[jsr372-experts mirror] [jsr372-experts] Re: Re: Re: Features from JSF Managed Beans not present in CDI

From: Leonardo Uribe <>
Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2016 12:22:56 -0500


It is very easy to make a new CDI scope, because in JSF we have already made
other scopes, so it is just copy/paste. It would take only hours to make
the scope,
once we have defined the annotations to include. I created a custom
@FacesScoped annotation in that time, so I have no doubts.

In JSF there are two events: PostConstructApplicationEvent and
PreDestroyApplicationEvent, so I guess an scope can be created over these

I can't touch Mojarra code, but I can give it a try in MyFaces and commit
the code
there, and then tell you guys to do the magic in Mojarra. I think with
about two
months there is plenty of time to do it.


Leonardo Uribe

2016-12-15 11:47 GMT-05:00 arjan tijms <>:

> Hi,
> On Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 6:39 AM, Leonardo Uribe <>
> wrote:
>> In other words, JSF Managed Bean Application Scope ensures there is a
>> valid FacesContext instace on @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy. CDI
>> Application Scope does not ensures that, so code that rely on get a
>> FacesContext instance at startup will no longer work if managed beans
>> are deprecated, or at least this part of the code can't be migrated
>> properly to CDI.
> True, true, so luckily the CDI application scope doesn't automatically
> overtakes the existing JSF one.
> I have to say that the "fake/startup" FacesContext has been some source of
> issues. In hindsight, perhaps it should not have been there in the first
> place. If this view is supported by the other EG members it may be a good
> thing that this will not be available.
> There's a couple of solutions here though. One is that after the spec is
> released, third party libraries like OmniFaces fill this void by providing
> a producer for this special startup FacesContext. There's a precedence for
> that, as in previous steps to move to CDI, the JSF spec also omitted some
> features (like e.g. a CDI @ViewScoped).
> The other is that someone puts in the work to create such producer now.
> The time we have left is short though, and the available resources likely
> low. If you'd like to give it a try though, please do. If you can't finish
> the work before the spec is final you could perhaps use it as a MyFaces
> specific feature and then we put it in the spec next time.
>> AT>> There's a direct CDI replacement for that provided by JSF 2.3. It's
>> in
>> AT>> the javax.faces.annotation package.
>> Ok, it is not yet in the javadoc. Thanks for the link, that gives me an
>> idea about how it will work.
> The JavaDoc should be there, it's:
> /**
> * <p class="changed_added_2_3">The presence of this annotation (along
> * with {_at_code @Inject}) on a field of any type causes the value returned
> from
> * evaluating an expression language expression to be
> * injected as the value of that field. </p>
> */
> @Qualifier
> @Target(FIELD)
> @Retention(RUNTIME)
> public @interface ManagedProperty {
> /**
> * <p class="changed_added_2_3">Taken to be the value that is
> injected into
> * the field. </p>
> *
> * @return the value.
> */
> @Nonbinding
> String value();
> ...
> Kind regards,
> Arjan Tijms
>> regards,
>> Leonardo Uribe
>> 2016-12-14 12:56 GMT-05:00 arjan tijms <>:
>>> Hi Leo,
>>> On Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 12:19 AM, Leonardo Uribe <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> - Is there any plans to include an @Eager annotation or something
>>>> similar in order to provide the same behavior for
>>>> @ManagedBean(eager="true")?
>>> This feature is largely provided by CDI natively, namely via
>>> the @Observes @Initialized(ApplicationScoped.class) construct. See
>>> Romain's blog post about this here: https://rmannibucau.word
>>> There's also a CDI issue for this specifically here:
>>> Going beyond the spec, there's third party support for eagerly
>>> instantiating CDI beans via OmniFaces: http://showcase.omn
>>>> - Is there any plans to include something similar to
>>>> @ManagedProperty(value="#{mybean}"), or we will rely on what @Inject
>>>> already provides?
>>> There's a direct CDI replacement for that provided by JSF 2.3. It's in
>>> the javax.faces.annotation package. See http://arjan-tijm
>>> Hope this cleared things up.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Arjan Tijms
>>>> regards,
>>>> Leonardo Uribe