[jsr344-experts mirror] [jsr344-experts] Discussion: Action Oriented framework in Java EE

From: Edward Burns <>
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2014 11:43:31 -0800

Hello JSF Volunteers,

As you may have seen, there have been rumblings of varying sizes on the
topic of an action oriented web framework in Java EE 8. You also may
have seen the following email from JSF community member and EE advocate
Ajan Tijms. I'd like to use Arjan's mail as a point of departure for
this discussion in the expert group here.

AT> Many of you have undoubtedly read Manfred's blog about the action
AT> based prototype in Mojarra. For those who haven't yet, it's at

AT> This very same prototype is now also referred to as one of the 3
AT> possible options in part 3 of the Java EE 8 survey concerning "An
AT> additional web MVC framework".

AT> From the previous part of the survey it became clear that people are
AT> interested in the action based topic, but that there's no clear
AT> consensus whether this should be an upgraded JAX-RS, the
AT> standardization of Spring MVC or something else. That something else
AT> might thus just as well be an upgraded JSF (as I argued for last
AT> year here:

AT> I thus wonder what everyone's opinion is about this prototype
AT> Manfred created.

I'd like to see us extract Facelets from JSF, make it a first class
citizen of a JAX-RS MVC, *and* provide an Action Oriented lifecycle as
an alternative to the standard JSF lifecycle.

AT> Clearly it's a prototype. Things like parameter injection have not
AT> been added yet and some (core?) details like how to exactly identify
AT> request parameters submitted by existing components have not been
AT> entirely fleshed out yet.

AT> But, do you think this is the way forward for JSF?

What do others think?


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