[jsr344-experts mirror] [jsr344-experts] Re: Welcome to the JSF Specification Expert Group

From: Neil Griffin <>
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2012 10:08:29 -0400

Welcome Frank!


On Mar 25, 2012, at 1:57 PM, Frank Caputo wrote:

> Hello Expert Group,
> my name is Frank Caputo. I'm very happy, that Ed Burns added me to the EG last week.
> I'm a freelance programmer, architect or whatever my customer wants me to be, living in Hamburg, Germany. I'm 38 years old and do Java programming since 1996. I'm working basically on web projects and I'm doing all kinds of programming from the database to the client. My secret passion is JavaScript and I think, the key for the best Java web framework is knowing the needs of the client.
> I know I'm quite late for JSR 344, but maybe I can bring up some ideas from my daily work.
> Kind Regards
> Frank
> PS: you can find a photo of me on my outdated homepage: