[jsr344-experts mirror] [jsr344-experts] Re: Re: [ADMIN] JSF 2.2 PFD RC2

From: Andy Schwartz <>
Date: Sun, 03 Mar 2013 08:05:40 -0500

Hi Michael -

On 3/3/13 3:00 AM, Michael Müller wrote:
> Hi Ed,
> Once again...
> We have to consider compatibility for existing apps. If someone uses
> "p:" as alias for PrimeFaces, then she may define "pa:" for Pass
> Through Attributes. Same applys for "jsf:". On the other hand, I
> understand ease of use. Someone may use "jsf:" without declaring a
> namespace.

I haven't had a chance to read up on the context for this, but I wanted
to chime in to say that the JSF spec should never associate behavior
with namespace prefixes. The spec should only associate behavior with
namepsaces. Sure, the spec can recommend conventions for namespace
prefix mappings. However, our users should always be free to define
their own mappings.

If we have cases in the spec where we require that a namespace prefix
has some meaning regardless of how that prefix is mapped, we need to fix
