[jsr372-experts mirror] [jsr372-experts] Re: Re: remove final from methods in UIComponent to make them proxyable in CDI

From: Edward Burns <>
Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2016 15:44:19 -0800

>>>>> On Thu, 15 Dec 2016 17:10:37 -0500, Leonardo Uribe <> said:

LU> 1. Change the table to exclude UIViewRoot from injection.
LU> 2. Do the change removing "final" modifiers and include UIViewRoot as CDI
LU> injectable, do not inject components for current version.
LU> 3. Do the change and make components injectable.

2016-12-15 17:23 GMT-05:00 manfred riem <>:

MR> As previously stated we already did explore this early on in the 2.3
MR> cycle and have concluded it is too complex for its perceived
MR> benefits.

>>>>> On Thu, 15 Dec 2016 17:44:39 -0500, Leonardo Uribe <> said:

LU> I don't know. Sometimes different persons trying to solve the same
LU> problem can find different solutions.

LU> The good news is we can make 2 or 3 at any time, even if it is not
LU> now. But as I said, I do not want to throw the towel for include
LU> this in JSF 2.3, not until I do one last push.

Thanks for making one last push, but this is too scary to re-open. I
recall how messy it quickly got when I tried to do it.

Manfred for my convenience, please let me know what table to modify for
Option 1.



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