr}/classes" />
- <param name="jcov.jvm.args"
+ <param name="jcov.jvm.args"
              value="-Djcov.file=${build.coverage}/test-model.jcov" />
     <antcall target="test.webapp">
       <param name="build.classes" value="${build.classes.instr}/classes" />
- <param name="jcov.jvm.args"
+ <param name="jcov.jvm.args"
              value="-Djcov.file=${build.coverage}/test-webapp.jcov" />
     <java classname="" classpath="${jcov.jar}">
@@ -961,7 +981,7 @@
     <zip destfile="${dist.dir}/${name}-src-${version}.zip">
       <zipfileset dir="${basedir}"
              includes="build.xml COPYRIGHT LICENSE.html"
- prefix="${name}"/>
+ prefix="${name}"/>
       <zipfileset dir="${src.dir}"
@@ -969,7 +989,7 @@
       <zipfileset dir="${doc.dir}"
- includes="*.dtd,*.xml"
+ includes="*.dtd,*.xsd,standard-html-renderkit.xml"
       <zipfileset dir="${jsf-tools.dir}"
              excludes="**/CVS/**, **/build/**"
Index: jsf-api/doc/actionsource-props.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/actionsource-props.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 actionsource-props.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/actionsource-props.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:36:57 -0000 1.3
+++ jsf-api/doc/actionsource-props.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:10 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
- <property>
+ <property>
           MethodBinding representing the application action to invoke when
           this component is activated by the user. The expression must
@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@
- </property>
+ </property>
- <property>
+ <property>
           MethodBinding representing an action listener method that will be
           notified when this component is activated by the user. The
@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@
- </property>
+ </property>
- <property>
+ <property>
           Flag indicating that, if this component is activated by the user,
           notifications should be delivered to interested listeners and actions
@@ -59,5 +59,5 @@
- </property>
+ </property>
Index: jsf-api/doc/base-props.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/base-props.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -r1.5 base-props.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/base-props.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:36:57 -0000 1.5
+++ jsf-api/doc/base-props.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:12 -0000
@@ -15,27 +15,28 @@
- <property>
+ <property>
         <description>The component identifier for the associated component</description>
- </property>
+ </property>
- <property>
+ <property>
         <description>The value binding expression used to wire up this component to a component property of a JavaBean class</description>
- </property>
+ </property>
- <property>
+ <property>
         <description>An override for the rendered attribute associated with our component</description>
- </property>
+ </property>
Index: jsf-api/doc/command-button-attrs.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/command-button-attrs.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 command-button-attrs.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/command-button-attrs.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:36:58 -0000 1.3
+++ jsf-api/doc/command-button-attrs.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:12 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,23 +21,23 @@
- <description>
+ <description>
         Alternate textual description of the
         element rendered by this component.
- </description>
- <display-name>Alternate Text</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <attribute-name>alt</attribute-name>
- <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
- <attribute-extension>
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute-extension>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Alternate Text</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <attribute-name>alt</attribute-name>
+ <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
+ <attribute-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </attribute-extension>
- <description>
+ <description>
         Absolute or relative URL of the image
         to be displayed for this button. If
         specified, this "input" element will be
@@ -45,25 +45,25 @@
         of the type specified by the "type"
         property with a label specified by the
         "value" property.
- </description>
- <display-name>Image URL</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <attribute-name>image</attribute-name>
- <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Image URL</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <attribute-name>image</attribute-name>
+ <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
- <description>
+ <description>
          Type of button to create. Valid values are "submit" and
          "reset". If not specified, or not a valid value, the default
          value is "submit".
- </description>
- <display-name>Button Type</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <attribute-name>type</attribute-name>
- <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
- <attribute-extension>
- <default-value>"submit"</default-value>
- </attribute-extension>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Button Type</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <attribute-name>type</attribute-name>
+ <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
+ <attribute-extension>
+ <default-value>"submit"</default-value>
+ </attribute-extension>
Index: jsf-api/doc/command-button-props.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/command-button-props.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 command-button-props.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/command-button-props.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:36:58 -0000 1.3
+++ jsf-api/doc/command-button-props.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:12 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
         Alternate textual description of the
@@ -66,4 +66,5 @@
Index: jsf-api/doc/core-attrs.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/core-attrs.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -r1.5 core-attrs.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/core-attrs.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:36:58 -0000 1.5
+++ jsf-api/doc/core-attrs.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:12 -0000
@@ -21,21 +21,21 @@
- <attribute>
- <description>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
           CSS style(s) to be applied when this component is rendered.
- <display-name>CSS Styles</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <attribute-name>style</attribute-name>
- <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
+ <display-name>CSS Styles</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <attribute-name>style</attribute-name>
+ <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute>
+ </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ <attribute>
           Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied when
           this element is rendered. This value must be passed through
@@ -46,11 +46,11 @@
- <pass-through>false</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>false</pass-through>
- </attribute>
+ </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ <attribute>
           Advisory title information about markup elements generated
           for this component.
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute>
+ </attribute>
Index: jsf-api/doc/core-props.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/core-props.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 core-props.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/core-props.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:36:58 -0000 1.4
+++ jsf-api/doc/core-props.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:12 -0000
@@ -21,21 +21,21 @@
- <property>
- <description>
+ <property>
+ <description>
           CSS style(s) to be applied when this component is rendered.
- <display-name>CSS Styles</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <property-name>style</property-name>
- <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <display-name>CSS Styles</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <property-name>style</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property>
+ </property>
- <property>
+ <property>
           Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied when
           this element is rendered. This value must be passed through
@@ -46,11 +46,11 @@
- <pass-through>false</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>false</pass-through>
- </property>
+ </property>
- <property>
+ <property>
           Advisory title information about markup elements generated
           for this component.
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property>
+ </property>
Index: jsf-api/doc/editable-props.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/editable-props.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -r1.6 editable-props.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/editable-props.xml 25 May 2004 22:48:35 -0000 1.6
+++ jsf-api/doc/editable-props.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:12 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
- <property>
+ <property>
           Flag indicating whether the "localValue" property
           of this component has been set. This property is
@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@
- <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
- </property>
+ </property>
- <property>
+ <property>
           Flag indicating that the user is required to provide a submitted
           value for this input component.
@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@
- </property>
+ </property>
- <property>
+ <property>
           The value submitted for this input component by the user, prior to
           any required conversion or validation.
@@ -57,11 +57,11 @@
- <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
- </property>
+ </property>
- <property>
+ <property>
           MethodBinding representing a validator method that will be called
           during Process Validations to perform correctness checks on the
@@ -73,9 +73,9 @@
- </property>
+ </property>
- <property>
+ <property>
           MethodBinding representing a value change listener method that will be
           notified when a new value has been set for this input component. The
@@ -86,9 +86,9 @@
- </property>
+ </property>
- <property>
+ <property>
           Flag indicating that this component's value must be
           converted and validated immediately (that is, during
@@ -99,9 +99,9 @@
- </property>
- <property>
+ </property>
+ <property>
           Flag indicating whether or not any required conversion or validation
           on this component value has been performed successfully.
@@ -111,6 +111,7 @@
- <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
- </property>
+ </property>
Index: jsf-api/doc/events-attrs.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/events-attrs.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -r1.5 events-attrs.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/events-attrs.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:36:59 -0000 1.5
+++ jsf-api/doc/events-attrs.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:12 -0000
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
- <attribute>
+ <attribute>
           Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
           clicked over this element.
@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute>
+ </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ <attribute>
           Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
           double clicked over this element.
@@ -46,11 +46,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute>
+ </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ <attribute>
           Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
           pressed down over this element.
@@ -60,11 +60,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute>
+ </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ <attribute>
           Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
           released over this element.
@@ -74,11 +74,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute>
+ </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ <attribute>
           Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
           moved onto this element.
@@ -88,11 +88,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute>
+ </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ <attribute>
           Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
           moved within this element.
@@ -102,11 +102,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute>
+ </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ <attribute>
           Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
           moved away from this element.
@@ -116,11 +116,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute>
+ </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ <attribute>
           Javascript code executed when a key is
           pressed and released over this element.
@@ -130,11 +130,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute>
+ </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ <attribute>
           Javascript code executed when a key is
           pressed down over this element.
@@ -144,11 +144,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute>
+ </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ <attribute>
           Javascript code executed when a key is
           released over this element.
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute>
+ </attribute>
Index: jsf-api/doc/events-props.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/events-props.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -r1.5 events-props.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/events-props.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:36:59 -0000 1.5
+++ jsf-api/doc/events-props.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:12 -0000
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
- <property>
+ <property>
           Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
           clicked over this element.
@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property>
+ </property>
- <property>
+ <property>
           Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
           double clicked over this element.
@@ -46,11 +46,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property>
+ </property>
- <property>
+ <property>
           Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
           pressed down over this element.
@@ -60,11 +60,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property>
+ </property>
- <property>
+ <property>
           Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
           released over this element.
@@ -74,11 +74,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property>
+ </property>
- <property>
+ <property>
           Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
           moved onto this element.
@@ -88,11 +88,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property>
+ </property>
- <property>
+ <property>
           Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
           moved within this element.
@@ -102,11 +102,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property>
+ </property>
- <property>
+ <property>
           Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
           moved away from this element.
@@ -116,11 +116,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property>
+ </property>
- <property>
+ <property>
           Javascript code executed when a key is
           pressed and released over this element.
@@ -130,11 +130,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property>
+ </property>
- <property>
+ <property>
           Javascript code executed when a key is
           pressed down over this element.
@@ -144,11 +144,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property>
+ </property>
- <property>
+ <property>
           Javascript code executed when a key is
           released over this element.
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property>
+ </property>
Index: jsf-api/doc/focus-attrs.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/focus-attrs.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 focus-attrs.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/focus-attrs.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:36:59 -0000 1.3
+++ jsf-api/doc/focus-attrs.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:12 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
- <attribute>
+ <attribute>
           Access key that, when pressed, transfers focus
           to this element.
@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute>
+ </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ <attribute>
           Javascript code executed when this element loses focus.
@@ -45,11 +45,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute>
+ </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ <attribute>
           Javascript code executed when this element receives focus.
@@ -58,11 +58,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute>
+ </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ <attribute>
           Position of this element in the tabbing order
           for the current document. This value must be
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute>
+ </attribute>
Index: jsf-api/doc/focus-props.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/focus-props.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 focus-props.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/focus-props.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:36:59 -0000 1.3
+++ jsf-api/doc/focus-props.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:12 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
- <property>
+ <property>
           Access key that, when pressed, transfers focus
           to this element.
@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property>
+ </property>
- <property>
+ <property>
           Javascript code executed when this element loses focus.
@@ -45,11 +45,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property>
+ </property>
- <property>
+ <property>
           Javascript code executed when this element receives focus.
@@ -58,11 +58,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property>
+ </property>
- <property>
+ <property>
           Position of this element in the tabbing order
           for the current document. This value must be
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property>
+ </property>
Index: jsf-api/doc/form-form-attrs.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/form-form-attrs.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 form-form-attrs.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/form-form-attrs.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:36:59 -0000 1.4
+++ jsf-api/doc/form-form-attrs.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:12 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,90 +21,90 @@
- <description>
+ <description>
         List of content types that a server processing this form
- will handle correctly
- </description>
- <display-name>Content Type</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <attribute-name>accept</attribute-name>
- <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
- <attribute-extension>
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute-extension>
+ will handle correctly
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Content Type</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <attribute-name>accept</attribute-name>
+ <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
+ <attribute-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </attribute-extension>
- <description>
+ <description>
         List of character encodings for input data
         that are accepted by the server processing
         this form.
- </description>
- <display-name>Character Set</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <attribute-name>acceptcharset</attribute-name>
- <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
- <attribute-extension>
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute-extension>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Character Set</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <attribute-name>acceptcharset</attribute-name>
+ <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
+ <attribute-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </attribute-extension>
- <description>
+ <description>
         Content type used to submit the form to the server. If not
         specified, the default value is
- </description>
- <display-name>Encoding Type</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <attribute-name>enctype</attribute-name>
- <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
- <attribute-extension>
- <default-value>"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"</default-value>
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute-extension>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Encoding Type</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <attribute-name>enctype</attribute-name>
+ <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
+ <attribute-extension>
+ <default-value>"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"</default-value>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </attribute-extension>
- <description>
+ <description>
         Javascript code executed when this form is reset.
- </description>
- <display-name>Form Reset Script</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <attribute-name>onreset</attribute-name>
- <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
- <attribute-extension>
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute-extension>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Form Reset Script</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <attribute-name>onreset</attribute-name>
+ <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
+ <attribute-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </attribute-extension>
- <description>
+ <description>
         Javascript code executed when this form is submitted.
- </description>
- <display-name>Form Submit Script</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <attribute-name>onsubmit</attribute-name>
- <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
- <attribute-extension>
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute-extension>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Form Submit Script</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <attribute-name>onsubmit</attribute-name>
+ <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
+ <attribute-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </attribute-extension>
- <description>
+ <description>
         Name of a frame where the response
         retrieved after this form submit is to
         be displayed.
- </description>
- <display-name>Target Frame</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <attribute-name>target</attribute-name>
- <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
- <attribute-extension>
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute-extension>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Target Frame</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <attribute-name>target</attribute-name>
+ <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
+ <attribute-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </attribute-extension>
Index: jsf-api/doc/form-form-props.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/form-form-props.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 form-form-props.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/form-form-props.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:36:59 -0000 1.3
+++ jsf-api/doc/form-form-props.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:12 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,90 +21,90 @@
- <description>
+ <description>
         List of content types that a server processing this form
- will handle correctly
- </description>
- <display-name>Content Type</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <property-name>accept</property-name>
- <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
- <property-extension>
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property-extension>
+ will handle correctly
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Content Type</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <property-name>accept</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
- <description>
+ <description>
         List of character encodings for input data
         that are accepted by the server processing
         this form.
- </description>
- <display-name>Character Set</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <property-name>acceptcharset</property-name>
- <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
- <property-extension>
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property-extension>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Character Set</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <property-name>acceptcharset</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
- <description>
+ <description>
         Content type used to submit the form to the server. If not
         specified, the default value is
- </description>
- <display-name>Encoding Type</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <property-name>enctype</property-name>
- <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
- <property-extension>
- <default-value>"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"</default-value>
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property-extension>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Encoding Type</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <property-name>enctype</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <default-value>"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"</default-value>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
- <description>
+ <description>
         Javascript code executed when this form is reset.
- </description>
- <display-name>Form Reset Script</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <property-name>onreset</property-name>
- <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
- <property-extension>
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property-extension>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Form Reset Script</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <property-name>onreset</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
- <description>
+ <description>
         Javascript code executed when this form is submitted.
- </description>
- <display-name>Form Submit Script</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <property-name>onsubmit</property-name>
- <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
- <property-extension>
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property-extension>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Form Submit Script</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <property-name>onsubmit</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
- <description>
+ <description>
         Name of a frame where the response
         retrieved after this form submit is to
         be displayed.
- </description>
- <display-name>Target Frame</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <property-name>target</property-name>
- <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
- <property-extension>
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property-extension>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Target Frame</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <property-name>target</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
Index: jsf-api/doc/graphic-image-attrs.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/graphic-image-attrs.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 graphic-image-attrs.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/graphic-image-attrs.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:36:59 -0000 1.3
+++ jsf-api/doc/graphic-image-attrs.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:12 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,87 +21,87 @@
- <description>
+ <description>
         Alternate textual description of the
         element rendered by this component.
- </description>
- <display-name>Alternate Text</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <attribute-name>alt</attribute-name>
- <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
- <attribute-extension>
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute-extension>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Alternate Text</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <attribute-name>alt</attribute-name>
+ <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
+ <attribute-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </attribute-extension>
- <description>
+ <description>
         Override for the height of this image.
- </description>
- <display-name>Image Height</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <attribute-name>height</attribute-name>
- <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
- <attribute-extension>
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute-extension>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Image Height</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <attribute-name>height</attribute-name>
+ <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
+ <attribute-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </attribute-extension>
- <description>
+ <description>
         Flag indicating that this image is to be
         used as a server side image map. Such an image
         must be enclosed within a hyperlink ("a").
- </description>
- <display-name>Image Map Flag</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <attribute-name>ismap</attribute-name>
- <attribute-class>boolean</attribute-class>
- <attribute-extension>
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute-extension>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Image Map Flag</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <attribute-name>ismap</attribute-name>
+ <attribute-class>boolean</attribute-class>
+ <attribute-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </attribute-extension>
- <description>
+ <description>
         URI to a long description of the image
         represented by this element.
- </description>
- <display-name>Long Description</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <attribute-name>longdesc</attribute-name>
- <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
- <attribute-extension>
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute-extension>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Long Description</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <attribute-name>longdesc</attribute-name>
+ <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
+ <attribute-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </attribute-extension>
- <description>
+ <description>
         The name of a client side image map (an HTML "map"
         element) for which this element provides the image.
- </description>
- <display-name>Use Image Map</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <attribute-name>usemap</attribute-name>
- <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
- <attribute-extension>
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute-extension>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Use Image Map</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <attribute-name>usemap</attribute-name>
+ <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
+ <attribute-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </attribute-extension>
- <description>
+ <description>
         Override for the width of this image.
- </description>
- <display-name>Image Width</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <attribute-name>width</attribute-name>
- <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
- <attribute-extension>
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute-extension>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Image Width</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <attribute-name>width</attribute-name>
+ <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
+ <attribute-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </attribute-extension>
Index: jsf-api/doc/graphic-image-props.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/graphic-image-props.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 graphic-image-props.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/graphic-image-props.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:36:59 -0000 1.3
+++ jsf-api/doc/graphic-image-props.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:12 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,87 +21,87 @@
- <description>
+ <description>
         Alternate textual description of the
         element rendered by this component.
- </description>
- <display-name>Alternate Text</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <property-name>alt</property-name>
- <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
- <property-extension>
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property-extension>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Alternate Text</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <property-name>alt</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
- <description>
+ <description>
         Override for the height of this image.
- </description>
- <display-name>Image Height</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <property-name>height</property-name>
- <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
- <property-extension>
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property-extension>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Image Height</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <property-name>height</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
- <description>
+ <description>
         Flag indicating that this image is to be
         used as a server side image map. Such an image
         must be enclosed within a hyperlink ("a").
- </description>
- <display-name>Image Map Flag</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <property-name>ismap</property-name>
- <property-class>boolean</property-class>
- <property-extension>
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property-extension>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Image Map Flag</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <property-name>ismap</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
- <description>
+ <description>
         URI to a long description of the image
         represented by this element.
- </description>
- <display-name>Long Description</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <property-name>longdesc</property-name>
- <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
- <property-extension>
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property-extension>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Long Description</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <property-name>longdesc</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
- <description>
+ <description>
         The name of a client side image map (an HTML "map"
         element) for which this element provides the image.
- </description>
- <display-name>Use Image Map</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <property-name>usemap</property-name>
- <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
- <property-extension>
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property-extension>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Use Image Map</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <property-name>usemap</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
- <description>
+ <description>
         Override for the width of this image.
- </description>
- <display-name>Image Width</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <property-name>width</property-name>
- <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
- <property-extension>
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property-extension>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Image Width</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <property-name>width</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
Index: jsf-api/doc/i18n-attrs.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/i18n-attrs.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -r1.6 i18n-attrs.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/i18n-attrs.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:36:59 -0000 1.6
+++ jsf-api/doc/i18n-attrs.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:12 -0000
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
- <attribute>
+ <attribute>
           Direction indication for text that does not inherit directionality.
           Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-right) and "RTL" (right-to-left).
@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute>
+ </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ <attribute>
           Code describing the language used in the generated markup
           for this component.
@@ -46,7 +46,8 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute>
+ </attribute>
Index: jsf-api/doc/i18n-props.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/i18n-props.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -r1.6 i18n-props.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/i18n-props.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:37:00 -0000 1.6
+++ jsf-api/doc/i18n-props.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:12 -0000
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
- <property>
+ <property>
           Direction indication for text that does not inherit directionality.
           Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-right) and "RTL" (right-to-left).
@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property>
+ </property>
- <property>
+ <property>
           Code describing the language used in the generated markup
           for this component.
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property>
+ </property>
Index: jsf-api/doc/input-attrs.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/input-attrs.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 input-attrs.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/input-attrs.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:37:00 -0000 1.3
+++ jsf-api/doc/input-attrs.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:12 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
- <attribute>
+ <attribute>
           Flag indicating that this element must never
           receive focus or be included in a subsequent
@@ -33,11 +33,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute>
+ </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ <attribute>
           Javascript code executed when this element loses focus
           and its value has been modified since gaining focus.
@@ -47,11 +47,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute>
+ </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ <attribute>
           Javascript code executed when text within this
           element is selected by the user.
@@ -61,11 +61,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute>
+ </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ <attribute>
           Flag indicating that this component will prohibit
           changes by the user. The element may receive focus
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute>
+ </attribute>
Index: jsf-api/doc/input-props.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/input-props.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 input-props.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/input-props.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:37:00 -0000 1.3
+++ jsf-api/doc/input-props.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:12 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
- <property>
+ <property>
           Flag indicating that this element must never
           receive focus or be included in a subsequent
@@ -33,11 +33,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property>
+ </property>
- <property>
+ <property>
           Javascript code executed when this element loses focus
           and its value has been modified since gaining focus.
@@ -47,11 +47,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property>
+ </property>
- <property>
+ <property>
           Javascript code executed when text within this
           element is selected by the user.
@@ -61,11 +61,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property>
+ </property>
- <property>
+ <property>
           Flag indicating that this component will prohibit
           changes by the user. The element may receive focus
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property>
+ </property>
Index: jsf-api/doc/input-secret-attrs.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/input-secret-attrs.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 input-secret-attrs.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/input-secret-attrs.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:37:00 -0000 1.3
+++ jsf-api/doc/input-secret-attrs.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:12 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,18 +21,19 @@
- <description>
+ <description>
         Flag indicating that any existing value
         in this field should be rendered when the
         form is created. Because this is a potential
         security risk, password values are not
         displayed by default.
- </description>
- <display-name>Redisplay Flag</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <attribute-name>redisplay</attribute-name>
- <attribute-class>boolean</attribute-class>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Redisplay Flag</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <attribute-name>redisplay</attribute-name>
+ <attribute-class>boolean</attribute-class>
Index: jsf-api/doc/input-secret-props.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/input-secret-props.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 input-secret-props.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/input-secret-props.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:37:00 -0000 1.3
+++ jsf-api/doc/input-secret-props.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:12 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,18 +21,18 @@
- <description>
+ <description>
         Flag indicating that any existing value
         in this field should be rendered when the
         form is created. Because this is a potential
         security risk, password values are not
         displayed by default.
- </description>
- <display-name>Redisplay Flag</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <property-name>redisplay</property-name>
- <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Redisplay Flag</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <property-name>redisplay</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
Index: jsf-api/doc/input-textarea-attrs.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/input-textarea-attrs.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 input-textarea-attrs.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/input-textarea-attrs.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:37:00 -0000 1.3
+++ jsf-api/doc/input-textarea-attrs.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:12 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,30 +21,30 @@
- <description>
+ <description>
         The number of columns to be displayed.
- </description>
- <display-name>Columns</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <attribute-name>cols</attribute-name>
- <attribute-class>int</attribute-class>
- <attribute-extension>
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute-extension>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Columns</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <attribute-name>cols</attribute-name>
+ <attribute-class>int</attribute-class>
+ <attribute-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </attribute-extension>
- <description>
+ <description>
         The number of rows to be displayed.
- </description>
- <display-name>Rows</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <attribute-name>rows</attribute-name>
- <attribute-class>int</attribute-class>
- <attribute-extension>
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute-extension>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rows</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <attribute-name>rows</attribute-name>
+ <attribute-class>int</attribute-class>
+ <attribute-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </attribute-extension>
Index: jsf-api/doc/input-textarea-props.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/input-textarea-props.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 input-textarea-props.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/input-textarea-props.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:37:00 -0000 1.3
+++ jsf-api/doc/input-textarea-props.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:12 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,30 +21,30 @@
- <description>
+ <description>
         The number of columns to be displayed.
- </description>
- <display-name>Columns</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <property-name>cols</property-name>
- <property-class>int</property-class>
- <property-extension>
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property-extension>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Columns</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <property-name>cols</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
- <description>
+ <description>
         The number of rows to be displayed.
- </description>
- <display-name>Rows</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <property-name>rows</property-name>
- <property-class>int</property-class>
- <property-extension>
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property-extension>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rows</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <property-name>rows</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
Index: jsf-api/doc/link-attrs.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/link-attrs.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 link-attrs.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/link-attrs.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:37:00 -0000 1.3
+++ jsf-api/doc/link-attrs.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:12 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
           The character encoding of the resource designated
@@ -141,4 +141,4 @@
Index: jsf-api/doc/link-props.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/link-props.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 link-props.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/link-props.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:37:00 -0000 1.3
+++ jsf-api/doc/link-props.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:12 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
- <property>
+ <property>
           The character encoding of the resource designated
           by this hyperlink.
@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property>
+ </property>
- <property>
+ <property>
           The position and shape of the hot spot on the screen
           (for use in client-side image maps).
@@ -46,11 +46,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property>
+ </property>
- <property>
+ <property>
           The language code of the resource designated
           by this hyperlink.
@@ -60,43 +60,43 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property>
+ </property>
- <property>
+ <property>
           The relationship from the current document
           to the anchor specified by this hyperlink.
           The value of this attribute is a space-separated
- list of link types.
+ list of link types.
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property>
+ </property>
- <property>
+ <property>
           A reverse link from the anchor specified
           by this hyperlink to the current document.
           The value of this attribute is a space-separated
- list of link types.
+ list of link types.
         <display-name>Reverse Link</display-name>
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property>
+ </property>
- <property>
+ <property>
           The shape of the hot spot on the screen
           (for use in client-side image maps). Valid
@@ -109,11 +109,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property>
+ </property>
- <property>
+ <property>
           Name of a frame where the resource
           retrieved via this hyperlink is to
@@ -124,11 +124,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property>
+ </property>
- <property>
+ <property>
           The content type of the resource designated
           by this hyperlink.
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property>
+ </property>
Index: jsf-api/doc/list-attrs.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/list-attrs.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 list-attrs.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/list-attrs.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:37:01 -0000 1.4
+++ jsf-api/doc/list-attrs.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:12 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,16 +21,17 @@
- <description>
+ <description>
         Orientation of the list to be created. Valid values
         are "pageDirection" (list is laid out vertically), or
         "lineDirection" (list is laid out horizontally).
- </description>
- <display-name>Layout</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <attribute-name>layout</attribute-name>
- <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Layout</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <attribute-name>layout</attribute-name>
+ <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
Index: jsf-api/doc/list-props.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/list-props.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 list-props.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/list-props.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:37:01 -0000 1.4
+++ jsf-api/doc/list-props.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:12 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,16 +21,17 @@
- <description>
+ <description>
         Orientation of the list to be created. Valid values
         are "pageDirection" (list is laid out vertically), or
         "lineDirection" (list is laid out horizontally).
- </description>
- <display-name>Layout</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <property-name>layout</property-name>
- <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Layout</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <property-name>layout</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
Index: jsf-api/doc/listbox-attrs.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/listbox-attrs.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 listbox-attrs.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/listbox-attrs.xml 8 Apr 2004 20:01:25 -0000 1.4
+++ jsf-api/doc/listbox-attrs.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:12 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,37 +21,37 @@
- <description>
+ <description>
          CSS style class to apply to the rendered label
          on disabled options.
- </description>
- <display-name>Disabled Label Class</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <attribute-name>disabledClass</attribute-name>
- <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Disabled Label Class</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <attribute-name>disabledClass</attribute-name>
+ <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
- <description>
+ <description>
          CSS style class to apply to the rendered label
          on enabled options.
- </description>
- <display-name>Enabled Label Class</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <attribute-name>enabledClass</attribute-name>
- <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Enabled Label Class</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <attribute-name>enabledClass</attribute-name>
+ <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
- <description>
+ <description>
         Number of available options to be shown at all times.
         If not specified, all available options are shown.
- </description>
- <display-name>Size</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <attribute-name>size</attribute-name>
- <attribute-class>int</attribute-class>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Size</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <attribute-name>size</attribute-name>
+ <attribute-class>int</attribute-class>
Index: jsf-api/doc/listbox-props.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/listbox-props.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 listbox-props.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/listbox-props.xml 8 Apr 2004 20:01:25 -0000 1.4
+++ jsf-api/doc/listbox-props.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:13 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,37 +21,37 @@
- <description>
+ <description>
          CSS style class to apply to the rendered label
          on disabled options.
- </description>
- <display-name>Disabled Label Class</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <property-name>disabledClass</property-name>
- <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Disabled Label Class</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <property-name>disabledClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
- <description>
+ <description>
          CSS style class to apply to the rendered label
          on enabled options.
- </description>
- <display-name>Enabled Label Class</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <property-name>enabledClass</property-name>
- <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Enabled Label Class</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <property-name>enabledClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
- <description>
+ <description>
         Number of available options to be shown at all times.
         If not specified, all available options are shown.
- </description>
- <display-name>Size</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <property-name>size</property-name>
- <property-class>int</property-class>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Size</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <property-name>size</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
Index: jsf-api/doc/menu-attrs.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/menu-attrs.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 menu-attrs.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/menu-attrs.xml 8 Apr 2004 20:01:25 -0000 1.1
+++ jsf-api/doc/menu-attrs.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:13 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,25 +21,26 @@
- <description>
+ <description>
          CSS style class to apply to the rendered label
          on disabled options.
- </description>
- <display-name>Disabled Label Class</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <attribute-name>disabledClass</attribute-name>
- <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Disabled Label Class</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <attribute-name>disabledClass</attribute-name>
+ <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
- <description>
+ <description>
          CSS style class to apply to the rendered label
          on enabled options.
- </description>
- <display-name>Enabled Label Class</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <attribute-name>enabledClass</attribute-name>
- <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Enabled Label Class</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <attribute-name>enabledClass</attribute-name>
+ <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
Index: jsf-api/doc/menu-props.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/menu-props.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 menu-props.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/menu-props.xml 8 Apr 2004 20:01:25 -0000 1.1
+++ jsf-api/doc/menu-props.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:13 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,25 +21,26 @@
- <description>
+ <description>
          CSS style class to apply to the rendered label
          on disabled options.
- </description>
- <display-name>Disabled Label Class</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <property-name>disabledClass</property-name>
- <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Disabled Label Class</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <property-name>disabledClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
- <description>
+ <description>
          CSS style class to apply to the rendered label
          on enabled options.
- </description>
- <display-name>Enabled Label Class</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <property-name>enabledClass</property-name>
- <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Enabled Label Class</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <property-name>enabledClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: jsf-api/doc/message-message-attrs.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/message-message-attrs.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 message-message-attrs.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/message-message-attrs.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:37:01 -0000 1.4
+++ jsf-api/doc/message-message-attrs.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:13 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
- <attribute>
+ <attribute>
           CSS style class to apply to any message
           with a severity class of "ERROR".
@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@
- </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
           CSS style(s) to apply to any message
           with a severity class of "ERROR".
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@
- </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
           CSS style class to apply to any message
           with a severity class of "FATAL".
@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@
- </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
           CSS style(s) to apply to any message
           with a severity class of "FATAL".
@@ -64,9 +64,9 @@
- </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
           CSS style class to apply to any message
           with a severity class of "INFO".
@@ -75,9 +75,9 @@
- </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
           CSS style(s) to apply to any message
           with a severity class of "INFO".
@@ -86,9 +86,9 @@
- </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
           Flag indicating whether the detail portion of the
           message should be displayed as a tooltip.
@@ -97,9 +97,9 @@
- </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
           CSS style class to apply to any message
           with a severity class of "WARN".
@@ -108,9 +108,9 @@
- </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
           CSS style(s) to apply to any message
           with a severity class of "WARN".
@@ -119,5 +119,5 @@
- </attribute>
+ </attribute>
Index: jsf-api/doc/message-message-props.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/message-message-props.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 message-message-props.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/message-message-props.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:37:01 -0000 1.4
+++ jsf-api/doc/message-message-props.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:13 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
- <property>
+ <property>
           CSS style class to apply to any message
           with a severity class of "ERROR".
@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@
- </property>
- <property>
+ </property>
+ <property>
           CSS style(s) to apply to any message
           with a severity class of "ERROR".
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@
- </property>
- <property>
+ </property>
+ <property>
           CSS style class to apply to any message
           with a severity class of "FATAL".
@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@
- </property>
- <property>
+ </property>
+ <property>
           CSS style(s) to apply to any message
           with a severity class of "FATAL".
@@ -64,9 +64,9 @@
- </property>
- <property>
+ </property>
+ <property>
           CSS style class to apply to any message
           with a severity class of "INFO".
@@ -75,9 +75,9 @@
- </property>
- <property>
+ </property>
+ <property>
           CSS style(s) to apply to any message
           with a severity class of "INFO".
@@ -86,9 +86,9 @@
- </property>
- <property>
+ </property>
+ <property>
           Flag indicating whether the detail portion of the
           message should be displayed as a tooltip.
@@ -97,9 +97,9 @@
- </property>
- <property>
+ </property>
+ <property>
           CSS style class to apply to any message
           with a severity class of "WARN".
@@ -108,9 +108,9 @@
- </property>
- <property>
+ </property>
+ <property>
           CSS style(s) to apply to any message
           with a severity class of "WARN".
@@ -119,5 +119,5 @@
- </property>
+ </property>
Index: jsf-api/doc/messages-messages-attrs.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/messages-messages-attrs.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 messages-messages-attrs.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/messages-messages-attrs.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:37:01 -0000 1.3
+++ jsf-api/doc/messages-messages-attrs.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:13 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
- <attribute>
+ <attribute>
           CSS style class to apply to any message
           with a severity class of "ERROR".
@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@
- </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
           CSS style(s) to apply to any message
           with a severity class of "ERROR".
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@
- </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
           CSS style class to apply to any message
           with a severity class of "FATAL".
@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@
- </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
           CSS style(s) to apply to any message
           with a severity class of "FATAL".
@@ -64,9 +64,9 @@
- </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
           CSS style class to apply to any message
           with a severity class of "INFO".
@@ -75,9 +75,9 @@
- </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
           CSS style(s) to apply to any message
           with a severity class of "INFO".
@@ -86,9 +86,9 @@
- </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
           The type of layout markup to use when rendering
           error messages. Valid values are "table" (an HTML
@@ -100,11 +100,11 @@
- <default-value>"list"</default-value>
+ <default-value>"list"</default-value>
- </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
           Flag indicating whether the detail portion of the
           message should be displayed as a tooltip.
@@ -113,9 +113,9 @@
- </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
           CSS style class to apply to any message
           with a severity class of "WARN".
@@ -124,9 +124,9 @@
- </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
           CSS style(s) to apply to any message
           with a severity class of "WARN".
@@ -135,5 +135,5 @@
- </attribute>
+ </attribute>
Index: jsf-api/doc/messages-messages-props.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/messages-messages-props.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 messages-messages-props.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/messages-messages-props.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:37:01 -0000 1.3
+++ jsf-api/doc/messages-messages-props.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:13 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
- <property>
+ <property>
           CSS style class to apply to any message
           with a severity class of "ERROR".
@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@
- </property>
- <property>
+ </property>
+ <property>
           CSS style(s) to apply to any message
           with a severity class of "ERROR".
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@
- </property>
- <property>
+ </property>
+ <property>
           CSS style class to apply to any message
           with a severity class of "FATAL".
@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@
- </property>
- <property>
+ </property>
+ <property>
           CSS style(s) to apply to any message
           with a severity class of "FATAL".
@@ -64,9 +64,9 @@
- </property>
- <property>
+ </property>
+ <property>
           CSS style class to apply to any message
           with a severity class of "INFO".
@@ -75,9 +75,9 @@
- </property>
- <property>
+ </property>
+ <property>
           CSS style(s) to apply to any message
           with a severity class of "INFO".
@@ -86,9 +86,9 @@
- </property>
- <property>
+ </property>
+ <property>
           The type of layout markup to use when rendering
           error messages. Valid values are "table" (an HTML
@@ -100,11 +100,11 @@
- <default-value>"list"</default-value>
+ <default-value>"list"</default-value>
- </property>
- <property>
+ </property>
+ <property>
           Flag indicating whether the detail portion of the
           message should be displayed as a tooltip.
@@ -113,9 +113,9 @@
- </property>
- <property>
+ </property>
+ <property>
           CSS style class to apply to any message
           with a severity class of "WARN".
@@ -124,9 +124,9 @@
- </property>
- <property>
+ </property>
+ <property>
           CSS style(s) to apply to any message
           with a severity class of "WARN".
@@ -135,5 +135,5 @@
- </property>
+ </property>
Index: jsf-api/doc/output-format-attrs.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/output-format-attrs.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 output-format-attrs.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/output-format-attrs.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:37:02 -0000 1.2
+++ jsf-api/doc/output-format-attrs.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:13 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,19 +21,19 @@
- <description>
+ <description>
         Flag indicating that characters that are sensitive
         in HTML and XML markup must be escaped. This flag
         is set to "true" by default.
- </description>
- <display-name>Escape Characters</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <attribute-name>escape</attribute-name>
- <attribute-class>boolean</attribute-class>
- <attribute-extension>
- <default-value>true</default-value>
- </attribute-extension>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Escape Characters</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <attribute-name>escape</attribute-name>
+ <attribute-class>boolean</attribute-class>
+ <attribute-extension>
+ <default-value>true</default-value>
+ </attribute-extension>
Index: jsf-api/doc/output-format-props.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/output-format-props.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 output-format-props.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/output-format-props.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:37:02 -0000 1.2
+++ jsf-api/doc/output-format-props.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:13 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,19 +21,19 @@
- <description>
+ <description>
         Flag indicating that characters that are sensitive
         in HTML and XML markup must be escaped. This flag
         is set to "true" by default.
- </description>
- <display-name>Escape Characters</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <property-name>escape</property-name>
- <property-class>boolean</property-class>
- <property-extension>
- <default-value>true</default-value>
- </property-extension>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Escape Characters</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <property-name>escape</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <default-value>true</default-value>
+ </property-extension>
Index: jsf-api/doc/output-label-attrs.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/output-label-attrs.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 output-label-attrs.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/output-label-attrs.xml 11 Mar 2004 22:27:39 -0000 1.4
+++ jsf-api/doc/output-label-attrs.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:13 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,18 +21,18 @@
- <description>
+ <description>
         Client identifier of the component for which this element
         is a label.
- </description>
- <display-name>Label For Identifier</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <attribute-name>for</attribute-name>
- <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
- <attribute-extension>
- <required>false</required>
- </attribute-extension>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Label For Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <attribute-name>for</attribute-name>
+ <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
+ <attribute-extension>
+ <required>false</required>
+ </attribute-extension>
Index: jsf-api/doc/output-label-props.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/output-label-props.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 output-label-props.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/output-label-props.xml 11 Mar 2004 22:27:39 -0000 1.4
+++ jsf-api/doc/output-label-props.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:13 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,18 +21,19 @@
- <description>
+ <description>
         Client identifier of the component for which this element
         is a label.
- </description>
- <display-name>Label For Identifier</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <property-name>for</property-name>
- <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
- <property-extension>
- <required>false</required>
- </property-extension>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Label For Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <property-name>for</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <required>false</required>
+ </property-extension>
Index: jsf-api/doc/output-text-attrs.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/output-text-attrs.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 output-text-attrs.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/output-text-attrs.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:37:02 -0000 1.3
+++ jsf-api/doc/output-text-attrs.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:13 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,19 +21,19 @@
- <description>
+ <description>
         Flag indicating that characters that are sensitive
         in HTML and XML markup must be escaped. This flag
         is set to "true" by default.
- </description>
- <display-name>Escape Characters</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <attribute-name>escape</attribute-name>
- <attribute-class>boolean</attribute-class>
- <attribute-extension>
- <default-value>true</default-value>
- </attribute-extension>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Escape Characters</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <attribute-name>escape</attribute-name>
+ <attribute-class>boolean</attribute-class>
+ <attribute-extension>
+ <default-value>true</default-value>
+ </attribute-extension>
Index: jsf-api/doc/output-text-props.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/output-text-props.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 output-text-props.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/output-text-props.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:37:02 -0000 1.3
+++ jsf-api/doc/output-text-props.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:13 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,19 +21,19 @@
- <description>
+ <description>
         Flag indicating that characters that are sensitive
         in HTML and XML markup must be escaped. This flag
         is set to "true" by default.
- </description>
- <display-name>Escape Characters</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <property-name>escape</property-name>
- <property-class>boolean</property-class>
- <property-extension>
- <default-value>true</default-value>
- </property-extension>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Escape Characters</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <property-name>escape</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <default-value>true</default-value>
+ </property-extension>
Index: jsf-api/doc/panel-grid-attrs.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/panel-grid-attrs.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 panel-grid-attrs.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/panel-grid-attrs.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:37:02 -0000 1.3
+++ jsf-api/doc/panel-grid-attrs.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:13 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,15 +21,15 @@
- <description>
+ <description>
         The number of columns to render before
         starting a new row.
- </description>
- <display-name>Columns</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <attribute-name>columns</attribute-name>
- <attribute-class>int</attribute-class>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Columns</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <attribute-name>columns</attribute-name>
+ <attribute-class>int</attribute-class>
Index: jsf-api/doc/panel-grid-props.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/panel-grid-props.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 panel-grid-props.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/panel-grid-props.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:37:02 -0000 1.3
+++ jsf-api/doc/panel-grid-props.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:13 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,15 +21,15 @@
- <description>
+ <description>
         The number of columns to render before
         starting a new row.
- </description>
- <display-name>Columns</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <property-name>columns</property-name>
- <property-class>int</property-class>
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Columns</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <property-name>columns</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
Index: jsf-api/doc/panel-group-attrs.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/panel-group-attrs.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 panel-group-attrs.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/panel-group-attrs.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:37:02 -0000 1.3
+++ jsf-api/doc/panel-group-attrs.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:14 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,21 +21,21 @@
- <attribute>
- <description>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
           CSS style(s) to be applied when this component is rendered.
- <display-name>CSS Styles</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <attribute-name>style</attribute-name>
- <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
+ <display-name>CSS Styles</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <attribute-name>style</attribute-name>
+ <attribute-class>java.lang.String</attribute-class>
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute>
+ </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ <attribute>
           Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied when
           this element is rendered. This value must be passed through
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
- <pass-through>false</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>false</pass-through>
- </attribute>
+ </attribute>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: jsf-api/doc/panel-group-props.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/panel-group-props.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 panel-group-props.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/panel-group-props.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:37:03 -0000 1.3
+++ jsf-api/doc/panel-group-props.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:14 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,21 +21,21 @@
- <property>
- <description>
+ <property>
+ <description>
           CSS style(s) to be applied when this component is rendered.
- <display-name>CSS Styles</display-name>
- <icon></icon>
- <property-name>style</property-name>
- <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <display-name>CSS Styles</display-name>
+ <icon></icon>
+ <property-name>style</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property>
+ </property>
- <property>
+ <property>
           Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied when
           this element is rendered. This value must be passed through
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
- <pass-through>false</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>false</pass-through>
- </property>
+ </property>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: jsf-api/doc/selectmany-checkbox-attrs.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/selectmany-checkbox-attrs.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 selectmany-checkbox-attrs.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/selectmany-checkbox-attrs.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:37:03 -0000 1.4
+++ jsf-api/doc/selectmany-checkbox-attrs.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:14 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
- <attribute>
+ <attribute>
           Width (in pixels) of the border to be drawn
           around the table containing the options list.
@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute>
+ </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ <attribute>
           CSS style class to apply to the rendered label
           on disabled options.
@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@
- </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
           CSS style class to apply to the rendered label
           on enabled options.
@@ -56,9 +56,9 @@
- </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
           Orientation of the options list to be created.
           Valid values are "pageDirection" (list is laid
@@ -70,5 +70,5 @@
- </attribute>
+ </attribute>
Index: jsf-api/doc/selectmany-checkbox-props.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/selectmany-checkbox-props.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 selectmany-checkbox-props.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/selectmany-checkbox-props.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:37:03 -0000 1.4
+++ jsf-api/doc/selectmany-checkbox-props.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:14 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
- <property>
+ <property>
           Width (in pixels) of the border to be drawn
           around the table containing the options list.
@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property>
+ </property>
- <property>
+ <property>
           CSS style class to apply to the rendered label
           on disabled options.
@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@
- </property>
- <property>
+ </property>
+ <property>
           CSS style class to apply to the rendered label
           on enabled options.
@@ -56,9 +56,9 @@
- </property>
- <property>
+ </property>
+ <property>
           Orientation of the options list to be created.
           Valid values are "pageDirection" (list is laid
@@ -70,5 +70,6 @@
- </property>
+ </property>
Index: jsf-api/doc/selectone-radio-attrs.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/selectone-radio-attrs.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 selectone-radio-attrs.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/selectone-radio-attrs.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:37:03 -0000 1.4
+++ jsf-api/doc/selectone-radio-attrs.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:14 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
- <attribute>
+ <attribute>
           Width (in pixels) of the border to be drawn
           around the table containing the options list.
@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </attribute>
+ </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ <attribute>
           CSS style class to apply to the rendered label
           on disabled options.
@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@
- </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
           CSS style class to apply to the rendered label
           on enabled options.
@@ -56,9 +56,9 @@
- </attribute>
- <attribute>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
           Orientation of the options list to be created.
           Valid values are "pageDirection" (list is laid
@@ -70,5 +70,5 @@
- </attribute>
+ </attribute>
Index: jsf-api/doc/selectone-radio-props.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/selectone-radio-props.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 selectone-radio-props.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/selectone-radio-props.xml 4 Feb 2004 23:37:03 -0000 1.4
+++ jsf-api/doc/selectone-radio-props.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:14 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
- <property>
+ <property>
           Width (in pixels) of the border to be drawn
           around the table containing the options list.
@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@
- <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
- </property>
+ </property>
- <property>
+ <property>
           CSS style class to apply to the rendered label
           on disabled options.
@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@
- </property>
- <property>
+ </property>
+ <property>
           CSS style class to apply to the rendered label
           on enabled options.
@@ -56,9 +56,9 @@
- </property>
- <property>
+ </property>
+ <property>
           Orientation of the options list to be created.
           Valid values are "pageDirection" (list is laid
@@ -70,5 +70,5 @@
- </property>
+ </property>
Index: jsf-api/doc/standard-html-renderkit.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/standard-html-renderkit.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.67
diff -u -r1.67 standard-html-renderkit.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/standard-html-renderkit.xml 2 Nov 2004 20:30:20 -0000 1.67
+++ jsf-api/doc/standard-html-renderkit.xml 8 Nov 2004 14:51:41 -0000
@@ -1,118 +1,15 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
  SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
-<!DOCTYPE faces-config PUBLIC
- "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JavaServer Faces Config 1.1//EN"
- "" [
- <!ENTITY actionsource-props SYSTEM "actionsource-props.xml">
- <!ENTITY valueholder-props SYSTEM "valueholder-props.xml">
- <!ENTITY editable-props SYSTEM "editable-props.xml">
- <!ENTITY uicomponent-props SYSTEM "uicomponent-props.xml">
- <!ENTITY uicolumn-props SYSTEM "uicolumn-props.xml">
- <!ENTITY uicommand-props SYSTEM "uicommand-props.xml">
- <!ENTITY uidata-props SYSTEM "uidata-props.xml">
- <!ENTITY uiform-props SYSTEM "uiform-props.xml">
- <!ENTITY uigraphic-props SYSTEM "uigraphic-props.xml">
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- <!ENTITY uimessages-props SYSTEM "uimessages-props.xml">
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- <!ENTITY uioutput-props SYSTEM "uioutput-props.xml">
- <!ENTITY uipanel-props SYSTEM "uipanel-props.xml">
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- <!ENTITY list-props SYSTEM "list-props.xml">
- <!ENTITY listbox-props SYSTEM "listbox-props.xml">
- <!ENTITY menu-props SYSTEM "menu-props.xml">
- <!ENTITY table-props SYSTEM "table-props.xml">
- <!ENTITY text-props SYSTEM "text-props.xml">
- <!ENTITY command-button-props SYSTEM "command-button-props.xml">
- <!ENTITY form-form-props SYSTEM "form-form-props.xml">
- <!ENTITY graphic-image-props SYSTEM "graphic-image-props.xml">
- <!ENTITY input-secret-props SYSTEM "input-secret-props.xml">
- <!ENTITY input-textarea-props SYSTEM "input-textarea-props.xml">
- <!ENTITY message-message-props SYSTEM "message-message-props.xml">
- <!ENTITY messages-messages-props SYSTEM "messages-messages-props.xml">
- <!ENTITY output-format-props SYSTEM "output-format-props.xml">
- <!ENTITY output-label-props SYSTEM "output-label-props.xml">
- <!ENTITY output-text-props SYSTEM "output-text-props.xml">
- <!ENTITY panel-grid-props SYSTEM "panel-grid-props.xml">
- <!ENTITY panel-group-props SYSTEM "panel-group-props.xml">
- <!ENTITY selectmany-checkbox-props SYSTEM "selectmany-checkbox-props.xml">
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- <!ENTITY core-attrs SYSTEM "core-attrs.xml">
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- <!ENTITY graphic-image-attrs SYSTEM "graphic-image-attrs.xml">
- <!ENTITY input-secret-attrs SYSTEM "input-secret-attrs.xml">
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- <!ENTITY message-message-attrs SYSTEM "message-message-attrs.xml">
- <!ENTITY messages-messages-attrs SYSTEM "messages-messages-attrs.xml">
- <!ENTITY output-format-attrs SYSTEM "output-format-attrs.xml">
- <!ENTITY output-label-attrs SYSTEM "output-label-attrs.xml">
- <!ENTITY output-text-attrs SYSTEM "output-text-attrs.xml">
- <!ENTITY panel-grid-attrs SYSTEM "panel-grid-attrs.xml">
- <!ENTITY panel-group-attrs SYSTEM "panel-group-attrs.xml">
- <!ENTITY selectmany-checkbox-attrs SYSTEM "selectmany-checkbox-attrs.xml">
- <!ENTITY selectone-radio-attrs SYSTEM "selectone-radio-attrs.xml">
- <!ELEMENT base-component-type (#PCDATA)>
- <!ELEMENT exclude-attributes (#PCDATA)>
- <!ELEMENT pass-through (#PCDATA)>
- <!ELEMENT read-only (#PCDATA)>
- <!ELEMENT renders-children (#PCDATA)>
- <!ELEMENT required (#PCDATA)>
- <!ELEMENT tag-attribute (#PCDATA)>
- <!ELEMENT tag-name (#PCDATA)>
- <!ENTITY % impl SYSTEM "standard-html-renderkit-impl.xml">
- %impl;
 <!-- =========== FULL CONFIGURATION FILE ================================== -->
- <!-- Generic User Interface Components -->
+<faces-config xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="1.2">
+<!-- Generic User Interface Components -->
@@ -122,840 +19,15540 @@
- &uicolumn-props;
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- &uicommand-props;
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ MethodBinding representing the application action to invoke when
+ this component is activated by the user. The expression must
+ evaluate to a public method that takes no parameters, and returns
+ a String (the logical outcome) which is passed to the
+ NavigationHandler for this application.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Application Action</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>action</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.el.MethodBinding</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ MethodBinding representing an action listener method that will be
+ notified when this component is activated by the user. The
+ expression must evaluate to a public method that takes an
+ ActionEvent parameter, with a return type of void.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Action Listener</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>actionListener</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.el.MethodBinding</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that, if this component is activated by the user,
+ notifications should be delivered to interested listeners and actions
+ immediately (that is, during Apply Request Values phase) rather than
+ waiting until Invoke Application phase.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Immediate Action</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>immediate</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The current value of this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>value</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ </property>
- &uidata-props;
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Zero-relative row number of the first row to be displayed. If this
+ property is set to zero, rendering will begin with the first row of
+ the underlying data.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>First Row Index</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>first</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether there is model data available for the row
+ selected by the current value of the "rowIndex" property.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Row Available Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rowAvailable</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of rows of model data that are available for processing
+ by this component. If the number of rows is unknown, this property
+ will be set to -1.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Row Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rowCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ An object representing the model data for the row selected by the
+ current value of the "rowIndex" property.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Row Data</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rowData</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Zero-relative index of the currently selected row from the underlying
+ model data. No error will occur if this property is set to point at
+ a row for which no model data exists. To ensure data availability,
+ check the state of the "rowAvailable" property after modifying this
+ property.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Row Index</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rowIndex</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of rows to display, starting with the one identified by the
+ "first" property. If this value is set to zero, all available rows in
+ the underlying data model will be displayed.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rows To Display</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rows</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The current value of this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>value</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Name of a request-scope attribute under which the model data for the
+ row selected by the current value of the "rowIndex" property (i.e.
+ also the current value of the "rowData" property) will be exposed.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Row Data Attribute</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>var</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
- &uiform-props;
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this form was the one submitted by
+ the user. If this flag is not set, child input components are not
+ processed.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Submitted Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>submitted</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- &uigraphic-props;
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Context-relative URL to retrieve the resource associated with
+ this component. This is an alias for the "value" property.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Source URL</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>url</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The current value of this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>value</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ </property>
- &uiinput-props;
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Converter instance registered with this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Converter</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>converter</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.convert.Converter</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ For output components, this is the same as the "value" property.
+ For input components, this is the most recently user-entered
+ value, which will be pushed to the application data model during
+ Update Model Values phase, if a value binding is present for the
+ "value" property.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Local Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>localValue</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The current value of this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>value</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether the "localValue" property
+ of this component has been set. This property is
+ reset automatically when the "value" propertyis set.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Local Value Set</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>localValueSet</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that the user is required to provide a submitted
+ value for this input component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Required Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>required</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The value submitted for this input component by the user, prior to
+ any required conversion or validation.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Submitted Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>submittedValue</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ MethodBinding representing a validator method that will be called
+ during Process Validations to perform correctness checks on the
+ value of this component. The expression must evaluate to a public
+ method that takes FacesContext, UIComponent, and Object parameters,
+ with a return type of void.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Validator</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>validator</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.el.MethodBinding</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ MethodBinding representing a value change listener method that will be
+ notified when a new value has been set for this input component. The
+ expression must evaluate to a public method that takes a
+ ValueChangeEvent parameter, with a return type of void.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value Change Listener</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>valueChangeListener</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.el.MethodBinding</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that this component's value must be
+ converted and validated immediately (that is, during
+ Apply Request Values phase), rather than waiting
+ until Process Validations phase.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Immediate Action</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>immediate</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not any required conversion or validation
+ on this component value has been performed successfully.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Valid Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>valid</property-name>
+ <property-class>valid</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- &uimessage-props;
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Client identifier of the component for which to display messages.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Associated Client Id</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>for</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <required>true</required>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether the summary portion of displayed messages
+ should be included. Default value is "true".
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Show Detail</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>showDetail</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <default-value>true</default-value>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether the summary portion of displayed messages
+ should be included. Default value is "false".
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Show Summary</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>showSummary</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <default-value>false</default-value>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- &uimessages-props;
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that only global messages (that is, messages not
+ associated with any client identifier) are to be displayed.
+ Default value is "false".
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Global Only</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>globalOnly</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <default-value>false</default-value>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether the summary portion of displayed messages
+ should be included. Default value is "false".
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Show Detail</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>showDetail</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <default-value>false</default-value>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether the summary portion of displayed messages
+ should be included. Default value is "true".
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Show Summary</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>showSummary</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <default-value>true</default-value>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- &uinamingcontainer-props;
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- &uioutput-props;
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Converter instance registered with this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Converter</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>converter</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.convert.Converter</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ For output components, this is the same as the "value" property.
+ For input components, this is the most recently user-entered
+ value, which will be pushed to the application data model during
+ Update Model Values phase, if a value binding is present for the
+ "value" property.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Local Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>localValue</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The current value of this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>value</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ </property>
- &uipanel-props;
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- &uiparameter-props;
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Name of the parameter associated with this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Property Name</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>name</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Value of the parameter associated with this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Property Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>value</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ </property>
- &uiselectboolean-props;
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Converter instance registered with this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Converter</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>converter</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.convert.Converter</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ For output components, this is the same as the "value" property.
+ For input components, this is the most recently user-entered
+ value, which will be pushed to the application data model during
+ Update Model Values phase, if a value binding is present for the
+ "value" property.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Local Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>localValue</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The current value of this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>value</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether the "localValue" property
+ of this component has been set. This property is
+ reset automatically when the "value" propertyis set.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Local Value Set</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>localValueSet</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that the user is required to provide a submitted
+ value for this input component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Required Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>required</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The value submitted for this input component by the user, prior to
+ any required conversion or validation.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Submitted Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>submittedValue</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ MethodBinding representing a validator method that will be called
+ during Process Validations to perform correctness checks on the
+ value of this component. The expression must evaluate to a public
+ method that takes FacesContext, UIComponent, and Object parameters,
+ with a return type of void.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Validator</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>validator</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.el.MethodBinding</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ MethodBinding representing a value change listener method that will be
+ notified when a new value has been set for this input component. The
+ expression must evaluate to a public method that takes a
+ ValueChangeEvent parameter, with a return type of void.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value Change Listener</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>valueChangeListener</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.el.MethodBinding</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that this component's value must be
+ converted and validated immediately (that is, during
+ Apply Request Values phase), rather than waiting
+ until Process Validations phase.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Immediate Action</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>immediate</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not any required conversion or validation
+ on this component value has been performed successfully.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Valid Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>valid</property-name>
+ <property-class>valid</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether the user has selected this component.
+ This is an alias for the "value" property.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Selected Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>selected</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- &uiselectitem-props;
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Description of the selection item represented by this component.
+ This property may be used by tools.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Item Description</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>itemDescription</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that the selection item represented by this component
+ must be rendered as disabled.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Item Disabled</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>itemDisabled</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Label of the selection item represented by this component. This
+ property is displayed to the user when the containing input
+ component is rendered.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Item Label</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>itemLabel</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The value returned to the server when a user chooses the selection
+ item represented by this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Item Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>itemValue</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The current value of this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>value</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ </property>
- &uiselectitems-props;
- <component-extension>
- <component-family>javax.faces.SelectItems</component-family>
- </component-extension>
- </component>
- <component>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The current value of this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>value</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <component-extension>
+ <component-family>javax.faces.SelectItems</component-family>
+ </component-extension>
+ </component>
+ <component>
- &uiselectmany-props;
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Converter instance registered with this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Converter</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>converter</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.convert.Converter</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ For output components, this is the same as the "value" property.
+ For input components, this is the most recently user-entered
+ value, which will be pushed to the application data model during
+ Update Model Values phase, if a value binding is present for the
+ "value" property.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Local Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>localValue</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The current value of this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>value</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether the "localValue" property
+ of this component has been set. This property is
+ reset automatically when the "value" propertyis set.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Local Value Set</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>localValueSet</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that the user is required to provide a submitted
+ value for this input component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Required Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>required</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The value submitted for this input component by the user, prior to
+ any required conversion or validation.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Submitted Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>submittedValue</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ MethodBinding representing a validator method that will be called
+ during Process Validations to perform correctness checks on the
+ value of this component. The expression must evaluate to a public
+ method that takes FacesContext, UIComponent, and Object parameters,
+ with a return type of void.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Validator</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>validator</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.el.MethodBinding</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ MethodBinding representing a value change listener method that will be
+ notified when a new value has been set for this input component. The
+ expression must evaluate to a public method that takes a
+ ValueChangeEvent parameter, with a return type of void.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value Change Listener</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>valueChangeListener</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.el.MethodBinding</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that this component's value must be
+ converted and validated immediately (that is, during
+ Apply Request Values phase), rather than waiting
+ until Process Validations phase.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Immediate Action</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>immediate</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not any required conversion or validation
+ on this component value has been performed successfully.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Valid Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>valid</property-name>
+ <property-class>valid</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Array containing the selected values for this component.
+ This is an alias for the "value" property.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Selected Values</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>selectedValues</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object[]</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- &uiselectone-props;
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Converter instance registered with this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Converter</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>converter</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.convert.Converter</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ For output components, this is the same as the "value" property.
+ For input components, this is the most recently user-entered
+ value, which will be pushed to the application data model during
+ Update Model Values phase, if a value binding is present for the
+ "value" property.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Local Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>localValue</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The current value of this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>value</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether the "localValue" property
+ of this component has been set. This property is
+ reset automatically when the "value" propertyis set.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Local Value Set</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>localValueSet</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that the user is required to provide a submitted
+ value for this input component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Required Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>required</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The value submitted for this input component by the user, prior to
+ any required conversion or validation.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Submitted Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>submittedValue</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ MethodBinding representing a validator method that will be called
+ during Process Validations to perform correctness checks on the
+ value of this component. The expression must evaluate to a public
+ method that takes FacesContext, UIComponent, and Object parameters,
+ with a return type of void.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Validator</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>validator</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.el.MethodBinding</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ MethodBinding representing a value change listener method that will be
+ notified when a new value has been set for this input component. The
+ expression must evaluate to a public method that takes a
+ ValueChangeEvent parameter, with a return type of void.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value Change Listener</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>valueChangeListener</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.el.MethodBinding</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that this component's value must be
+ converted and validated immediately (that is, during
+ Apply Request Values phase), rather than waiting
+ until Process Validations phase.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Immediate Action</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>immediate</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not any required conversion or validation
+ on this component value has been performed successfully.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Valid Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>valid</property-name>
+ <property-class>valid</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- &uiviewroot-props;
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Locale to be used in localizing the rendered output of this view.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Locale</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>locale</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Locale</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier of the RenderKit being used to display this view.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Render Kit Id</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>renderKitId</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier of the view represented by this component tree.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>View Id</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>viewId</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- <!-- Concrete HTML Components -->
+<!-- Concrete HTML Components -->
- <description>
- <![CDATA[<p>Represents an HTML <code>input</code> element
+ <description><![CDATA[<p>Represents an HTML <code>input</code> element
       for a button of type <code>submit</code> or <code>reset</code>.
- The label text is specified by the component value.</p>]]>
- </description>
+ The label text is specified by the component value.</p>]]></description>
     <display-name>Command Button</display-name>
- &uicommand-props;
- &core-props;
- &events-props;
- &focus-props;
- &i18n-props;
- &input-props;
- &command-button-props;
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ MethodBinding representing the application action to invoke when
+ this component is activated by the user. The expression must
+ evaluate to a public method that takes no parameters, and returns
+ a String (the logical outcome) which is passed to the
+ NavigationHandler for this application.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Application Action</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>action</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.el.MethodBinding</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ MethodBinding representing an action listener method that will be
+ notified when this component is activated by the user. The
+ expression must evaluate to a public method that takes an
+ ActionEvent parameter, with a return type of void.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Action Listener</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>actionListener</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.el.MethodBinding</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that, if this component is activated by the user,
+ notifications should be delivered to interested listeners and actions
+ immediately (that is, during Apply Request Values phase) rather than
+ waiting until Invoke Application phase.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Immediate Action</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>immediate</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The current value of this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>value</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style(s) to be applied when this component is rendered.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Styles</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>style</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied when
+ this element is rendered. This value must be passed through
+ as the "class" attribute on generated markup.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Style Classes</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>styleClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>false</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Advisory title information about markup elements generated
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Advisory Title</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>title</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ clicked over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Button Click Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onclick</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ double clicked over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Double Click Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>ondblclick</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ pressed down over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Down Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmousedown</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Up Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseup</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved onto this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Over Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseover</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved within this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Move Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmousemove</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved away from this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Out Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseout</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ pressed and released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Press Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeypress</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ pressed down over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Down Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeydown</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Up Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeyup</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Access key that, when pressed, transfers focus
+ to this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Access Key</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>accesskey</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when this element loses focus.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Focus Off Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onblur</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when this element receives focus.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Focus On Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onfocus</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Position of this element in the tabbing order
+ for the current document. This value must be
+ an integer between 0 and 32767.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Tab Index</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>tabindex</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Direction indication for text that does not inherit directionality.
+ Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-right) and "RTL" (right-to-left).
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Direction</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>dir</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Code describing the language used in the generated markup
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Language Code</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>lang</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that this element must never
+ receive focus or be included in a subsequent
+ submit.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Disabled Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>disabled</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when this element loses focus
+ and its value has been modified since gaining focus.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Input Change Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onchange</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when text within this
+ element is selected by the user.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Text Select Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onselect</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that this component will prohibit
+ changes by the user. The element may receive focus
+ unless it has also been disabled.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Read Only Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>readonly</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Alternate textual description of the
+ element rendered by this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Alternate Text</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>alt</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Absolute or relative URL of the image
+ to be displayed for this button. If
+ specified, this "input" element will be
+ of type "image". Otherwise, it will be
+ of the type specified by the "type"
+ property with a label specified by the
+ "value" property.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Image URL</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>image</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Type of button to create. Valid values are "submit" and
+ "reset". If not specified, or not a valid value, the default
+ value is "submit".
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Button Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>type</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <default-value>"submit"</default-value>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- <description>
- <![CDATA[<p>Represents an HTML <code>a</code> element for a hyperlink that acts
+ <description><![CDATA[<p>Represents an HTML <code>a</code> element for a hyperlink that acts
       like a submit button. This component must be placed inside
- a form, and requires JavaScript to be enabled in the client.</p>]]>
- </description>
+ a form, and requires JavaScript to be enabled in the client.</p>]]></description>
     <display-name>Command Hyperlink</display-name>
- &uicommand-props;
- &core-props;
- &events-props;
- &focus-props;
- &i18n-props;
- &link-props;
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ MethodBinding representing the application action to invoke when
+ this component is activated by the user. The expression must
+ evaluate to a public method that takes no parameters, and returns
+ a String (the logical outcome) which is passed to the
+ NavigationHandler for this application.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Application Action</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>action</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.el.MethodBinding</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ MethodBinding representing an action listener method that will be
+ notified when this component is activated by the user. The
+ expression must evaluate to a public method that takes an
+ ActionEvent parameter, with a return type of void.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Action Listener</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>actionListener</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.el.MethodBinding</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that, if this component is activated by the user,
+ notifications should be delivered to interested listeners and actions
+ immediately (that is, during Apply Request Values phase) rather than
+ waiting until Invoke Application phase.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Immediate Action</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>immediate</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The current value of this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>value</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ </property>
- <component-extension>
- <base-component-type>javax.faces.Command</base-component-type>
- <renderer-type>javax.faces.Link</renderer-type>
- </component-extension>
- </component>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style(s) to be applied when this component is rendered.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Styles</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>style</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied when
+ this element is rendered. This value must be passed through
+ as the "class" attribute on generated markup.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Style Classes</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>styleClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>false</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Advisory title information about markup elements generated
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Advisory Title</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>title</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- <component>
- <description>
- <![CDATA[<p>Represents a set of repeating data (segregated into
- columns by child UIColumn components) that will
- be rendered in an HTML <code>table</code> element.</p>]]>
- </description>
- <display-name>Data Table</display-name>
- <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlDataTable</component-type>
- <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlDataTable</component-class>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ clicked over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Button Click Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onclick</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ double clicked over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Double Click Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>ondblclick</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ pressed down over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Down Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmousedown</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Up Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseup</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved onto this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Over Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseover</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved within this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Move Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmousemove</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved away from this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Out Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseout</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ pressed and released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Press Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeypress</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ pressed down over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Down Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeydown</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Up Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeyup</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- &uidata-props;
- &core-props;
- &events-props;
- &i18n-props;
- &table-props;
- <component-extension>
- <base-component-type>javax.faces.Data</base-component-type>
- <renderer-type>javax.faces.Table</renderer-type>
- </component-extension>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Access key that, when pressed, transfers focus
+ to this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Access Key</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>accesskey</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when this element loses focus.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Focus Off Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onblur</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when this element receives focus.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Focus On Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onfocus</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Position of this element in the tabbing order
+ for the current document. This value must be
+ an integer between 0 and 32767.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Tab Index</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>tabindex</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- </component>
- <component>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Direction indication for text that does not inherit directionality.
+ Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-right) and "RTL" (right-to-left).
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Direction</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>dir</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Code describing the language used in the generated markup
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Language Code</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>lang</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- <description>
- <![CDATA[<p>Represents an HTML <code>form</code> element. Child input components
- will be submitted unless they have been disabled.</p>]]>
- </description>
- <display-name>Form</display-name>
- <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlForm</component-type>
- <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlForm</component-class>
- &uiform-props;
- &core-props;
- &events-props;
- &i18n-props;
- &form-form-props;
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The character encoding of the resource designated
+ by this hyperlink.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Character Set</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>charset</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The position and shape of the hot spot on the screen
+ (for use in client-side image maps).
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Coordinates</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>coords</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The language code of the resource designated
+ by this hyperlink.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Language</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>hreflang</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The relationship from the current document
+ to the anchor specified by this hyperlink.
+ The value of this attribute is a space-separated
+ list of link types.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Relationship</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rel</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A reverse link from the anchor specified
+ by this hyperlink to the current document.
+ The value of this attribute is a space-separated
+ list of link types.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Reverse Link</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rev</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The shape of the hot spot on the screen
+ (for use in client-side image maps). Valid
+ values are: default (entire region); rect
+ (rectangular region); circle (circular region);
+ and poly (polygonal region).
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Shape</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>shape</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Name of a frame where the resource
+ retrieved via this hyperlink is to
+ be displayed.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Target Frame</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>target</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The content type of the resource designated
+ by this hyperlink.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Content Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>type</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- <base-component-type>javax.faces.Form</base-component-type>
- <renderer-type>javax.faces.Form</renderer-type>
+ <base-component-type>javax.faces.Command</base-component-type>
+ <renderer-type>javax.faces.Link</renderer-type>
+ <description><![CDATA[<p>Represents a set of repeating data (segregated into
+ columns by child UIColumn components) that will
+ be rendered in an HTML <code>table</code> element.</p>]]></description>
+ <display-name>Data Table</display-name>
+ <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlDataTable</component-type>
+ <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlDataTable</component-class>
- <description>
- <![CDATA[<p>Represents an HTML <code>img</code> element, used to retrieve
- and render a graphical image.</p>]]>
- </description>
- <display-name>Graphic Image</display-name>
- <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlGraphicImage</component-type>
- <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlGraphicImage</component-class>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Zero-relative row number of the first row to be displayed. If this
+ property is set to zero, rendering will begin with the first row of
+ the underlying data.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>First Row Index</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>first</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether there is model data available for the row
+ selected by the current value of the "rowIndex" property.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Row Available Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rowAvailable</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of rows of model data that are available for processing
+ by this component. If the number of rows is unknown, this property
+ will be set to -1.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Row Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rowCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ An object representing the model data for the row selected by the
+ current value of the "rowIndex" property.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Row Data</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rowData</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Zero-relative index of the currently selected row from the underlying
+ model data. No error will occur if this property is set to point at
+ a row for which no model data exists. To ensure data availability,
+ check the state of the "rowAvailable" property after modifying this
+ property.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Row Index</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rowIndex</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of rows to display, starting with the one identified by the
+ "first" property. If this value is set to zero, all available rows in
+ the underlying data model will be displayed.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rows To Display</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rows</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The current value of this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>value</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Name of a request-scope attribute under which the model data for the
+ row selected by the current value of the "rowIndex" property (i.e.
+ also the current value of the "rowData" property) will be exposed.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Row Data Attribute</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>var</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
- &uigraphic-props;
- &core-props;
- &events-props;
- &i18n-props;
- &graphic-image-props;
- <component-extension>
- <base-component-type>javax.faces.Graphic</base-component-type>
- <renderer-type>javax.faces.Image</renderer-type>
- </component-extension>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style(s) to be applied when this component is rendered.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Styles</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>style</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied when
+ this element is rendered. This value must be passed through
+ as the "class" attribute on generated markup.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Style Classes</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>styleClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>false</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Advisory title information about markup elements generated
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Advisory Title</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>title</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- </component>
- <component>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ clicked over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Button Click Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onclick</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ double clicked over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Double Click Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>ondblclick</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ pressed down over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Down Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmousedown</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Up Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseup</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved onto this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Over Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseover</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved within this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Move Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmousemove</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved away from this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Out Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseout</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ pressed and released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Press Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeypress</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ pressed down over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Down Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeydown</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Up Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeyup</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- <description>
- <![CDATA[<p>Represents an HTML <code>input</code> element
- of type <code>hidden</code>.</p>]]>
- </description>
- <display-name>Input Hidden</display-name>
- <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlInputHidden</component-type>
- <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlInputHidden</component-class>
- &uiinput-props;
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Direction indication for text that does not inherit directionality.
+ Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-right) and "RTL" (right-to-left).
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Direction</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>dir</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Code describing the language used in the generated markup
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Language Code</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>lang</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Name or code of the background color for this table.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Background Color</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>bgcolor</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Width (in pixels) of the border to be drawn
+ around this table.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Table Border</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>border</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Definition of how much space the user agent should
+ leave between the border of each cell and its contents.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Cell Padding</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>cellpadding</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Definition of how much space the user agent should
+ leave between the left side of the table and the
+ leftmost column, the top of the table and the top of
+ the top side of the topmost row, and so on for the
+ right and bottom of the table. It also specifies
+ the amount of space to leave between cells.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Cell Spacing</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>cellspacing</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Comma-delimited list of CSS style classes that will be applied
+ to the columns of this table. A space separated list of
+ classes may also be specified for any individual column. If
+ the number of elements in this list is less than the number of
+ columns specified in the "columns" attribute, no "class"
+ attribute is output for each column greater than the number of
+ elements in the list. If the number of elements in the list
+ is greater than the number of columns specified in the
+ "columns" attribute, the elements at the posisiton in the list
+ after the value of the "columns" attribute are ignored.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Column CSS Classes</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>columnClasses</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) that will be
+ applied to any footer generated for this table.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Footer CSS Classes</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>footerClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Code specifying which sides of the frame surrounding
+ this table will be visible. Valid values are:
+ none (no sides, default value); above (top side only);
+ below (bottom side only); hsides (top and bottom sides
+ only); vsides (right and left sides only); lhs (left
+ hand side only); rhs (right hand side only); box
+ (all four sides); and border (all four sides).
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Table Frame</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>frame</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) that will be
+ applied to any header generated for this table.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Header CSS Classes</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>headerClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Comma-delimited list of CSS style classes that will be applied
+ to the rows of this table. A space separated list of classes
+ may also be specified for any individual row. Thes styles are
+ applied, in turn, to each row in the table. For example, if
+ the list has two elements, the first style class in the list
+ is applied to the first row, the second to the second row, the
+ first to the third row, the second to the fourth row, etc. In
+ other words, we keep iterating through the list until we reach
+ the end, and then we start at the beginning again.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Row CSS Classes</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rowClasses</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Code specifying which rules will appear between cells
+ within this table. Valid values are: none (no rules,
+ default value); groups (between row groups); rows
+ (between rows only); cols (between columns only); and
+ all (between all rows and columns).
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Table Rules</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rules</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Summary of this table's purpose and structure, for
+ user agents rendering to non-visual media such as
+ speech and Braille.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Table Summary</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>summary</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Width of the entire table, for visual user agents.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Table Width</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>width</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <component-extension>
+ <base-component-type>javax.faces.Data</base-component-type>
+ <renderer-type>javax.faces.Table</renderer-type>
+ </component-extension>
+ </component>
+ <component>
+ <description><![CDATA[<p>Represents an HTML <code>form</code> element. Child input components
+ will be submitted unless they have been disabled.</p>]]></description>
+ <display-name>Form</display-name>
+ <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlForm</component-type>
+ <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlForm</component-class>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this form was the one submitted by
+ the user. If this flag is not set, child input components are not
+ processed.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Submitted Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>submitted</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style(s) to be applied when this component is rendered.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Styles</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>style</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied when
+ this element is rendered. This value must be passed through
+ as the "class" attribute on generated markup.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Style Classes</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>styleClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>false</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Advisory title information about markup elements generated
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Advisory Title</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>title</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ clicked over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Button Click Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onclick</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ double clicked over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Double Click Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>ondblclick</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ pressed down over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Down Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmousedown</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Up Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseup</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved onto this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Over Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseover</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved within this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Move Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmousemove</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved away from this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Out Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseout</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ pressed and released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Press Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeypress</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ pressed down over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Down Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeydown</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Up Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeyup</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Direction indication for text that does not inherit directionality.
+ Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-right) and "RTL" (right-to-left).
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Direction</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>dir</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Code describing the language used in the generated markup
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Language Code</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>lang</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ List of content types that a server processing this form
+ will handle correctly
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Content Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>accept</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ List of character encodings for input data
+ that are accepted by the server processing
+ this form.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Character Set</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>acceptcharset</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Content type used to submit the form to the server. If not
+ specified, the default value is
+ "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Encoding Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>enctype</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <default-value>"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"</default-value>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when this form is reset.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Form Reset Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onreset</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when this form is submitted.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Form Submit Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onsubmit</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Name of a frame where the response
+ retrieved after this form submit is to
+ be displayed.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Target Frame</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>target</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <component-extension>
+ <base-component-type>javax.faces.Form</base-component-type>
+ <renderer-type>javax.faces.Form</renderer-type>
+ </component-extension>
+ </component>
+ <component>
+ <description><![CDATA[<p>Represents an HTML <code>img</code> element, used to retrieve
+ and render a graphical image.</p>]]></description>
+ <display-name>Graphic Image</display-name>
+ <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlGraphicImage</component-type>
+ <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlGraphicImage</component-class>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Context-relative URL to retrieve the resource associated with
+ this component. This is an alias for the "value" property.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Source URL</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>url</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The current value of this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>value</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style(s) to be applied when this component is rendered.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Styles</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>style</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied when
+ this element is rendered. This value must be passed through
+ as the "class" attribute on generated markup.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Style Classes</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>styleClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>false</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Advisory title information about markup elements generated
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Advisory Title</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>title</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ clicked over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Button Click Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onclick</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ double clicked over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Double Click Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>ondblclick</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ pressed down over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Down Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmousedown</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Up Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseup</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved onto this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Over Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseover</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved within this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Move Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmousemove</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved away from this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Out Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseout</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ pressed and released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Press Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeypress</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ pressed down over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Down Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeydown</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Up Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeyup</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Direction indication for text that does not inherit directionality.
+ Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-right) and "RTL" (right-to-left).
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Direction</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>dir</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Code describing the language used in the generated markup
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Language Code</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>lang</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Alternate textual description of the
+ element rendered by this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Alternate Text</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>alt</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Override for the height of this image.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Image Height</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>height</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that this image is to be
+ used as a server side image map. Such an image
+ must be enclosed within a hyperlink ("a").
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Image Map Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>ismap</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ URI to a long description of the image
+ represented by this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Long Description</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>longdesc</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The name of a client side image map (an HTML "map"
+ element) for which this element provides the image.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Use Image Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>usemap</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Override for the width of this image.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Image Width</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>width</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <component-extension>
+ <base-component-type>javax.faces.Graphic</base-component-type>
+ <renderer-type>javax.faces.Image</renderer-type>
+ </component-extension>
+ </component>
+ <component>
+ <description><![CDATA[<p>Represents an HTML <code>input</code> element
+ of type <code>hidden</code>.</p>]]></description>
+ <display-name>Input Hidden</display-name>
+ <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlInputHidden</component-type>
+ <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlInputHidden</component-class>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Converter instance registered with this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Converter</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>converter</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.convert.Converter</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ For output components, this is the same as the "value" property.
+ For input components, this is the most recently user-entered
+ value, which will be pushed to the application data model during
+ Update Model Values phase, if a value binding is present for the
+ "value" property.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Local Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>localValue</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The current value of this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>value</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether the "localValue" property
+ of this component has been set. This property is
+ reset automatically when the "value" propertyis set.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Local Value Set</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>localValueSet</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that the user is required to provide a submitted
+ value for this input component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Required Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>required</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The value submitted for this input component by the user, prior to
+ any required conversion or validation.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Submitted Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>submittedValue</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ MethodBinding representing a validator method that will be called
+ during Process Validations to perform correctness checks on the
+ value of this component. The expression must evaluate to a public
+ method that takes FacesContext, UIComponent, and Object parameters,
+ with a return type of void.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Validator</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>validator</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.el.MethodBinding</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ MethodBinding representing a value change listener method that will be
+ notified when a new value has been set for this input component. The
+ expression must evaluate to a public method that takes a
+ ValueChangeEvent parameter, with a return type of void.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value Change Listener</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>valueChangeListener</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.el.MethodBinding</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that this component's value must be
+ converted and validated immediately (that is, during
+ Apply Request Values phase), rather than waiting
+ until Process Validations phase.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Immediate Action</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>immediate</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not any required conversion or validation
+ on this component value has been performed successfully.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Valid Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>valid</property-name>
+ <property-class>valid</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <component-extension>
+ <base-component-type>javax.faces.Input</base-component-type>
+ <renderer-type>javax.faces.Hidden</renderer-type>
+ </component-extension>
+ </component>
+ <component>
+ <description><![CDATA[<p>Represents an HTML <code>input</code> element
+ of type <code>password</code>. On a redisplay,
+ any previously entered value will <em>not</em>
+ be rendered (for security reasons) unless the
+ <code>redisplay</code> property is set to
+ <code>true</code>.</p>]]></description>
+ <display-name>Input Secret</display-name>
+ <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlInputSecret</component-type>
+ <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlInputSecret</component-class>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Converter instance registered with this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Converter</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>converter</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.convert.Converter</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ For output components, this is the same as the "value" property.
+ For input components, this is the most recently user-entered
+ value, which will be pushed to the application data model during
+ Update Model Values phase, if a value binding is present for the
+ "value" property.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Local Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>localValue</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The current value of this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>value</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether the "localValue" property
+ of this component has been set. This property is
+ reset automatically when the "value" propertyis set.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Local Value Set</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>localValueSet</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that the user is required to provide a submitted
+ value for this input component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Required Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>required</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The value submitted for this input component by the user, prior to
+ any required conversion or validation.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Submitted Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>submittedValue</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ MethodBinding representing a validator method that will be called
+ during Process Validations to perform correctness checks on the
+ value of this component. The expression must evaluate to a public
+ method that takes FacesContext, UIComponent, and Object parameters,
+ with a return type of void.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Validator</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>validator</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.el.MethodBinding</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ MethodBinding representing a value change listener method that will be
+ notified when a new value has been set for this input component. The
+ expression must evaluate to a public method that takes a
+ ValueChangeEvent parameter, with a return type of void.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value Change Listener</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>valueChangeListener</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.el.MethodBinding</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that this component's value must be
+ converted and validated immediately (that is, during
+ Apply Request Values phase), rather than waiting
+ until Process Validations phase.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Immediate Action</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>immediate</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not any required conversion or validation
+ on this component value has been performed successfully.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Valid Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>valid</property-name>
+ <property-class>valid</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style(s) to be applied when this component is rendered.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Styles</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>style</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied when
+ this element is rendered. This value must be passed through
+ as the "class" attribute on generated markup.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Style Classes</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>styleClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>false</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Advisory title information about markup elements generated
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Advisory Title</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>title</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ clicked over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Button Click Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onclick</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ double clicked over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Double Click Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>ondblclick</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ pressed down over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Down Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmousedown</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Up Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseup</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved onto this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Over Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseover</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved within this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Move Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmousemove</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved away from this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Out Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseout</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ pressed and released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Press Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeypress</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ pressed down over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Down Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeydown</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Up Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeyup</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Access key that, when pressed, transfers focus
+ to this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Access Key</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>accesskey</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when this element loses focus.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Focus Off Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onblur</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when this element receives focus.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Focus On Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onfocus</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Position of this element in the tabbing order
+ for the current document. This value must be
+ an integer between 0 and 32767.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Tab Index</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>tabindex</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Direction indication for text that does not inherit directionality.
+ Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-right) and "RTL" (right-to-left).
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Direction</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>dir</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Code describing the language used in the generated markup
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Language Code</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>lang</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that this element must never
+ receive focus or be included in a subsequent
+ submit.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Disabled Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>disabled</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when this element loses focus
+ and its value has been modified since gaining focus.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Input Change Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onchange</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when text within this
+ element is selected by the user.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Text Select Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onselect</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that this component will prohibit
+ changes by the user. The element may receive focus
+ unless it has also been disabled.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Read Only Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>readonly</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Alternate textual description of the
+ element rendered by this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Alternate Text</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>alt</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The maximum number of characters that may
+ be entered in this field.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Maximum Length</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>maxlength</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of characters used to determine
+ the width of this field.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Field Width</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>size</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that any existing value
+ in this field should be rendered when the
+ form is created. Because this is a potential
+ security risk, password values are not
+ displayed by default.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Redisplay Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>redisplay</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <component-extension>
+ <base-component-type>javax.faces.Input</base-component-type>
+ <renderer-type>javax.faces.Secret</renderer-type>
+ </component-extension>
+ </component>
+ <component>
+ <description><![CDATA[<p>Represents an HTML <code>input</code> element
+ of type <code>text</code>.</p>]]></description>
+ <display-name>Input Text</display-name>
+ <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlInputText</component-type>
+ <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlInputText</component-class>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Converter instance registered with this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Converter</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>converter</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.convert.Converter</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ For output components, this is the same as the "value" property.
+ For input components, this is the most recently user-entered
+ value, which will be pushed to the application data model during
+ Update Model Values phase, if a value binding is present for the
+ "value" property.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Local Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>localValue</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The current value of this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>value</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether the "localValue" property
+ of this component has been set. This property is
+ reset automatically when the "value" propertyis set.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Local Value Set</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>localValueSet</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that the user is required to provide a submitted
+ value for this input component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Required Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>required</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The value submitted for this input component by the user, prior to
+ any required conversion or validation.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Submitted Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>submittedValue</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ MethodBinding representing a validator method that will be called
+ during Process Validations to perform correctness checks on the
+ value of this component. The expression must evaluate to a public
+ method that takes FacesContext, UIComponent, and Object parameters,
+ with a return type of void.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Validator</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>validator</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.el.MethodBinding</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ MethodBinding representing a value change listener method that will be
+ notified when a new value has been set for this input component. The
+ expression must evaluate to a public method that takes a
+ ValueChangeEvent parameter, with a return type of void.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value Change Listener</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>valueChangeListener</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.el.MethodBinding</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that this component's value must be
+ converted and validated immediately (that is, during
+ Apply Request Values phase), rather than waiting
+ until Process Validations phase.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Immediate Action</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>immediate</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not any required conversion or validation
+ on this component value has been performed successfully.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Valid Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>valid</property-name>
+ <property-class>valid</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style(s) to be applied when this component is rendered.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Styles</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>style</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied when
+ this element is rendered. This value must be passed through
+ as the "class" attribute on generated markup.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Style Classes</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>styleClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>false</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Advisory title information about markup elements generated
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Advisory Title</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>title</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ clicked over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Button Click Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onclick</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ double clicked over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Double Click Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>ondblclick</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ pressed down over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Down Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmousedown</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Up Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseup</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved onto this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Over Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseover</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved within this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Move Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmousemove</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved away from this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Out Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseout</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ pressed and released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Press Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeypress</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ pressed down over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Down Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeydown</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Up Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeyup</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Access key that, when pressed, transfers focus
+ to this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Access Key</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>accesskey</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when this element loses focus.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Focus Off Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onblur</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when this element receives focus.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Focus On Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onfocus</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Position of this element in the tabbing order
+ for the current document. This value must be
+ an integer between 0 and 32767.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Tab Index</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>tabindex</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Direction indication for text that does not inherit directionality.
+ Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-right) and "RTL" (right-to-left).
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Direction</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>dir</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Code describing the language used in the generated markup
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Language Code</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>lang</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that this element must never
+ receive focus or be included in a subsequent
+ submit.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Disabled Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>disabled</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when this element loses focus
+ and its value has been modified since gaining focus.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Input Change Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onchange</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when text within this
+ element is selected by the user.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Text Select Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onselect</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that this component will prohibit
+ changes by the user. The element may receive focus
+ unless it has also been disabled.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Read Only Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>readonly</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Alternate textual description of the
+ element rendered by this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Alternate Text</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>alt</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The maximum number of characters that may
+ be entered in this field.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Maximum Length</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>maxlength</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of characters used to determine
+ the width of this field.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Field Width</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>size</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <component-extension>
+ <base-component-type>javax.faces.Input</base-component-type>
+ <renderer-type>javax.faces.Text</renderer-type>
+ </component-extension>
+ </component>
+ <component>
+ <description><![CDATA[<p>Represents an HTML <code>textarea</code> element.</p>]]></description>
+ <display-name>Input Textarea</display-name>
+ <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlInputTextarea</component-type>
+ <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlInputTextarea</component-class>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Converter instance registered with this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Converter</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>converter</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.convert.Converter</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ For output components, this is the same as the "value" property.
+ For input components, this is the most recently user-entered
+ value, which will be pushed to the application data model during
+ Update Model Values phase, if a value binding is present for the
+ "value" property.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Local Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>localValue</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The current value of this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>value</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether the "localValue" property
+ of this component has been set. This property is
+ reset automatically when the "value" propertyis set.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Local Value Set</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>localValueSet</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that the user is required to provide a submitted
+ value for this input component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Required Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>required</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The value submitted for this input component by the user, prior to
+ any required conversion or validation.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Submitted Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>submittedValue</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ MethodBinding representing a validator method that will be called
+ during Process Validations to perform correctness checks on the
+ value of this component. The expression must evaluate to a public
+ method that takes FacesContext, UIComponent, and Object parameters,
+ with a return type of void.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Validator</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>validator</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.el.MethodBinding</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ MethodBinding representing a value change listener method that will be
+ notified when a new value has been set for this input component. The
+ expression must evaluate to a public method that takes a
+ ValueChangeEvent parameter, with a return type of void.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value Change Listener</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>valueChangeListener</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.el.MethodBinding</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that this component's value must be
+ converted and validated immediately (that is, during
+ Apply Request Values phase), rather than waiting
+ until Process Validations phase.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Immediate Action</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>immediate</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not any required conversion or validation
+ on this component value has been performed successfully.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Valid Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>valid</property-name>
+ <property-class>valid</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style(s) to be applied when this component is rendered.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Styles</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>style</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied when
+ this element is rendered. This value must be passed through
+ as the "class" attribute on generated markup.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Style Classes</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>styleClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>false</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Advisory title information about markup elements generated
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Advisory Title</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>title</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ clicked over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Button Click Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onclick</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ double clicked over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Double Click Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>ondblclick</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ pressed down over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Down Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmousedown</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Up Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseup</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved onto this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Over Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseover</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved within this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Move Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmousemove</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved away from this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Out Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseout</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ pressed and released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Press Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeypress</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ pressed down over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Down Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeydown</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Up Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeyup</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Access key that, when pressed, transfers focus
+ to this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Access Key</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>accesskey</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when this element loses focus.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Focus Off Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onblur</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when this element receives focus.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Focus On Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onfocus</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Position of this element in the tabbing order
+ for the current document. This value must be
+ an integer between 0 and 32767.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Tab Index</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>tabindex</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Direction indication for text that does not inherit directionality.
+ Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-right) and "RTL" (right-to-left).
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Direction</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>dir</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Code describing the language used in the generated markup
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Language Code</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>lang</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that this element must never
+ receive focus or be included in a subsequent
+ submit.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Disabled Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>disabled</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when this element loses focus
+ and its value has been modified since gaining focus.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Input Change Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onchange</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when text within this
+ element is selected by the user.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Text Select Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onselect</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that this component will prohibit
+ changes by the user. The element may receive focus
+ unless it has also been disabled.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Read Only Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>readonly</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of columns to be displayed.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Columns</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>cols</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of rows to be displayed.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rows</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rows</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <component-extension>
+ <base-component-type>javax.faces.Input</base-component-type>
+ <renderer-type>javax.faces.Textarea</renderer-type>
+ </component-extension>
+ </component>
+ <component>
+ <display-name>Message</display-name>
+ <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlMessage</component-type>
+ <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlMessage</component-class>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Client identifier of the component for which to display messages.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Associated Client Id</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>for</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <required>true</required>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether the summary portion of displayed messages
+ should be included. Default value is "true".
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Show Detail</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>showDetail</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <default-value>true</default-value>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether the summary portion of displayed messages
+ should be included. Default value is "false".
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Show Summary</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>showSummary</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <default-value>false</default-value>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style(s) to be applied when this component is rendered.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Styles</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>style</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied when
+ this element is rendered. This value must be passed through
+ as the "class" attribute on generated markup.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Style Classes</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>styleClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>false</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Advisory title information about markup elements generated
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Advisory Title</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>title</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style class to apply to any message
+ with a severity class of "ERROR".
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Error Class</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>errorClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style(s) to apply to any message
+ with a severity class of "ERROR".
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Error Styles</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>errorStyle</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style class to apply to any message
+ with a severity class of "FATAL".
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Fatal Class</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>fatalClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style(s) to apply to any message
+ with a severity class of "FATAL".
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Fatal Styles</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>fatalStyle</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style class to apply to any message
+ with a severity class of "INFO".
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Info Class</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>infoClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style(s) to apply to any message
+ with a severity class of "INFO".
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Info Styles</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>infoStyle</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether the detail portion of the
+ message should be displayed as a tooltip.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Tooltip</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>tooltip</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style class to apply to any message
+ with a severity class of "WARN".
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Warning Class</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>warnClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style(s) to apply to any message
+ with a severity class of "WARN".
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Warning Styles</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>warnStyle</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Direction indication for text that does not inherit directionality.
+ Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-right) and "RTL" (right-to-left).
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Direction</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>dir</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Code describing the language used in the generated markup
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Language Code</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>lang</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <component-extension>
+ <base-component-type>javax.faces.Message</base-component-type>
+ <renderer-type>javax.faces.Message</renderer-type>
+ </component-extension>
+ </component>
+ <component>
+ <display-name>Messages</display-name>
+ <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlMessages</component-type>
+ <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlMessages</component-class>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that only global messages (that is, messages not
+ associated with any client identifier) are to be displayed.
+ Default value is "false".
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Global Only</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>globalOnly</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <default-value>false</default-value>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether the summary portion of displayed messages
+ should be included. Default value is "false".
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Show Detail</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>showDetail</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <default-value>false</default-value>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether the summary portion of displayed messages
+ should be included. Default value is "true".
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Show Summary</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>showSummary</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <default-value>true</default-value>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style(s) to be applied when this component is rendered.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Styles</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>style</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied when
+ this element is rendered. This value must be passed through
+ as the "class" attribute on generated markup.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Style Classes</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>styleClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>false</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Advisory title information about markup elements generated
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Advisory Title</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>title</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style class to apply to any message
+ with a severity class of "ERROR".
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Error Class</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>errorClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style(s) to apply to any message
+ with a severity class of "ERROR".
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Error Styles</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>errorStyle</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style class to apply to any message
+ with a severity class of "FATAL".
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Fatal Class</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>fatalClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style(s) to apply to any message
+ with a severity class of "FATAL".
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Fatal Styles</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>fatalStyle</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style class to apply to any message
+ with a severity class of "INFO".
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Info Class</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>infoClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style(s) to apply to any message
+ with a severity class of "INFO".
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Info Styles</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>infoStyle</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether the detail portion of the
+ message should be displayed as a tooltip.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Tooltip</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>tooltip</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style class to apply to any message
+ with a severity class of "WARN".
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Warning Class</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>warnClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style(s) to apply to any message
+ with a severity class of "WARN".
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Warning Styles</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>warnStyle</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Direction indication for text that does not inherit directionality.
+ Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-right) and "RTL" (right-to-left).
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Direction</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>dir</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Code describing the language used in the generated markup
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Language Code</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>lang</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <component-extension>
+ <base-component-type>javax.faces.Messages</base-component-type>
+ <renderer-type>javax.faces.Messages</renderer-type>
+ </component-extension>
+ </component>
+ <component>
+ <description><![CDATA[<p>Represents a component that looks up a localized message in a
+ resource bundle, optionally uses it as a
+ <code>MessageFormat</code> pattern string and substitutes in
+ parameter values from nested <em>UIParameter</em> components, and
+ renders the result. If the "dir" or "lang" attributes are
+ present, render a <code>span</code> element and pass them through
+ as attributes on the span.</p>]]></description>
+ <display-name>Output Format</display-name>
+ <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlOutputFormat</component-type>
+ <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputFormat</component-class>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Converter instance registered with this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Converter</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>converter</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.convert.Converter</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ For output components, this is the same as the "value" property.
+ For input components, this is the most recently user-entered
+ value, which will be pushed to the application data model during
+ Update Model Values phase, if a value binding is present for the
+ "value" property.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Local Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>localValue</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The current value of this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>value</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style(s) to be applied when this component is rendered.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Styles</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>style</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied when
+ this element is rendered. This value must be passed through
+ as the "class" attribute on generated markup.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Style Classes</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>styleClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>false</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Advisory title information about markup elements generated
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Advisory Title</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>title</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that characters that are sensitive
+ in HTML and XML markup must be escaped. This flag
+ is set to "true" by default.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Escape Characters</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>escape</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <default-value>true</default-value>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Direction indication for text that does not inherit directionality.
+ Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-right) and "RTL" (right-to-left).
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Direction</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>dir</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Code describing the language used in the generated markup
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Language Code</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>lang</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <component-extension>
+ <base-component-type>javax.faces.Output</base-component-type>
+ <renderer-type>javax.faces.Format</renderer-type>
+ </component-extension>
+ </component>
+ <component>
+ <description><![CDATA[<p>Represents an HTML <code>label</code> element, used to define
+ an accessible label for a corresponding input element.</p>]]></description>
+ <display-name>Output Label</display-name>
+ <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlOutputLabel</component-type>
+ <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputLabel</component-class>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Converter instance registered with this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Converter</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>converter</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.convert.Converter</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ For output components, this is the same as the "value" property.
+ For input components, this is the most recently user-entered
+ value, which will be pushed to the application data model during
+ Update Model Values phase, if a value binding is present for the
+ "value" property.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Local Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>localValue</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The current value of this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>value</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style(s) to be applied when this component is rendered.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Styles</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>style</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied when
+ this element is rendered. This value must be passed through
+ as the "class" attribute on generated markup.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Style Classes</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>styleClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>false</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Advisory title information about markup elements generated
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Advisory Title</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>title</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ clicked over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Button Click Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onclick</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ double clicked over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Double Click Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>ondblclick</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ pressed down over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Down Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmousedown</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Up Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseup</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved onto this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Over Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseover</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved within this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Move Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmousemove</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved away from this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Out Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseout</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ pressed and released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Press Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeypress</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ pressed down over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Down Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeydown</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Up Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeyup</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Access key that, when pressed, transfers focus
+ to this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Access Key</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>accesskey</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when this element loses focus.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Focus Off Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onblur</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when this element receives focus.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Focus On Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onfocus</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Position of this element in the tabbing order
+ for the current document. This value must be
+ an integer between 0 and 32767.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Tab Index</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>tabindex</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Direction indication for text that does not inherit directionality.
+ Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-right) and "RTL" (right-to-left).
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Direction</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>dir</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Code describing the language used in the generated markup
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Language Code</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>lang</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Client identifier of the component for which this element
+ is a label.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Label For Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>for</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <required>false</required>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <component-extension>
+ <base-component-type>javax.faces.Output</base-component-type>
+ <renderer-type>javax.faces.Label</renderer-type>
+ </component-extension>
+ </component>
+ <component>
+ <description><![CDATA[<p>Represents an HTML <code>a</code> (hyperlink) element that may be
+ used to link to an arbitrary URL defined by the <code>value</code>
+ property.</p>]]></description>
+ <display-name>Output Hyperlink</display-name>
+ <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlOutputLink</component-type>
+ <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputLink</component-class>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Converter instance registered with this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Converter</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>converter</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.convert.Converter</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ For output components, this is the same as the "value" property.
+ For input components, this is the most recently user-entered
+ value, which will be pushed to the application data model during
+ Update Model Values phase, if a value binding is present for the
+ "value" property.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Local Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>localValue</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The current value of this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>value</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style(s) to be applied when this component is rendered.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Styles</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>style</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied when
+ this element is rendered. This value must be passed through
+ as the "class" attribute on generated markup.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Style Classes</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>styleClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>false</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Advisory title information about markup elements generated
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Advisory Title</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>title</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ clicked over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Button Click Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onclick</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ double clicked over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Double Click Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>ondblclick</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ pressed down over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Down Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmousedown</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Up Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseup</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved onto this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Over Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseover</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved within this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Move Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmousemove</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved away from this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Out Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseout</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ pressed and released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Press Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeypress</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ pressed down over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Down Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeydown</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Up Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeyup</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Access key that, when pressed, transfers focus
+ to this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Access Key</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>accesskey</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when this element loses focus.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Focus Off Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onblur</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when this element receives focus.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Focus On Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onfocus</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Position of this element in the tabbing order
+ for the current document. This value must be
+ an integer between 0 and 32767.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Tab Index</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>tabindex</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Direction indication for text that does not inherit directionality.
+ Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-right) and "RTL" (right-to-left).
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Direction</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>dir</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Code describing the language used in the generated markup
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Language Code</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>lang</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The character encoding of the resource designated
+ by this hyperlink.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Character Set</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>charset</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The position and shape of the hot spot on the screen
+ (for use in client-side image maps).
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Coordinates</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>coords</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The language code of the resource designated
+ by this hyperlink.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Language</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>hreflang</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The relationship from the current document
+ to the anchor specified by this hyperlink.
+ The value of this attribute is a space-separated
+ list of link types.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Relationship</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rel</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A reverse link from the anchor specified
+ by this hyperlink to the current document.
+ The value of this attribute is a space-separated
+ list of link types.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Reverse Link</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rev</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The shape of the hot spot on the screen
+ (for use in client-side image maps). Valid
+ values are: default (entire region); rect
+ (rectangular region); circle (circular region);
+ and poly (polygonal region).
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Shape</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>shape</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Name of a frame where the resource
+ retrieved via this hyperlink is to
+ be displayed.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Target Frame</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>target</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The content type of the resource designated
+ by this hyperlink.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Content Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>type</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- <base-component-type>javax.faces.Input</base-component-type>
- <renderer-type>javax.faces.Hidden</renderer-type>
+ <base-component-type>javax.faces.Output</base-component-type>
+ <renderer-type>javax.faces.Link</renderer-type>
+ <description><![CDATA[<p>Renders the component value as text, optionally wrapping in a
+ <code>span</code> element if I18N attributes, CSS styles or style
+ classes are specified.</p>]]></description>
+ <display-name>Output Text</display-name>
+ <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlOutputText</component-type>
+ <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputText</component-class>
- <description>
- <![CDATA[<p>Represents an HTML <code>input</code> element
- of type <code>password</code>. On a redisplay,
- any previously entered value will <em>not</em>
- be rendered (for security reasons) unless the
- <code>redisplay</code> property is set to
- <code>true</code>.</p>]]>
- </description>
- <display-name>Input Secret</display-name>
- <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlInputSecret</component-type>
- <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlInputSecret</component-class>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Converter instance registered with this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Converter</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>converter</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.convert.Converter</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ For output components, this is the same as the "value" property.
+ For input components, this is the most recently user-entered
+ value, which will be pushed to the application data model during
+ Update Model Values phase, if a value binding is present for the
+ "value" property.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Local Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>localValue</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The current value of this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>value</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ </property>
- &uiinput-props;
- &core-props;
- &events-props;
- &focus-props;
- &i18n-props;
- &input-props;
- &text-props;
- &input-secret-props;
- <component-extension>
- <base-component-type>javax.faces.Input</base-component-type>
- <renderer-type>javax.faces.Secret</renderer-type>
- </component-extension>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style(s) to be applied when this component is rendered.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Styles</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>style</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied when
+ this element is rendered. This value must be passed through
+ as the "class" attribute on generated markup.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Style Classes</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>styleClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>false</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Advisory title information about markup elements generated
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Advisory Title</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>title</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- </component>
- <component>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that characters that are sensitive
+ in HTML and XML markup must be escaped. This flag
+ is set to "true" by default.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Escape Characters</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>escape</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <default-value>true</default-value>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- <description>
- <![CDATA[<p>Represents an HTML <code>input</code> element
- of type <code>text</code>.</p>]]>
- </description>
- <display-name>Input Text</display-name>
- <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlInputText</component-type>
- <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlInputText</component-class>
- &uiinput-props;
- &core-props;
- &events-props;
- &focus-props;
- &i18n-props;
- &input-props;
- &text-props;
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Direction indication for text that does not inherit directionality.
+ Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-right) and "RTL" (right-to-left).
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Direction</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>dir</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Code describing the language used in the generated markup
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Language Code</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>lang</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- <base-component-type>javax.faces.Input</base-component-type>
+ <base-component-type>javax.faces.Output</base-component-type>
+ <description><![CDATA[<p>Renders child components in a table, starting a new
+ row after the specified number of columns.</p>]]></description>
+ <display-name>Panel Grid</display-name>
+ <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlPanelGrid</component-type>
+ <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGrid</component-class>
- <description>
- <![CDATA[<p>Represents an HTML <code>textarea</code> element.</p>]]>
- </description>
- <display-name>Input Textarea</display-name>
- <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlInputTextarea</component-type>
- <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlInputTextarea</component-class>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style(s) to be applied when this component is rendered.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Styles</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>style</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied when
+ this element is rendered. This value must be passed through
+ as the "class" attribute on generated markup.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Style Classes</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>styleClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>false</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Advisory title information about markup elements generated
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Advisory Title</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>title</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ clicked over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Button Click Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onclick</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ double clicked over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Double Click Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>ondblclick</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ pressed down over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Down Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmousedown</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Up Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseup</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved onto this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Over Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseover</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved within this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Move Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmousemove</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved away from this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Out Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseout</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ pressed and released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Press Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeypress</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ pressed down over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Down Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeydown</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Up Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeyup</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Direction indication for text that does not inherit directionality.
+ Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-right) and "RTL" (right-to-left).
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Direction</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>dir</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Code describing the language used in the generated markup
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Language Code</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>lang</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- &uiinput-props;
- &core-props;
- &events-props;
- &focus-props;
- &i18n-props;
- &input-props;
- &input-textarea-props;
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Name or code of the background color for this table.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Background Color</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>bgcolor</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Width (in pixels) of the border to be drawn
+ around this table.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Table Border</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>border</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Definition of how much space the user agent should
+ leave between the border of each cell and its contents.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Cell Padding</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>cellpadding</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Definition of how much space the user agent should
+ leave between the left side of the table and the
+ leftmost column, the top of the table and the top of
+ the top side of the topmost row, and so on for the
+ right and bottom of the table. It also specifies
+ the amount of space to leave between cells.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Cell Spacing</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>cellspacing</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Comma-delimited list of CSS style classes that will be applied
+ to the columns of this table. A space separated list of
+ classes may also be specified for any individual column. If
+ the number of elements in this list is less than the number of
+ columns specified in the "columns" attribute, no "class"
+ attribute is output for each column greater than the number of
+ elements in the list. If the number of elements in the list
+ is greater than the number of columns specified in the
+ "columns" attribute, the elements at the posisiton in the list
+ after the value of the "columns" attribute are ignored.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Column CSS Classes</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>columnClasses</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) that will be
+ applied to any footer generated for this table.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Footer CSS Classes</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>footerClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Code specifying which sides of the frame surrounding
+ this table will be visible. Valid values are:
+ none (no sides, default value); above (top side only);
+ below (bottom side only); hsides (top and bottom sides
+ only); vsides (right and left sides only); lhs (left
+ hand side only); rhs (right hand side only); box
+ (all four sides); and border (all four sides).
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Table Frame</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>frame</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) that will be
+ applied to any header generated for this table.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Header CSS Classes</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>headerClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Comma-delimited list of CSS style classes that will be applied
+ to the rows of this table. A space separated list of classes
+ may also be specified for any individual row. Thes styles are
+ applied, in turn, to each row in the table. For example, if
+ the list has two elements, the first style class in the list
+ is applied to the first row, the second to the second row, the
+ first to the third row, the second to the fourth row, etc. In
+ other words, we keep iterating through the list until we reach
+ the end, and then we start at the beginning again.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Row CSS Classes</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rowClasses</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Code specifying which rules will appear between cells
+ within this table. Valid values are: none (no rules,
+ default value); groups (between row groups); rows
+ (between rows only); cols (between columns only); and
+ all (between all rows and columns).
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Table Rules</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rules</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Summary of this table's purpose and structure, for
+ user agents rendering to non-visual media such as
+ speech and Braille.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Table Summary</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>summary</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Width of the entire table, for visual user agents.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Table Width</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>width</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of columns to render before
+ starting a new row.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Columns</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>columns</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ </property>
- <base-component-type>javax.faces.Input</base-component-type>
- <renderer-type>javax.faces.Textarea</renderer-type>
+ <base-component-type>javax.faces.Panel</base-component-type>
+ <renderer-type>javax.faces.Grid</renderer-type>
+ <description><![CDATA[<p>Causes all child components of this component
+ to be rendered. This is useful in scenarios
+ where a parent component is expecting a single
+ component to be present, but the application
+ wishes to render more than one.</p>]]></description>
+ <display-name>Panel Group</display-name>
+ <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlPanelGroup</component-type>
+ <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGroup</component-class>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- <display-name>Message</display-name>
- <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlMessage</component-type>
- <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlMessage</component-class>
- &uimessage-props;
- &core-props;
- &message-message-props;
- &i18n-props;
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style(s) to be applied when this component is rendered.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Styles</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>style</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied when
+ this element is rendered. This value must be passed through
+ as the "class" property on generated markup.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Style Classes</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>styleClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>false</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- <base-component-type>javax.faces.Message</base-component-type>
- <renderer-type>javax.faces.Message</renderer-type>
+ <base-component-type>javax.faces.Panel</base-component-type>
+ <renderer-type>javax.faces.Group</renderer-type>
+ <description><![CDATA[<p>Represents an HTML <code>input</code> element
+ of type <code>checkbox</code>. The checkbox will
+ be rendered as checked, or not, based on the value
+ of the <code>value</code> property.</p>]]></description>
+ <display-name>Checkbox</display-name>
+ <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox</component-type>
+ <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox</component-class>
- <display-name>Messages</display-name>
- <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlMessages</component-type>
- <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlMessages</component-class>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Converter instance registered with this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Converter</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>converter</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.convert.Converter</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ For output components, this is the same as the "value" property.
+ For input components, this is the most recently user-entered
+ value, which will be pushed to the application data model during
+ Update Model Values phase, if a value binding is present for the
+ "value" property.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Local Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>localValue</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The current value of this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>value</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether the "localValue" property
+ of this component has been set. This property is
+ reset automatically when the "value" propertyis set.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Local Value Set</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>localValueSet</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that the user is required to provide a submitted
+ value for this input component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Required Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>required</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The value submitted for this input component by the user, prior to
+ any required conversion or validation.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Submitted Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>submittedValue</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ MethodBinding representing a validator method that will be called
+ during Process Validations to perform correctness checks on the
+ value of this component. The expression must evaluate to a public
+ method that takes FacesContext, UIComponent, and Object parameters,
+ with a return type of void.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Validator</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>validator</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.el.MethodBinding</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ MethodBinding representing a value change listener method that will be
+ notified when a new value has been set for this input component. The
+ expression must evaluate to a public method that takes a
+ ValueChangeEvent parameter, with a return type of void.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value Change Listener</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>valueChangeListener</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.el.MethodBinding</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that this component's value must be
+ converted and validated immediately (that is, during
+ Apply Request Values phase), rather than waiting
+ until Process Validations phase.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Immediate Action</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>immediate</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not any required conversion or validation
+ on this component value has been performed successfully.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Valid Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>valid</property-name>
+ <property-class>valid</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether the user has selected this component.
+ This is an alias for the "value" property.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Selected Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>selected</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style(s) to be applied when this component is rendered.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Styles</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>style</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied when
+ this element is rendered. This value must be passed through
+ as the "class" attribute on generated markup.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Style Classes</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>styleClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>false</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Advisory title information about markup elements generated
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Advisory Title</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>title</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ clicked over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Button Click Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onclick</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ double clicked over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Double Click Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>ondblclick</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ pressed down over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Down Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmousedown</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Up Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseup</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved onto this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Over Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseover</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved within this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Move Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmousemove</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved away from this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Out Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseout</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ pressed and released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Press Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeypress</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ pressed down over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Down Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeydown</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Up Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeyup</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- &uimessages-props;
- &core-props;
- &messages-messages-props;
- &i18n-props;
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Access key that, when pressed, transfers focus
+ to this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Access Key</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>accesskey</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when this element loses focus.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Focus Off Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onblur</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when this element receives focus.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Focus On Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onfocus</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Position of this element in the tabbing order
+ for the current document. This value must be
+ an integer between 0 and 32767.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Tab Index</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>tabindex</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Direction indication for text that does not inherit directionality.
+ Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-right) and "RTL" (right-to-left).
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Direction</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>dir</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Code describing the language used in the generated markup
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Language Code</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>lang</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that this element must never
+ receive focus or be included in a subsequent
+ submit.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Disabled Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>disabled</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when this element loses focus
+ and its value has been modified since gaining focus.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Input Change Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onchange</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when text within this
+ element is selected by the user.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Text Select Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onselect</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that this component will prohibit
+ changes by the user. The element may receive focus
+ unless it has also been disabled.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Read Only Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>readonly</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- <base-component-type>javax.faces.Messages</base-component-type>
- <renderer-type>javax.faces.Messages</renderer-type>
+ <base-component-type>javax.faces.SelectBoolean</base-component-type>
+ <renderer-type>javax.faces.Checkbox</renderer-type>
+ <component>
+ <description><![CDATA[<p>Represents a multiple-selection component that is rendered
+ as a set of HTML <code>input</code> elements of type
+ <code>checkbox</code>.</p>]]></description>
+ <display-name>Multi-Select Checkbox</display-name>
+ <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlSelectManyCheckbox</component-type>
+ <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyCheckbox</component-class>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Converter instance registered with this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Converter</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>converter</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.convert.Converter</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ For output components, this is the same as the "value" property.
+ For input components, this is the most recently user-entered
+ value, which will be pushed to the application data model during
+ Update Model Values phase, if a value binding is present for the
+ "value" property.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Local Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>localValue</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The current value of this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>value</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether the "localValue" property
+ of this component has been set. This property is
+ reset automatically when the "value" propertyis set.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Local Value Set</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>localValueSet</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that the user is required to provide a submitted
+ value for this input component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Required Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>required</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The value submitted for this input component by the user, prior to
+ any required conversion or validation.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Submitted Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>submittedValue</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ MethodBinding representing a validator method that will be called
+ during Process Validations to perform correctness checks on the
+ value of this component. The expression must evaluate to a public
+ method that takes FacesContext, UIComponent, and Object parameters,
+ with a return type of void.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Validator</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>validator</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.el.MethodBinding</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ MethodBinding representing a value change listener method that will be
+ notified when a new value has been set for this input component. The
+ expression must evaluate to a public method that takes a
+ ValueChangeEvent parameter, with a return type of void.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value Change Listener</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>valueChangeListener</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.el.MethodBinding</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that this component's value must be
+ converted and validated immediately (that is, during
+ Apply Request Values phase), rather than waiting
+ until Process Validations phase.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Immediate Action</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>immediate</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not any required conversion or validation
+ on this component value has been performed successfully.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Valid Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>valid</property-name>
+ <property-class>valid</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Array containing the selected values for this component.
+ This is an alias for the "value" property.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Selected Values</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>selectedValues</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object[]</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style(s) to be applied when this component is rendered.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Styles</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>style</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied when
+ this element is rendered. This value must be passed through
+ as the "class" attribute on generated markup.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Style Classes</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>styleClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>false</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Advisory title information about markup elements generated
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Advisory Title</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>title</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ clicked over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Button Click Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onclick</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ double clicked over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Double Click Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>ondblclick</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ pressed down over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Down Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmousedown</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Up Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseup</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved onto this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Over Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseover</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved within this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Move Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmousemove</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved away from this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Out Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseout</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ pressed and released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Press Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeypress</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ pressed down over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Down Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeydown</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Up Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeyup</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- <component>
- <description>
- <![CDATA[<p>Represents a component that looks up a localized message in a
- resource bundle, optionally uses it as a
- <code>MessageFormat</code> pattern string and substitutes in
- parameter values from nested <em>UIParameter</em> components, and
- renders the result. If the "dir" or "lang" attributes are
- present, render a <code>span</code> element and pass them through
- as attributes on the span.</p>]]>
- </description>
- <display-name>Output Format</display-name>
- <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlOutputFormat</component-type>
- <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputFormat</component-class>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Access key that, when pressed, transfers focus
+ to this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Access Key</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>accesskey</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when this element loses focus.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Focus Off Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onblur</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when this element receives focus.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Focus On Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onfocus</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Position of this element in the tabbing order
+ for the current document. This value must be
+ an integer between 0 and 32767.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Tab Index</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>tabindex</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- &uioutput-props;
- &core-props;
- &output-format-props;
- &i18n-props;
- <component-extension>
- <base-component-type>javax.faces.Output</base-component-type>
- <renderer-type>javax.faces.Format</renderer-type>
- </component-extension>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Direction indication for text that does not inherit directionality.
+ Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-right) and "RTL" (right-to-left).
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Direction</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>dir</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Code describing the language used in the generated markup
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Language Code</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>lang</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- </component>
- <component>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that this element must never
+ receive focus or be included in a subsequent
+ submit.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Disabled Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>disabled</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when this element loses focus
+ and its value has been modified since gaining focus.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Input Change Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onchange</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when text within this
+ element is selected by the user.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Text Select Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onselect</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that this component will prohibit
+ changes by the user. The element may receive focus
+ unless it has also been disabled.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Read Only Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>readonly</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- <description>
- <![CDATA[<p>Represents an HTML <code>label</code> element, used to define
- an accessible label for a corresponding input element.</p>]]>
- </description>
- <display-name>Output Label</display-name>
- <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlOutputLabel</component-type>
- <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputLabel</component-class>
- &uioutput-props;
- &core-props;
- &events-props;
- &focus-props;
- &i18n-props;
- &output-label-props;
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Width (in pixels) of the border to be drawn
+ around the table containing the options list.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Table Border</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>border</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style class to apply to the rendered label
+ on disabled options.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Disabled Label Class</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>disabledClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style class to apply to the rendered label
+ on enabled options.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Enabled Label Class</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>enabledClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Orientation of the options list to be created.
+ Valid values are "pageDirection" (list is laid
+ out vertically), or "lineDirection" (list is
+ laid out horizontally). If not specified, the
+ default value is "lineDirection".
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Layout</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>layout</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
- <base-component-type>javax.faces.Output</base-component-type>
- <renderer-type>javax.faces.Label</renderer-type>
+ <base-component-type>javax.faces.SelectMany</base-component-type>
+ <renderer-type>javax.faces.Checkbox</renderer-type>
+ <description><![CDATA[<p>Represents a multiple-selection component that is rendered
+ as an HTML <code>select</code> element, showing either all
+ available options or the specified number of options.</p>]]></description>
+ <display-name>Multi-Select Listbox</display-name>
+ <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlSelectManyListbox</component-type>
+ <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyListbox</component-class>
- <description>
- <![CDATA[<p>Represents an HTML <code>a</code> (hyperlink) element that may be
- used to link to an arbitrary URL defined by the <code>value</code>
- property.</p>]]>
- </description>
- <display-name>Output Hyperlink</display-name>
- <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlOutputLink</component-type>
- <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputLink</component-class>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Converter instance registered with this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Converter</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>converter</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.convert.Converter</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ For output components, this is the same as the "value" property.
+ For input components, this is the most recently user-entered
+ value, which will be pushed to the application data model during
+ Update Model Values phase, if a value binding is present for the
+ "value" property.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Local Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>localValue</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The current value of this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>value</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether the "localValue" property
+ of this component has been set. This property is
+ reset automatically when the "value" propertyis set.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Local Value Set</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>localValueSet</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that the user is required to provide a submitted
+ value for this input component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Required Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>required</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The value submitted for this input component by the user, prior to
+ any required conversion or validation.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Submitted Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>submittedValue</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ MethodBinding representing a validator method that will be called
+ during Process Validations to perform correctness checks on the
+ value of this component. The expression must evaluate to a public
+ method that takes FacesContext, UIComponent, and Object parameters,
+ with a return type of void.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Validator</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>validator</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.el.MethodBinding</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ MethodBinding representing a value change listener method that will be
+ notified when a new value has been set for this input component. The
+ expression must evaluate to a public method that takes a
+ ValueChangeEvent parameter, with a return type of void.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value Change Listener</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>valueChangeListener</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.el.MethodBinding</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that this component's value must be
+ converted and validated immediately (that is, during
+ Apply Request Values phase), rather than waiting
+ until Process Validations phase.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Immediate Action</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>immediate</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not any required conversion or validation
+ on this component value has been performed successfully.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Valid Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>valid</property-name>
+ <property-class>valid</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Array containing the selected values for this component.
+ This is an alias for the "value" property.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Selected Values</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>selectedValues</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object[]</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- &uioutput-props;
- &core-props;
- &events-props;
- &focus-props;
- &i18n-props;
- &link-props;
- <component-extension>
- <base-component-type>javax.faces.Output</base-component-type>
- <renderer-type>javax.faces.Link</renderer-type>
- </component-extension>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style(s) to be applied when this component is rendered.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Styles</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>style</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied when
+ this element is rendered. This value must be passed through
+ as the "class" attribute on generated markup.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Style Classes</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>styleClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>false</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Advisory title information about markup elements generated
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Advisory Title</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>title</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- </component>
- <component>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ clicked over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Button Click Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onclick</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ double clicked over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Double Click Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>ondblclick</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ pressed down over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Down Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmousedown</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Up Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseup</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved onto this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Over Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseover</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved within this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Move Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmousemove</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved away from this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Out Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseout</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ pressed and released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Press Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeypress</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ pressed down over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Down Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeydown</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Up Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeyup</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- <description>
- <![CDATA[<p>Renders the component value as text, optionally wrapping in a
- <code>span</code> element if I18N attributes, CSS styles or style
- classes are specified.</p>]]>
- </description>
- <display-name>Output Text</display-name>
- <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlOutputText</component-type>
- <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputText</component-class>
- &uioutput-props;
- &core-props;
- &output-text-props;
- &i18n-props;
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Access key that, when pressed, transfers focus
+ to this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Access Key</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>accesskey</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when this element loses focus.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Focus Off Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onblur</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when this element receives focus.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Focus On Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onfocus</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Position of this element in the tabbing order
+ for the current document. This value must be
+ an integer between 0 and 32767.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Tab Index</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>tabindex</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- <component-extension>
- <base-component-type>javax.faces.Output</base-component-type>
- <renderer-type>javax.faces.Text</renderer-type>
- </component-extension>
- </component>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Direction indication for text that does not inherit directionality.
+ Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-right) and "RTL" (right-to-left).
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Direction</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>dir</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Code describing the language used in the generated markup
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Language Code</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>lang</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- <component>
- <description>
- <![CDATA[<p>Renders child components in a table, starting a new
- row after the specified number of columns.</p>]]>
- </description>
- <display-name>Panel Grid</display-name>
- <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlPanelGrid</component-type>
- <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGrid</component-class>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that this element must never
+ receive focus or be included in a subsequent
+ submit.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Disabled Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>disabled</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when this element loses focus
+ and its value has been modified since gaining focus.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Input Change Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onchange</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when text within this
+ element is selected by the user.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Text Select Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onselect</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that this component will prohibit
+ changes by the user. The element may receive focus
+ unless it has also been disabled.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Read Only Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>readonly</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- &uipanel-props;
- &core-props;
- &events-props;
- &i18n-props;
- &table-props;
- &panel-grid-props;
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style class to apply to the rendered label
+ on disabled options.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Disabled Label Class</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>disabledClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style class to apply to the rendered label
+ on enabled options.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Enabled Label Class</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>enabledClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Number of available options to be shown at all times.
+ If not specified, all available options are shown.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Size</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>size</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ </property>
- <base-component-type>javax.faces.Panel</base-component-type>
- <renderer-type>javax.faces.Grid</renderer-type>
+ <base-component-type>javax.faces.SelectMany</base-component-type>
+ <renderer-type>javax.faces.Listbox</renderer-type>
+ <description><![CDATA[<p>Represents a multiple-selection component that is rendered
+ as an HTML <code>select</code> element, showing a single
+ available option at a time.</p>]]></description>
+ <display-name>Multi-Select Menu</display-name>
+ <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlSelectManyMenu</component-type>
+ <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyMenu</component-class>
- <description>
- <![CDATA[<p>Causes all child components of this component
- to be rendered. This is useful in scenarios
- where a parent component is expecting a single
- component to be present, but the application
- wishes to render more than one.</p>]]>
- </description>
- <display-name>Panel Group</display-name>
- <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlPanelGroup</component-type>
- <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGroup</component-class>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Converter instance registered with this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Converter</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>converter</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.convert.Converter</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ For output components, this is the same as the "value" property.
+ For input components, this is the most recently user-entered
+ value, which will be pushed to the application data model during
+ Update Model Values phase, if a value binding is present for the
+ "value" property.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Local Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>localValue</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The current value of this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>value</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether the "localValue" property
+ of this component has been set. This property is
+ reset automatically when the "value" propertyis set.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Local Value Set</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>localValueSet</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that the user is required to provide a submitted
+ value for this input component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Required Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>required</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The value submitted for this input component by the user, prior to
+ any required conversion or validation.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Submitted Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>submittedValue</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ MethodBinding representing a validator method that will be called
+ during Process Validations to perform correctness checks on the
+ value of this component. The expression must evaluate to a public
+ method that takes FacesContext, UIComponent, and Object parameters,
+ with a return type of void.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Validator</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>validator</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.el.MethodBinding</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ MethodBinding representing a value change listener method that will be
+ notified when a new value has been set for this input component. The
+ expression must evaluate to a public method that takes a
+ ValueChangeEvent parameter, with a return type of void.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value Change Listener</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>valueChangeListener</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.el.MethodBinding</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that this component's value must be
+ converted and validated immediately (that is, during
+ Apply Request Values phase), rather than waiting
+ until Process Validations phase.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Immediate Action</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>immediate</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not any required conversion or validation
+ on this component value has been performed successfully.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Valid Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>valid</property-name>
+ <property-class>valid</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Array containing the selected values for this component.
+ This is an alias for the "value" property.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Selected Values</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>selectedValues</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object[]</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- &uipanel-props;
- &panel-group-props;
- <component-extension>
- <base-component-type>javax.faces.Panel</base-component-type>
- <renderer-type>javax.faces.Group</renderer-type>
- </component-extension>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style(s) to be applied when this component is rendered.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Styles</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>style</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied when
+ this element is rendered. This value must be passed through
+ as the "class" attribute on generated markup.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Style Classes</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>styleClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>false</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Advisory title information about markup elements generated
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Advisory Title</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>title</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- </component>
- <component>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ clicked over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Button Click Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onclick</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ double clicked over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Double Click Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>ondblclick</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ pressed down over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Down Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmousedown</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Up Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseup</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved onto this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Over Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseover</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved within this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Move Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmousemove</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved away from this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Out Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseout</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ pressed and released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Press Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeypress</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ pressed down over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Down Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeydown</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Up Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeyup</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- <description>
- <![CDATA[<p>Represents an HTML <code>input</code> element
- of type <code>checkbox</code>. The checkbox will
- be rendered as checked, or not, based on the value
- of the <code>value</code> property.</p>]]>
- </description>
- <display-name>Checkbox</display-name>
- <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox</component-type>
- <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox</component-class>
- &uiselectboolean-props;
- &core-props;
- &events-props;
- &focus-props;
- &i18n-props;
- &input-props;
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Access key that, when pressed, transfers focus
+ to this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Access Key</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>accesskey</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when this element loses focus.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Focus Off Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onblur</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when this element receives focus.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Focus On Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onfocus</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Position of this element in the tabbing order
+ for the current document. This value must be
+ an integer between 0 and 32767.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Tab Index</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>tabindex</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- <component-extension>
- <base-component-type>javax.faces.SelectBoolean</base-component-type>
- <renderer-type>javax.faces.Checkbox</renderer-type>
- </component-extension>
- </component>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Direction indication for text that does not inherit directionality.
+ Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-right) and "RTL" (right-to-left).
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Direction</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>dir</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Code describing the language used in the generated markup
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Language Code</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>lang</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- <component>
- <description>
- <![CDATA[<p>Represents a multiple-selection component that is rendered
- as a set of HTML <code>input</code> elements of type
- <code>checkbox</code>.</p>]]>
- </description>
- <display-name>Multi-Select Checkbox</display-name>
- <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlSelectManyCheckbox</component-type>
- <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyCheckbox</component-class>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that this element must never
+ receive focus or be included in a subsequent
+ submit.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Disabled Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>disabled</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when this element loses focus
+ and its value has been modified since gaining focus.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Input Change Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onchange</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when text within this
+ element is selected by the user.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Text Select Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onselect</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that this component will prohibit
+ changes by the user. The element may receive focus
+ unless it has also been disabled.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Read Only Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>readonly</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- &uiselectmany-props;
- &core-props;
- &events-props;
- &focus-props;
- &i18n-props;
- &input-props;
- &selectmany-checkbox-props;
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style class to apply to the rendered label
+ on disabled options.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Disabled Label Class</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>disabledClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style class to apply to the rendered label
+ on enabled options.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Enabled Label Class</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>enabledClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
- <renderer-type>javax.faces.Checkbox</renderer-type>
+ <renderer-type>javax.faces.Menu</renderer-type>
- <description>
- <![CDATA[<p>Represents a multiple-selection component that is rendered
+ <description><![CDATA[<p>Represents a single-selection component that is rendered
       as an HTML <code>select</code> element, showing either all
- available options or the specified number of options.</p>]]>
- </description>
- <display-name>Multi-Select Listbox</display-name>
- <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlSelectManyListbox</component-type>
- <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyListbox</component-class>
+ available options or the specified number of options.</p>]]></description>
+ <display-name>Listbox</display-name>
+ <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlSelectOneListbox</component-type>
+ <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneListbox</component-class>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Converter instance registered with this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Converter</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>converter</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.convert.Converter</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ For output components, this is the same as the "value" property.
+ For input components, this is the most recently user-entered
+ value, which will be pushed to the application data model during
+ Update Model Values phase, if a value binding is present for the
+ "value" property.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Local Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>localValue</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The current value of this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>value</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether the "localValue" property
+ of this component has been set. This property is
+ reset automatically when the "value" propertyis set.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Local Value Set</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>localValueSet</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that the user is required to provide a submitted
+ value for this input component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Required Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>required</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The value submitted for this input component by the user, prior to
+ any required conversion or validation.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Submitted Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>submittedValue</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ MethodBinding representing a validator method that will be called
+ during Process Validations to perform correctness checks on the
+ value of this component. The expression must evaluate to a public
+ method that takes FacesContext, UIComponent, and Object parameters,
+ with a return type of void.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Validator</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>validator</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.el.MethodBinding</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ MethodBinding representing a value change listener method that will be
+ notified when a new value has been set for this input component. The
+ expression must evaluate to a public method that takes a
+ ValueChangeEvent parameter, with a return type of void.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value Change Listener</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>valueChangeListener</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.el.MethodBinding</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that this component's value must be
+ converted and validated immediately (that is, during
+ Apply Request Values phase), rather than waiting
+ until Process Validations phase.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Immediate Action</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>immediate</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not any required conversion or validation
+ on this component value has been performed successfully.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Valid Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>valid</property-name>
+ <property-class>valid</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- &uiselectmany-props;
- &core-props;
- &events-props;
- &focus-props;
- &i18n-props;
- &input-props;
- &listbox-props;
- <component-extension>
- <base-component-type>javax.faces.SelectMany</base-component-type>
- <renderer-type>javax.faces.Listbox</renderer-type>
- </component-extension>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style(s) to be applied when this component is rendered.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Styles</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>style</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied when
+ this element is rendered. This value must be passed through
+ as the "class" attribute on generated markup.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Style Classes</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>styleClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>false</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Advisory title information about markup elements generated
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Advisory Title</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>title</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- </component>
- <component>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ clicked over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Button Click Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onclick</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ double clicked over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Double Click Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>ondblclick</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ pressed down over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Down Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmousedown</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Up Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseup</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved onto this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Over Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseover</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved within this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Move Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmousemove</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved away from this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Out Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseout</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ pressed and released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Press Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeypress</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ pressed down over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Down Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeydown</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Up Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeyup</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- <description>
- <![CDATA[<p>Represents a multiple-selection component that is rendered
- as an HTML <code>select</code> element, showing a single
- available option at a time.</p>]]>
- </description>
- <display-name>Multi-Select Menu</display-name>
- <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlSelectManyMenu</component-type>
- <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyMenu</component-class>
- &uiselectmany-props;
- &core-props;
- &events-props;
- &focus-props;
- &i18n-props;
- &input-props;
- &menu-props;
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Access key that, when pressed, transfers focus
+ to this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Access Key</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>accesskey</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when this element loses focus.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Focus Off Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onblur</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when this element receives focus.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Focus On Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onfocus</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Position of this element in the tabbing order
+ for the current document. This value must be
+ an integer between 0 and 32767.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Tab Index</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>tabindex</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- <component-extension>
- <base-component-type>javax.faces.SelectMany</base-component-type>
- <renderer-type>javax.faces.Menu</renderer-type>
- </component-extension>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Direction indication for text that does not inherit directionality.
+ Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-right) and "RTL" (right-to-left).
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Direction</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>dir</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Code describing the language used in the generated markup
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Language Code</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>lang</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- </component>
- <component>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that this element must never
+ receive focus or be included in a subsequent
+ submit.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Disabled Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>disabled</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when this element loses focus
+ and its value has been modified since gaining focus.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Input Change Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onchange</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when text within this
+ element is selected by the user.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Text Select Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onselect</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that this component will prohibit
+ changes by the user. The element may receive focus
+ unless it has also been disabled.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Read Only Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>readonly</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
- <description>
- <![CDATA[<p>Represents a single-selection component that is rendered
- as an HTML <code>select</code> element, showing either all
- available options or the specified number of options.</p>]]>
- </description>
- <display-name>Listbox</display-name>
- <component-type>javax.faces.HtmlSelectOneListbox</component-type>
- <component-class>javax.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneListbox</component-class>
- &uiselectone-props;
- &core-props;
- &events-props;
- &focus-props;
- &i18n-props;
- &input-props;
- &listbox-props;
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style class to apply to the rendered label
+ on disabled options.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Disabled Label Class</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>disabledClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style class to apply to the rendered label
+ on enabled options.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Enabled Label Class</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>enabledClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Number of available options to be shown at all times.
+ If not specified, all available options are shown.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Size</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>size</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ </property>
- <description>
- <![CDATA[<p>Represents a single-selection component that is rendered
+ <description><![CDATA[<p>Represents a single-selection component that is rendered
       as an HTML <code>select</code> element, showing a single
- available option at a time.</p>]]>
- </description>
+ available option at a time.</p>]]></description>
- &uiselectone-props;
- &core-props;
- &events-props;
- &focus-props;
- &i18n-props;
- &input-props;
- &menu-props;
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the attributes associated with
+ this component, keyed by attribute name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Attributes Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>attributes</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The number of child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component Count</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>childCount</property-name>
+ <property-class>int</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable List of the child components associated with
+ this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Child Component List</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>children</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.List</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ A mutable Map of the facets associated with
+ this component, keyed by facet name.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Facets Map</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>facets</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.util.Map</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component family to which this component belongs. This property
+ is used to select an appropriate Renderer.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Family</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>family</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The component identifier for this component. This value must be
+ unique within the closest parent component that is a naming
+ container.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Component Identifier</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>id</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The parent component for this component. On the root component
+ in the component tree (which must be of type UIViewRoot), this
+ property is null.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Parent Component</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>parent</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.component.UIComponent</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered
+ (during Render Response Phase), or processed on any subsequent
+ form submit. The default value for this property is true.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Rendered Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendered</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Identifier used (in conjunction with the "family" property) to
+ select an appropriate Renderer to encode and decode this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renderer Type</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendererType</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not this component takes responsibility
+ for rendering its own children. This decision is normally delegated
+ to the associated Renderer, if there is one.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Renders Children</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>rendersChildren</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ <read-only>true</read-only>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Converter instance registered with this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Converter</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>converter</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.convert.Converter</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ For output components, this is the same as the "value" property.
+ For input components, this is the most recently user-entered
+ value, which will be pushed to the application data model during
+ Update Model Values phase, if a value binding is present for the
+ "value" property.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Local Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>localValue</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The current value of this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>value</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether the "localValue" property
+ of this component has been set. This property is
+ reset automatically when the "value" propertyis set.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Local Value Set</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>localValueSet</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that the user is required to provide a submitted
+ value for this input component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Required Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>required</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ The value submitted for this input component by the user, prior to
+ any required conversion or validation.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Submitted Value</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>submittedValue</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.Object</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ MethodBinding representing a validator method that will be called
+ during Process Validations to perform correctness checks on the
+ value of this component. The expression must evaluate to a public
+ method that takes FacesContext, UIComponent, and Object parameters,
+ with a return type of void.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Validator</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>validator</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.el.MethodBinding</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ MethodBinding representing a value change listener method that will be
+ notified when a new value has been set for this input component. The
+ expression must evaluate to a public method that takes a
+ ValueChangeEvent parameter, with a return type of void.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Value Change Listener</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>valueChangeListener</property-name>
+ <property-class>javax.faces.el.MethodBinding</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating that this component's value must be
+ converted and validated immediately (that is, during
+ Apply Request Values phase), rather than waiting
+ until Process Validations phase.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Immediate Action</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>immediate</property-name>
+ <property-class>boolean</property-class>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Flag indicating whether or not any required conversion or validation
+ on this component value has been performed successfully.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Valid Flag</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>valid</property-name>
+ <property-class>valid</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <tag-attribute>false</tag-attribute>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ CSS style(s) to be applied when this component is rendered.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Styles</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>style</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied when
+ this element is rendered. This value must be passed through
+ as the "class" attribute on generated markup.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>CSS Style Classes</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>styleClass</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>false</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Advisory title information about markup elements generated
+ for this component.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Advisory Title</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>title</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ clicked over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Button Click Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onclick</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ double clicked over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Double Click Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>ondblclick</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ pressed down over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Down Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmousedown</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Up Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseup</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved onto this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Over Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseover</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved within this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Move Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmousemove</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a pointer button is
+ moved away from this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Mouse Out Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onmouseout</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ pressed and released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Press Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeypress</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ pressed down over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Down Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeydown</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when a key is
+ released over this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Key Up Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onkeyup</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Access key that, when pressed, transfers focus
+ to this element.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Access Key</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>accesskey</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when this element loses focus.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Focus Off Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onblur</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Javascript code executed when this element receives focus.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Focus On Script</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>onfocus</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <description>
+ Position of this element in the tabbing order
+ for the current document. This value must be
+ an integer between 0 and 32767.
+ </description>
+ <display-name>Tab Index</display-name>
+ <icon/>
+ <property-name>tabindex</property-name>
+ <property-class>java.lang.String</property-class>
+ <property-extension>
+ <pass-through>true</pass-through>
+ </property-extension>
+ </pr