[jsr372-experts mirror] Re: CDI decorator support for FacesWrapper subclasses

From: arjan tijms <>
Date: Sat, 27 Aug 2016 17:41:26 +0200


Something like that would be something we'd eventually want to end up with
I guess, but it requires a refactoring and compatibility change beyond what
we can currently sustain.

A ground up attempt capable of basically what you ask was started here btw:

Doing the same for JSF / Mojarra would likely require a lot of resources,
if only to make sure we stay absolutely compatible. The cdi alignment story
only worked on converters, validators and EL resolution until know and that
already took a lot of time and is by far not ready.

Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms

On Saturday, August 27, 2016, Guillermo González de Agüero <> wrote:

> Another benefit I forgot: with that kind of CDI integration we'd also get
> an improved debugging experience, thaks to tools like Weld Probe [1]. A
> common JSF application already has a component library (e.g. PrimeFaces)
> and OmniFaces present. At the moment it is difficult to get an overview of
> the "decorated" artifacts, and that could be handy when the user wants to
> add another wrapping layer.
> Regards,
> Guillermo González de Agüero
> [1]
> weld-probe--inspect-your-cdi-application-at-runtime
> On Sat, Aug 27, 2016 at 4:19 PM, Guillermo González de Agüero <
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> As part of the CDI alignment effort for JSF 2.3, I'd like to propose
>> another enhancement.
>> Currently, there are a lot of artifacts that can be wrapped (decorated)
>> by extending a FacesWrapper implementation and registering them at
>> faces-config.xml [1].
>> I'd like to be able to just use CDI decorators for this, like:
>> @Priority(1000)
>> @Decorator
>> public abstract MyCustomResourceHandler extends ResourceHandler {
>> @Inject
>> @Delegate
>> private ResourceHandler rh;
>> @Override
>> public Resource createResource(String resource) {
>> // ..
>> }
>> }
>> The only problem is that CDI requires the decorated artifact to be an
>> interface instead of a class. So to achieve this. So methods would need to
>> be extracted to new interfaces.
>> The end user benefits would be a simplified and more standard way to
>> decorate artifacts and less need for the faces-config.xml.
>> What do you think?
>> Regards,
>> Guillermo González de Agüero.
>> [1]
>> es/FacesWrapper.html