
[jsr344-experts] Flow and Loading Facelets via ResourceHandler (Re: was: PRD Review and pending issues)

From: Edward Burns <edward.burns_at_oracle.com>
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2013 14:30:36 -0800

SECTION: Responses relating to Flow

>>>>> On Mon, 14 Jan 2013 13:41:17 -0500, Leonardo Uribe <lu4242_at_gmail.com> said:

LU> I have checked PRD documentation and I have noticed some pending
LU> points that it could be good to keep in mind. This is important
LU> feedback, and in my opinion these points needs to be solved.

LU> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
LU> Faces Flow
LU> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

LU> - It seems there are still some examples using the old syntax inside .xhtml
LU> files and there are people who still believes that syntax is valid, but
LU> in the spec documentation there are only two ways to define a flow: using
LU> xml file and using @FlowDefinition.

Yes, not just some, but *all* of the examples that use XML defined flows
still use the Facelets syntax. Until I close JAVASERVERFACES-2580 to
that's how it will be. I've been keeping the tag handlers up to date
with respect to the XSD, so it will be trivial to change the examples
once 2580 is closed.

LU> - In JSF 2.2 section 7.5.1, it says something like this:

LU> "... When the application containing these flows is deployed, the
LU> runtime discovers the flow definitions and adds them to the internal
LU> flow data structure. One flow is defined in flow-b-flow.xml. The
LU> other flow is defined in FlowA.java, an @Named bean with the
LU> @FlowDefinition annotation. ..."

LU> That's ok, but I think it is not clear that flow-b-flow.xml is a xml
LU> file that has a <faces-config> definition inside (note I'm
LU> speculating here). I suppose that file should allow only a subset
LU> of <faces-config> (navigation rules, managed beans definitions maybe
LU> components/renderers?), or maybe it is open to define anything that
LU> can be defined in a faces-config (which I doubt it).

I wasn't planning on requiring any kind of constraint to what kinds of
XML can be contained in such files. I have added this text.

  This is an XML file conforming to the Application Configuration
  Resources syntax described in Section 11.4 "Application Configuration

I also added text at the top of 11.4 that refers to the complete XSD
(and the XSDDoc generated HTML documentation) which is now bundled with
the javadocs.

LU> And how @FlowDefinition works? the documentation doesn't
LU> say anything, so I just can't say anything. In my opinion, this part has
LU> sense but it requires some clarifications first.

I will flesh out that javadoc, but here is an example that currently
runs in our mojarra tests:

public class FlowA implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -7623501087369765218L;

    public FlowA() {
    @Produces @FlowDefinition
    public Flow defineFlow(@FlowBuilderParameter FlowBuilder flowBuilder) {
        String flowId = "flow-a";
        flowBuilder.id("", flowId);
        flowBuilder.viewNode(flowId, "/" + flowId + "/" + flowId + ".xhtml").markAsStartNode();
        return flowBuilder.getFlow();

LU> - In JSF 2.2 section, it talks about "Packaging Faces Flows
LU> in JAR Files". Take a look at these lines:

LU> "... Any flow nodes included in the jar must be located within sub entries
LU> of the META-INF/flows/<flowName> JAR entry, where <flowName> is a JAR
LU> directory entry whose name is identical to that of a flow id in the
LU> corresponding faces-config.xml file. ..."

LU> What is a "flow node"? is it a real view that JSF can load? does that
LU> means that the vdl should be able to load files under
LU> META-INF/flows/<flowName> like if they were in a webapp directory?.

In the non-normative example in section 7.5, I added the text, "the
different kinds of nodes mentioned in the preceding discussion are
defined in the javadoc for class javax.faces.flow.FlowHandler."

In section, I changed "flow nodes" to "view nodes". Yes, it is
a real JSF Facelets view.

LU> Note according to the previous answers, it should be some changes or
LU> clarification about how ResourceHandler.createViewResource() works.

EXCELLENT CATCH Leonardo. Thank you. I've fixed that. It will be in
the next javadocs published to

SECTION: Relating to ViewActions

LU> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
LU> View Actions
LU> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

LU> - The changes previously proposed are still pending, so any snapshot to
LU> check how they should looks like is welcome.

Thank you for reminding me.

On 14 Decmeber 2013, Leonardo Uribe wrote:

LU> I would suggest a method in ViewMetadata that do the check for
LU> execute full lifecycle or avoid renderResponse() call, and the
LU> implementation by default


LU> In conclusion, one way or another what matters here is allow
LU> f:viewAction to be used without a dependency of f:viewParam, so any
LU> solution that goes into that direction is ok.

I did add ViewMetadata.getViewActions(), for parity with
ViewMetadata.getViewParameters(). However, I also added
boolean ViewMetadata.hasMetadata(UIViewRoot root) and modified 2.2.1 to
simply call that method instead of all that other complicated logic.

This was committed today on r11511 on the RI trunk.

SECTION: Application.createComponent().

LU> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
LU> Application.createComponent(FacesContext context, String taglibURI,
LU> String tagName, Map<String,Object> attributes)
LU> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

LU> Here we have an implementation dependency between the VDL and the
LU> Application object. It says that it creates a component given a VDL,
LU> so it means Application object must call an implementation-specific
LU> method from the VDL (in facelets case a cast to
LU> FaceletsViewDeclarationLanguage and a call), because the VDL class
LU> does not provide a method from the base class. I think it does not
LU> suppose a problem, just something to take note. Maybe provide a
LU> default method in ViewDeclarationLanguage can be useful, so if you
LU> create a VDL wrapper, you can override that one too.

I've removed the method from Application and placed it on VDL,
specifying that only for facelets must it be implemented, but leaving
the door open to other VDLs doing this.

SECTION: Loading views via ResourceHandler

The discussion on this one was hard to follow.

Leonardo, I've had some good luck in looking to Frank as an expert on
this, would you mind if I had a hangout with him after you and he had a
chance to hash it out some more? As I tried to follow the discussion it
wandered a bit and I wasn't sure where it ended up.

LU> I think the only pending point in this part is make some
LU> clarifications about how and when
LU> ResourceHandler.createViewResource() can be called.

Yes, and how much to do here for 2.2 is the real question. At this
point, I'd really like to get away with doing as little as possible on
this feature, but I understand the importance of getting it right.

LU> It is clear that the idea of this method is allow facelets or any other VDL
LU> to use ResourceHandler API to load resources used during view construction
LU> (templates, view definitions, ...) .

LU> According to the new spec, we have some special places that store
LU> view related resources:

LU> - META-INF/flows/<flow-name>/... : files there should be treated as
LU> views.

LU> - META-INF/contracts/<contract-name>/... : files there are not views
LU> but the VDL should be able to load resources like templates that are
LU> used when a view is processed. It also contains other resource files
LU> like .css, .png and so on that the ResourceHandler should be able to
LU> locate and serve them. It also contains composite component files.

LU> - META_INF/resources/... : Contains resource files like .css, .png
LU> and so on that the ResourceHandler should be able to locate and
LU> serve them. It also contains composite component files.

LU> This looks great. The important part is there is a difference
LU> between files that can use the VDL to create views and files that
LU> can use the VDL while is building views (like templates).

LU> Since we have 3 different concepts here,

I do not agree that these are three different concepts. The are all XML
files that are input to the Facelets system to create a tree of UI
components. In other words, VDL files. For this reason I am not yet
convinced we need to do more than we have.

However, the volume of the discussion between you and Frank indicates we
probably do need to do more.

LU> it should be 3 different methods to deal with this (better names for
LU> the methods are welcome):

Let's see if we really need that.


>>>>> On Mon, 14 Jan 2013 18:32:55 -0500, Leonardo Uribe <lu4242_at_gmail.com> said:

LU> Hi
LU> Thinking about the problem in ResourceHandler.createViewResource, I have
LU> some additional comments:

LU> Q: What's the difference between createViewTemplateResource and
LU> createResource ?

I'd like to know that myself.

>>>>> On Tue, 15 Jan 2013 14:37:14 -0500, Leonardo Uribe <lu4242_at_gmail.com> said:

LU> Thinking about this, I think a good idea could be add a method to
LU> Resource interface to get the last modified time. If you take a look
LU> at Resource implementation, these two methods:

LU> public boolean userAgentNeedsUpdate(FacesContext context)
LU> public Map<String, String> getResponseHeaders()

LU> requires to calculate the last modified time.

LU> DefaultFaceletFactory requires calculate the last modified time in
LU> order to refresh the facelet, so it has sense something like this:

LU> public Long getLastModified()

LU> return null if no lastModified time can be returned. In the case of
LU> load a facelet from a database this method helps to isolate the
LU> details involved in get the lastModified time from DefaultFaceletFactory
LU> logic related to refresh facelet instances.

I can see adding this, but I think it can wait til after 2.2. Do we
really need it now?

>>>>> On Wed, 16 Jan 2013 20:23:42 +0100, Frank Caputo <frank_at_frankcaputo.de> said:

FC> Hi Leonardo,
FC> Am 15.01.2013 um 20:37 schrieb Leonardo Uribe <lu4242_at_gmail.com>:

LU> Thinking about this, I think a good idea could be add a method to
LU> Resource interface to get the last modified time.
LU> public Long getLastModified()
LU> return null if no lastModified time can be returned.

FC> This method would be really helpful, but I wouldn't allow null to be returned, so I'd use the primitive long as return value.

FC> There will be an issue with decorating existing resources and
FC> overwriting only getLastModified. userAgentNeedsUpdate and
FC> getResponseHeaders won't call the decorated version of
FC> getLastModified. So on decorated resources all 3 methods must be
FC> implemented, which is not very comfortable.

Yes, this is a big problem one encounters when maintaining a framework
over time that allows decoratability.

>>>>> On Wed, 16 Jan 2013 22:02:24 -0500, Leonardo Uribe <lu4242_at_gmail.com> said:

LU> After thinking about the problem of ResourceHandler.createViewResource(),
LU> I have an idea about how we can fix this part. Let's start for the
LU> beginning (I'll do a small summary, fixing some parts to align the
LU> concepts with the proposal, sorry if it becomes too repetitive):

>>>>> On Wed, 16 Jan 2013 15:47:52 -0500, Leonardo Uribe <lu4242_at_gmail.com> said:

LU> In conclusion, in my opinion we shouldn't worry about that detail,
LU> because once these methods are defined, by the "nature" of the
LU> underlying Resource those implementations does not change.

>>>>> On Sun, 20 Jan 2013 16:37:41 +0100, Frank Caputo <frank_at_frankcaputo.de> said:

FC> +1

>>>>> On Wed, 23 Jan 2013 21:12:00 +0100, Frank Caputo <frank_at_frankcaputo.de> said:


FC> I would be happy with a method String getContract() in Resource. I
FC> think this would help solving this problem.

These kinds of comments indicate the need for a more self-contained and
complete proposal. Leo and Frank, can you get together and I'll have a
hangout with Frank afterward? It needs to be as soon as possible.



| edward.burns_at_oracle.com | office: +1 407 458 0017
| homepage:               | http://ridingthecrest.com/
[1] http://java.net/jira/browse/JAVASERVERFACES-2580