[jsr344-experts mirror] Re: Let's get started on JSF 2.3

From: Kito Mann <>
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 09:50:42 -0400

Also, is there a version of this that doesn't require a login to


Kito D. Mann | @kito99 | Author, JSF in Action
Virtua, Inc. | | JSF/Java EE training and consulting | @jsfcentral
+1 203-998-0403

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On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 10:16 AM, Edward Burns <>

> >>>>> On Mon, 21 Jul 2014 20:48:14 -0700, Edward Burns <
>> said:
> >>>>> On Mon, 21 Jul 2014 15:29:43 -0700, Edward Burns <
>> said:
> EB> Hello JSF User Community,
> EB> I expect you've been wondering what's happening with JSF now that the
> EB> Java EE 8 survey has long since completed [1]. Wonder no more, it's
> EB> time to start work on JSF 2.3! Here is a proposal for the JSR text
> that
> EB> will very likely change before we file with JCP. [2]
> EB> We're going to use the same open and transparent process to develope
> EB> 2.3 as we have for every prior release since 1.2.
> EB> Finally, I'm happy to announce that long-time JSF community member
> EB> Manfred Riem will by my co-spec lead for this go-round.
> EB> Manfred and I both look forward to working with you all on JSF 2.3.
> EB> Here is the JSR text as an attachment, since someone pointed out on
> EB> twitter they couldn't access it.
> I moved the JSR text to another folder and made a copyedit. Here is the
> new location and new version of the file attached.
> --
> | | office: +1 407 458 0017
> | 44 work days til JavaOne 2014
> Title:
> JavaServer Faces 2.3 Specification
> Summary/Description:
> This JSR aims to improve the clarity of the existing JavaServer Faces
> (JSF) specification and introduce a small, targeted set of new features
> as directed by community contribution.
> Duration:
> 2 weeks
> Section 1: Identification
> Specification Lead: Edward Burns
> E-Mail Address:
> Telephone Number: +1 407 458 0017
> Specification Lead: Manfred Riem
> E-Mail Address:
> Telephone Number: +1 435 225 4289
> Initial Group Membership: TBD
> Supporting this JSR: TBD
> Section 2: Request
> 2.1 Please describe the proposed Specification:
> This JSR aims to improve the clarity of the existing JavaServer Faces
> (JSF) specification and introduce a small, targeted set of new features
> as directed by community contribution.
> Requirements are grouped into four major categories: Small scale new
> features, community driven improvements, and platform integration.
> Small scale new features
> ------------------------
> While the scope of new features is intentionally limited, it is
> important to continue to evolve JSF to support the growing needs of
> existing users. To that end, an enhancement to the JSF Ajax API is
> proposed: namely Ajax method invocation. This feature allows invoking
> CDI managed bean methods directly from Ajax, allowing the response
> to be sent using Java EE 7 standard JSON.
> Community driven improvements
> -----------------------------
> JSF has always been indisputably community focused. This tradition
> continues in JSF 2.3. While the set of issues addressed is very much up
> to what the expert group is willing to contribute, some obvious
> suggestions include multi-field validation, @Inject FacesContext, EL
> performance optimizations, and cross-form Ajax clarifications.
> Platform integration
> --------------------
> Previous versions of JSF intentionally lagged one version behind the
> Java EE version in which it was bundled. This release abandons this
> approach in favor of being able to leverage platform features from Java
> EE 8 and Java SE 8.
> 2.2 What is the target Java platform? (i.e., desktop, server,
> personal, embedded, card, etc.)
> This specification is targeted for Java EE 8 or higher platforms.
> 2.3 The Executive Committees would like to ensure JSR submitters think
> about how their proposed technology relates to all of the Java
> platform editions. Please provide details here for which platform
> editions are being targeted by this JSR, and how this JSR has
> considered the relationship with the other platform editions.
> This specification targets the Java EE 8 Platform. It will be based on
> the corresponding release of the Java SE platform.
> 2.4 What need of the Java community will be addressed by the proposed
> specification?
> All of the work items in this JSR are a direct response to community
> needs.
> 2.5 Why isn't this need met by existing specifications?
> JSF has been the sole Java EE JSR that deals with user interface
> concerns, thus any UI related needs are dealt with in this
> specification.
> 2.6 Please give a short description of the underlying technology or
> technologies:
> See 2.1 above.
> 2.7 Is there a proposed package name for the API Specification? (i.e.,
> javapi.something, org.something, etc.)
> javax.faces
> 2.8 Does the proposed specification have any dependencies on specific
> operating systems, CPUs, or I/O devices that you know of?
> No.
> 2.9 Are there any security issues that cannot be addressed by the
> current security model?
> The Java SE security model is perfectly sufficient for the needs of this
> specification. There will be security related features in this JSR, but
> these will build on top of the current security model.
> 2.10 Are there any internationalization or localization issues?
> This JSR will use the I18N support in Java SE.
> 2.11 Are there any existing specifications that might be rendered
> obsolete, deprecated, or in need of revision as a result of this work?
> This specification obsoletes JSF 2.2 (JSR-344).
> This specification will work with the Portlet 3.0 (JSR-362)
> specification to facilitate its achievement of delivering Ajax
> functionality for JSF based portlets.
> This specification will work with Servlet 4.0 to leverage HTTP/2
> features for the benefit of JSF applications.
> 2.12 Please describe the anticipated schedule for the development of this
> specification.
> Q3 2014 Expert Group formed
> Q1 2015 Early Draft
> Q3 2015 Public Review
> Q4 2015 Proposed Final Draft
> Q3 2016 Final Release
> 2.13 Please describe the anticipated working model for the Expert
> Group working on developing this specification.
> We will use the same working model as in JSR-344: primarily email
> discussion with occasional conference calls and other distributed team
> technology uses. See section 2.14 for the transparency measures we will
> use.
> The reference implementation will be developed using an Open Source
> development model.
> 2.14 Provide detailed answers to the transparency checklist, making sure
> to include URLs as appropriate:
> We will leverage the collaborative tools provided by the
> infrastructure. We have established the "javaserverfaces-spec-public"
> project at <>. Therein, we will have a public
> issue tracker for tracking most issues at
> <>. The reference implementation will be
> developed entirely in the public javaserverfaces project on
> The TCK will be developed privately by Oracle. We will
> leverage the Early Draft feature of the JCP process to allow the public
> to see the spec in progress.
> - Is the schedule for the JSR publicly available, current, and updated
> regularly?
> The schedule will be available on the project site,
> <>, and via the Community tab of the JSR. The
> official @jsf_spec twitter will be used for infrequent status
> updates.
> - Can the public read and/or write to a wiki for the JSR?
> The <> project users list
> ( is used for this purpose.
> - Is there a publicly accessible discussion board for the JSR that you
> read and respond to regularly?
> The <> project users list
> ( is used for this purpose.
> - Have you spoken at conferences and events about the JSR recently?
> Yes, at JavaOne and JavaLand.
> - Are you using open-source processes for the development of the RI
> and/or the TCK?
> The RI is being done under the open source GlassFish project at
> - What are the Terms of Use required to use the collaboration tools
> you have prepared to use with the Expert Group, so that prospective EG
> members can judge whether they are compatible with the JSPA?
> The terms of use are those of
> - What is the location of your publicly-accessible Issue list? In
> order to enable EC members to judge whether Issues have been
> adequately addressed, the list must make a clear distinction between
> Issues that are still open, Issues that have been deferred, and those
> that are closed, and must indicate the reason for any change of state.
> The publicly-accessible Issue list is available at
> - What is the mechanism for the public to provide feedback on your JSR?
> The public can provide feedback on the JSR by means of the users list.
> - Where is the publicly-accessible document archive for your Expert Group?
> The publicly-accessible document archive is available at
> - Does the Community tab for my JSR have links to and information
> about all public communication mechanisms and sites for the
> development of my JSR?
> Yes, it will.
> - Do you have a Twitter account or other social networking feed which
> people can follow for updates on your JSR?
> Yes, @jsf_spec
> - Which specific areas of feedback should interested community members
> (such as the Adopt-a-JSR program) provide to improve the JSR (please
> also post this to your Community tab)?
> The formation of Adopt-a-JSR groups to provide technical feedback for
> JSF 2.3 is encouraged and supported.
> 2.15 Please describe how the RI and TCK will de delivered, i.e. as
> part of a profile or platform edition, or stand-alone, or
> both. Include version information for the profile or platform in your
> answer.
> The RI and TCK for JSF 2.3 will be delivered in the same way they
> were delivered for Java EE 7.
> 2.16 Please state the rationale if previous versions are available
> stand-alone and you are now proposing in 2.13 to only deliver RI and
> TCK as part of a profile or platform edition (See sections 1.1.5 and
> 1.1.6 of the JCP 2 document).
> N/A
> 2.17 Please provide the full text of the licenses that will apply to your
> Final Release Specification, Reference Implementation, and Technology
> Compatibility Kit, or provide links to the same.
> TBD. No changes are expected from previous release.
> 2.18 Please describe the communications channel you have established
> for the public to observe Expert Group deliberations, provide
> feedback, and view archives of all Expert Group communications
> The Expert Group will conduct business on a publicly readable alias.
> The public will have an alias on which to provide feedback and discuss
> issues related to the JSR. There will also be a publicly accessible
> JIRA and document archive. (See also 2.19 and 2.20 below.)
> 2.19 What is the URL of the Issue Tracker that the public can read,
> and how does the public log issues in the Issue Tracker?
> 2.20 Please provide the location of the publicly accessible document
> archive you have created for the Expert Group.
> Section 3: Contributions
> 3.1 Please list any existing documents, specifications, or
> implementations that describe the technology. Please include links to
> the documents if they are publicly available.
> JSF 2.2
> 3.2 Explanation of how these items might be used as a starting point
> for the work.
> These specifications will be the starting point for this work.