Sending this on the behalf of Mark Struberg, whom I have just added to
the users list.
MS> Ouch, that are a few long time outstanding topics. Those are
MS> problems which still exist since the early EE days as server vendors
MS> seems have blocked a unified approach so far.
>> 1. Classloading and resource loading.
MS> At least the EE5 spec introduced a 'possible' visibility
MS> structure. It would finally be time for saying that those visibility
MS> rules are the 'standard' and must be supported. Then other specs
MS> like CDI and JSF would be able to define proper rules for those
MS> standard visibility mode as well. Currently we cannot rely on
MS> much. Also the current visibility rules are not 100% clear to
MS> me. E.g. technically spoken does an ejb.jar on the / level of an EAR
MS> get an own child-classloader like WARs? And what if you move this to
MS> /lib/? And what if it's in /lib/ and you explicitly define it as
MS> ejb-jar in application.xml? And does it need an ejb-jar.xml or is
MS> the location alone enough? I tried to deduct this from the umbrella
MS> spec (and ejb spec) but it was not really clear to me. I most
MS> probably might miss something, so if anyone thinks this is perfectly
MS> clear then speak up and explain it to me ;)
>> 2. Annotation Scanning.
MS> We also discussed what unifying annotation and class scanning would
MS> mean on a general EE level over at the CDI spec EG. Our
MS> understanding so far is that this would help quite a few other specs
MS> and ease building servers. But the gut feeling was that there would
MS> most probably not be enough support on the EE umbrella spec
MS> level. This would be one of those things which make sense to define
MS> AND IMPLEMENT on the umbrella level. But so far the EE umbrella
MS> refused to do define an own API, create a RI and TCK, etc. Btw it's
MS> not only about annotation scanning it's also class-scanning even if
MS> there is no annotation in it. Of course we would also make sure it
MS> works on OSGi as well, etc
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