[jsr344-experts mirror] [jsr344-experts] Re: Discussion: Action Oriented framework in Java EE

From: Frank Caputo <>
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 22:26:22 +0100


this is not really a reply, but a summary with some comments:

Am 02.03.2014 um 11:05 schrieb

> I think that most of the use cases described could perfectly be
> realized using JSF 2.2 features.

I think, that’s true.

> If we would enhance JSF with further possibilities regarding an
> action-based framework, there is a risk of "overloading" JSF.

We already have view actions.

> Of course I am in favour of enhancing JSF according to user
> feedback. But I am not sure whether it is a good idea to integrate
> too much into it.

Let’s try to do it with minimal impact.

Am 08.03.2014 um 03:42 schrieb Leonardo Uribe <>:

> In other words, what the user want is in this case is:
> - Take advantage of JSF 2 template system (facelets) and component model.
> - Don't use the JSF lifecycle and use something else that fits.
> Let me be clear about this: in my personal opinion it is a nonsense to take
> out Facelets from JSF, because Facelets was built as a view technology that
> takes advantage of JSF component model. If you take facelets out of JSF, what
> you are really doing is get rid of JSF lifecycle, but besides that, you are
> not doing anything else. You still want facelets TagHandlers that build a
> JSF component tree that can be manipulated somehow and finally rendered. The
> very essence of JSF remains active.

Absolutely true.

I used facelets in 2 projects as an email templating engine. But it was in fact a simple http request to the faces servlet. You render HTML (so you need the renderkit), you need images and thus the resource handler.

Extracting only facelets is not enough. You need much more. Maybe we can decouple everything which has to do with templating from the web to make it available in other contexts. But isn’t this already done with the ExternalContext?

> At last I would like to remind you some statements in the overview of JSF spec
> "... JSF provides ease-of-use in the following ways :
> 1. Makes it easy to construct a UI from a set of reusable UI components
> 2. Simplifies migration of application data to and from the UI
> 3. Helps manage UI state across server requests
> 4. Provides a simple model for wiring client-generated events to server-side
> application code
> 5 Allows custom UI components to be easily built and re-use
> ..."
> Nothing has changed. This time, we just need to focus on point 4 of the list,
> since we already have done the other points pretty well.

I cite only the summary of Leonardo’s mail. But IMO the whole text was very important.

Am 07.03.2014 um 21:00 schrieb Edward Burns <>:

> 10 Work Days Til JavaLand 2014

Any other EG member at JavaLand? Maybe some of us can simply meet there to have a little chat about the whole action thing.

I still wonder how much is still missing for the action based approach. I only see JAX-RS annotations missing.

Ciao Frank