
[jsr372-experts] Report Issues of JSF 2.3 Public Review

From: Leonardo Uribe <leonardo.uribe_at_irian.at>
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2017 19:26:04 -0500


I have found two issues on the javascript documentation:

- javascript doc of jsf.push.init(...), jsf.push.open() and jsf.push.close()
adds "self". Ex: jsf.push.self.init(...). This is clear a bug in the
documentation generation, not something related to the API.

- There is a variable here called jsf.contextpath . Javascript files must
be static, no contextual information must be sent there because that cause
problems on resource caching (remember JSF jars can be shared among
applications in the same container). I guess this was added on early
implementations of f:websocket, but it MUST be removed. If you need to
pass contextual information to the page, there are other ways like an
inline script, or a query parameter.

I'll keep reporting here what I can find.


Leonardo Uribe