[jsr372-experts mirror] [jsr372-experts] Re: Null to empty String

From: manfred riem <>
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 10:23:30 -0500

Hi Koen,

I think this is a perfect issue to bring up on the new JSF 2.3 Expert
Group list, I have copied them.

Experts please weigh in and keep Koen on your responses.

Note I have removed to avoid cross posting.


On 10/15/14, 9:08 AM, Koen Serneels wrote:
> Hi,
> When binding a JSF input text to a String property of a JSF
> ManagedBean, I want that an empty value is mapped to null and not ""
> (empty string).
> So, on tomcat7 (7.0.56) with JSF(2.2 RI) I can get this to work nicely
> by controlling the coercing behavior with the JVM property
> org.apache.el.parser.COERCE_TO_ZERO icw JSF
> param.
> set to true, JSF will set the local component value for the input
> component as null when the input if left empty.
> Next, when the value is actually set by tomcat's EL parser, it will
> NOT try to coerce the value when org.apache.el.parser.COERCE_TO_ZERO
> is set to false and the value remains null as I want (= OK)
> However (as I first posted this on the tomcat dev mailinglist) as of
> Tomcat8 and EL3 , a null value is coerced to "" (empty String) by the
> EL parser and the COERCE_TO_ZERO property has no longer any effect.
> This is as the specification now by default converts "" to null in
> case of a non-primitive number. But, in case of String, the specs says
> that a empty string ("") is not coerced to null and remains empty String.
> The relevant parts from the EL 3 spec:
> 1.23.2 Coerce A to String
> If A is null: return ""
> 1.23.3 Coerce A to Number type N
> If A is null and N is not a primitive type, return null.
> If A is null or "", return 0.
> My questions:
> -Wrt EL3, does the JSF param
> use left?
> Since the EL impl converts the null resulting from this property to
> empty String according to the spec
> -Is there a way that I can change this behavior in any way so that I
> can have null instead of empty String for empty text fields with
> Tomcat8/JSF2.2 RI?
> Thanks,
> Koen.