
[jsr344-experts] Re: [730-TaskFlows] PROPOSAL

From: Rossen Stoyanchev <rstoyanchev_at_vmware.com>
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2012 16:32:29 -0700 (PDT)

On 03/06/2012 08:27 PM, Edward Burns wrote:

> How do you define a flow as an object?
> Here are the three most obvious approaches.
> 1. additional syntax in the faces-config.
> 2. metadata in the Facelet pages that comprise the flow.
> 3. java code

Perhaps there are specific cases that motivate including flow information in Facelet pages but I can't see what they are. It's worth mentioning them explicitly since putting flow information (navigation?) in Facelet pages seems contrary to the goal of Task Flow encapsulation.

Would it be too early to create a small illustration of what a Task Flow might look like? Perhaps as simple as 2-3 flow nodes including a view, a method call, navigation, some conditional routing. I don't know what others think but it would help me get a better idea.
