It is generated from
Kind regards,
Manfred Riem
On 2/29/16, 11:11 AM, Cody Lerum wrote:
> Where exactly is the source for the VDL documentation?
> I'll try and work up a PR for it in the next week or so.
> -C
> On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 9:00 AM, manfred riem<> wrote:
>> Hi Cody,
>> It would be an update to VDL documentation which is part of the spec.
>> And the implementation needs to be backwards compatible.
>> Thanks!
>> Kind regards,
>> Manfred Riem
>> On 2/14/16, 11:26 AM, Cody Lerum wrote:
>>> All-
>>> I would like to help get this nagging issue into JSF 2.3, but I don't
>>> know what exactly needs to be done at this point.
>>> Is it an update to the API, the spec doc, both?
>>> Any guidance would be appreciated.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Cody Lerum