[jsr372-experts mirror] [jsr372-experts] Re: [527-InjectFacesContext] Support and review

From: manfred riem <>
Date: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 10:48:39 -0500

Hi Arjan,

Answers inline

On 10/6/14, 10:36 AM, arjan tijms wrote:
> Hi
> On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 5:10 PM, manfred riem<> wrote:
>> Hi Arjan,
>> Can you verify if the proxying works properly by writing some tests that
>> exercise the injection of the FacesContext using @Inject into the managed
>> beans using following scope types (@RequestScoped, @SessionScoped,
>> @FlowScoped, @ViewScoped, @ApplicationScoped)?
> I'll take a look. May be a little challenging to explicitly test for
> "proxy or not", but let's see if I can get up with something.
In principle you only need to test that the current SNAPSHOT jar is
working with the @Inject.
You don't need to test the non-proxying ;)
> What shall I use as the implementation for the injection itself?
> Latest Mojarra 2.3 source?
You can write the tests and use the latest SNAPSHOT as deployed on
> Btw, there was a potential issue with @Produces not being picked up by
> the jars that are installed inside the container (like is typical for
> JSF). Using a CDI extension with some kind of dynamic producer could
> be an option to work around that.
> Did you looked into that?
Indeed it is written as a CDI extension and waiting for your testing!
>> If we can verify that all are working as expected I think from a developer
>> perspective this is enough. For any of the other corner use cases I think we
>> should push back for now, unless someone wants to spearhead the work on
>> that. Any takers?
>> Thanks!
>> Manfred
