[jsr372-experts mirror] Re: [jsr372-experts] Should _at_SessionScoped Beans Allow Injection of Resources

From: Mark Struberg <>
Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2015 18:28:24 +0000 (UTC)

Agree, I prefer to strictly distinguish between the following 3 different terms

* Bean. For CDI always means Bean<T> in the sense of a factory rule
* Contextual Instance: the one single 'singleton' per your scope context
* Contextual Reference: the proxy for your Contextual Instance. This is what you get injected and what you get via BeanManager#getReference().


> On Monday, 6 April 2015, 18:26, arjan tijms <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> On Mon, Apr 6, 2015 at 2:07 PM, Mark Struberg <> wrote:
>> When the discussion was about ‚producer methods‘ I was thinking about, well
> a ‚Producer Method‘:
> Well, we actually said "producer", not "producer method",
> but I
> understand what your mean.
> Personally I think the term "bean" for what is effectively a factory
> for some type is somewhat difficult to get in to. When you casually
> talk about a bean, people think about a JavaBean, and in a JSF/CDI
> context something like a backing bean with an @Named and
> @RequestScoped annotation or so.
> But alas, that ship has sailed ;)
> Kind regards,
> Arjan Tijms
>> @Produces
>> @Dependent
>> public FacesContext getFacesContext() { ..}
>> something like that. That’s why I said that the interface of the
> producermethod has not that much impact but the return type at runtime needs to
> be Serializable.
>> LieGrue,
>> strub
>>> Am 06.04.2015 um 12:58 schrieb arjan tijms
> <>:
>>> Hi,
>>> On Mon, Apr 6, 2015 at 9:40 AM, Mark Struberg <>
> wrote:
>>>> I don’t look at the Mojarra code to make sure that everything I
> write at MyFaces is really ‚clean room‘.
>>> Ah, I didn't know that. TIL ;)
>>>> 2.) Serialisation of the Contextual Reference. This is what blows
> up in your case. And it is independent on whether your own contextual instance
> gets serialized or not. Consider an @ApplicationScoped MyService which is not
> serializable. And now you inject this into a @SessionScoped MyView. When MyView
> gets serialized (cluster) then the proxy for MyService which got injected into
> MyView gets serialized as well. And this proxy (the Contextual Reference) just
> serializes the passivationId over to the other node. We cannot serialize the
> whole Bean<T> as it usually contains refs to a lot of Class<?>,
> Method<?>, Field<?> etc. On the other node this gets ‚connected‘ to
> the Bean<T> again via BeanManager#getPassivationCapableBean(String id)
>>> I guessed something like this was the case indeed, but I got somewhat
>>> confused by you saying before:
>>>> a.) The interface doesn’t matter at all. The only thing which
> counts is that the return type must not be a final non-serilizable class.
>>> But I guess we were just talking about different things there.
>>> For OmniFaces I ran into the exact same issue and there I just applied
>>> the interface, without worrying too much about potential unforeseen
>>> side effects, but for the JSF spec I (via Manfred) wanted to be a
>>> little bit more careful here.
>>> But indeed, an explanation like your 2) above in the javadoc and/or
>>> spec text for PassivationCapable would have helped a lot.
>>> The interface is thus intended to effectively re-obtain a Bean<T>
> with
>>> a given class type and constructor arguments. If only the class type
>>> mattered, then CDI wouldn't really have needed the bother with the
>>> PassivationCapable interface, but the constructor arguments can matter
>>> as well.
>>>> Hope that helps a bit.
>>> It does, thanks a lot for the thorough explanation. I'll prepare a
>>> changebundle for Mojarra and/or discuss it with Manfred.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Arjan Tijms
>>>> LieGrue,
>>>> strub
>>>>> Am 05.04.2015 um 22:49 schrieb arjan tijms
> <>:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> On Sunday, April 5, 2015, Mark Struberg
> <> wrote:
>>>>>> Am 05.04.2015 um 21:07 schrieb arjan tijms
> <>:
>>>>>> If this does not implement
> javax.enterprise.inject.spi.PassivationCapable
> (
> then the injection in session scoped beans fails.
>>>>> Yes, and that is simply a bug. There is nothing wrong with CDI
> in general, just a simple bug in Mojarra.
>>>>> Just to be sure, do you mean it's a bug in Mojarra that the
> FacesContextProducer does not implement the PassivationCapable interface?
>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>> Arjan Tijms
>>>>> Ed, feel free to ping me and I’ll explain. Or we sit together
> over a coffee next week and I help you fixing this.
>>>>> LieGrue,
>>>>> strub