[jsr372-experts mirror] [jsr372-experts] Re: Report Issues of JSF 2.3 Public Review

From: Leonardo Uribe <>
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2017 20:51:33 -0500


In the spec PDF I see some minor issues:

- JSF 2.3 Section 5.6.3 mention TABLE 5-11, but there is no such table.
there is a table 5-10.

- JSF 2.3 Section 9.5 There is no mention to UIWebsocket renderer or
h:commandScript renderer.

- JSF 2.3 Section 11.4.5 does not mention faces-config for 2.3

- JSF 2.3 Section 11.4.6 does not mention search expression context factory,
search expression handler and other related changes done in faces-config.xml


Leonardo Uribe

2017-01-24 19:26 GMT-05:00 Leonardo Uribe <>:

> Hi
> I have found two issues on the javascript documentation:
> - javascript doc of jsf.push.init(...), and
> jsf.push.close()
> adds "self". Ex: jsf.push.self.init(...). This is clear a bug in the
> documentation generation, not something related to the API.
> - There is a variable here called jsf.contextpath . Javascript files must
> be static, no contextual information must be sent there because that cause
> problems on resource caching (remember JSF jars can be shared among
> applications in the same container). I guess this was added on early
> implementations of f:websocket, but it MUST be removed. If you need to
> pass contextual information to the page, there are other ways like an
> inline script, or a query parameter.
> I'll keep reporting here what I can find.
> regards,
> Leonardo Uribe