
[jsr372-experts] Re: Become a contributer

From: Michael Müller <michael.mueller_at_mueller-bruehl.de>
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2017 06:40:59 +0100

Great work, Arjan. Thanks for explanation.

Herzliche Grüße - Best Regards,

Michael Müller
Brühl, Germany
blog.mueller-bruehl.de <http://blog.mueller-bruehl.de/>
it-rezension.de <http://it-rezension.de/>

Read my books
   "Web Development with Java and JSF": https://leanpub.com/jsf
   "Java Lambdas and Parallel Streams":
   "Visitors" a photographic image book: https://leanpub.com/visitors

On 03/06/2017 11:27 PM, arjan tijms wrote:
> Hi,
> We're indeed trying to make it (much) easier, but it's a bit of a
> journey really.
> To compile Mojarra, it's now a "mvn clean install" from the top level.
> To test you need to extract a GlassFish or Payara into some folder,
> say /opt/gf_for_mojarra_tests
> Then in your settings.xml file in ~/.m2 put a profile like the following:
> <profile>
> <id>default</id>
> <activation>
> <activeByDefault>true</activeByDefault>
> </activation>
> <properties>
> <glassfish.cargo.home>/opt/gf-for-mojarra-tests</glassfish.cargo.home>
> <glassfish.patch.home>/opt/gf-for-mojarra-tests</glassfish.patch.home>
> </properties>
> </profile>
> Then from the top level of the Mojarra project do:
> cd test
> bin/run-tests.sh
> That should run all tests against the GF or Payara server that you
> have configured.
> If you want to update a GF or Payara that you start up yourself, and
> manually deploy JSF apps to it, you can use a little helper script
> like this:
> gf.up.sh <http://gf.up.sh>
> cp /Users/you/mojarra/impl/target/javax.faces-2.4.0-m01-SNAPSHOT.jar
> /Users/you/payara-172/glassfish/modules/javax.faces.jar
> rm -rf /Users/you/payara-171/glassfish/domains/domain1/osgi-cache/felix/
> Adjust the paths for our own situation of course.
> I was planning to work on an IDE deployer to update gf/payara and
> possibly other servers, but haven't gotten around to that yet.
> One thing I'd like to add is that Bauke and me are maybe putting in
> some work now, but we're mostly building on the Maven migration
> Manfred started a year or two ago. Without that work we would not be
> where we are today ;)
> Kind regards,
> Arjan
> On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 10:42 PM, Michael Müller
> <michael.mueller_at_mueller-bruehl.de
> <mailto:michael.mueller_at_mueller-bruehl.de>> wrote:
> Thanks
> Herzliche Grüße - Best Regards,
> Michael Müller
> Brühl, Germany
> blog.mueller-bruehl.de <http://blog.mueller-bruehl.de/>
> it-rezension.de <http://it-rezension.de/>
> @muellermi
> Read my books
> "Web Development with Java and JSF": https://leanpub.com/jsf
> "Java Lambdas and Parallel Streams":
> http://www.apress.com/de/book/9781484224861
> <http://www.apress.com/de/book/9781484224861>
> "Visitors" a photographic image book: https://leanpub.com/visitors
> On 03/06/2017 09:30 PM, Edward Burns wrote:
>>>>>>> On Sat, 18 Feb 2017 11:42:49 +0100, Michael Müller<michael.mueller_at_mueller-bruehl.de>
>>>>>>> <mailto:michael.mueller_at_mueller-bruehl.de> said:
>> MM> Hi,
>> MM> After being an expert JSF user, I eventually want to become a code
>> MM> contributor. All I did so far, was to step through the code, modify some
>> MM> methods for testing purpose and allways replaced the jsf jar on my app
>> MM> server.
>> Michael, I would certainly endorse you as a committer. Please take a
>> look at
>> <https://glassfish.java.net/wiki-archive/JavaServerFacesRI.html#JavaServerFacesRI-HowcanIcontribute%3F>
>> <https://glassfish.java.net/wiki-archive/JavaServerFacesRI.html#JavaServerFacesRI-HowcanIcontribute%3F>
>> The first occurrence of "Oracle Contributor Agreement" is a hyperlink to
>> the PDF.
>> MM> I request some advice for a good starting point. Which are the best
>> MM> practices to develop JSF? Do I need to install it in the modules folder
>> MM> every time or is it possible to deploy it "on the fly" like a JSF
>> MM> application? Are there special rules for all the tests? ..., ...? Any
>> MM> hint is welcome! Thanks you.
>> The tests are not easy to get running, but I know that Arjan and Bauke
>> have been able to do it. I also know that Arjan is undertaking a
>> refactoring of the source code to make it all easier to run.
>> MM> BTW, I'll be at JavaLand.
>> Yes, I will as well. I hope we can meet up!
>> Ed