
[jsr344-experts] Re: Re: [949-WindowId] Best place to specify creating the windowId?

From: Werner Punz <werner.punz_at_gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2012 14:20:06 +0100

Am 16.03.12 14:04, schrieb Werner Punz:
> Am 15.03.12 17:56, schrieb Neil Griffin:
>> Hi Ed,
>> Admittedly I'm not a JavaScript expert. So I double checked with a
>> JavaScript+Portlet expert at Liferay, and he said window.name is
>> appropriate and should be safe. He also said that the JS libraries
>> like jQuery and YUI dont generally leverage it.
> Actually CODI solves it with window.name and an intermediate page(see
> my mail before). We however should double check for the most important
> libs before leveraging it. Not
> that I have seen it yet being used in any of those libs, but some of
> them are quite big so there might be something I have missed.
> Werner
Ok I just did a quick check on Dojo, Dojo uses it but only on iframes
for cross domain communications so it is safe there as well.
jQuery seems to be save and neither does YUI, I guess the rest of the
bunch also is safe but needs checkup.

But either way we probably should add some generic window.name api which
allows to store key value pairs in the window.name, just for the sake of
not being to intrusive just in case someone wants to use it. something
long those lines jsf.util.windowNameGet(key) and
jsf.util.windowNamePut(key, value). So if anything breaks the complib
authors then have a chance to work on it via an api.
