
[jsr344-experts] [985-Session-lessResourceUrlEncoding] Discussion

From: Edward Burns <edward.burns_at_oracle.com>
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2011 13:18:42 -0800

Hello Experts,

Sprint 9 is scheduled to close on Sunday and there is one issue left for
that sprint: [985-Session-lessResourceUrlEncoding].

I was hoping it would be easy to knock out like the others, but I have a
lingering question.

Let me set the context by pasting Andy Schwartz's descriptive text from
the issue:

On 21 April 2011, Andy Schwartz wrote:

AS> ExternalContext.encodeResourceURL() currently serves two purposes:

AS> 1. Performs session id-related URL rewriting
AS> (HttpServletResponse.encodeURL()

AS> 2. Performs portlet-specific URL rewriting

AS> A drawback of performing both of these tasks in a single method is
AS> that there is no way to support the portlet case without also
AS> running the risk of having the session id written into the resource
AS> URL. In many cases (eg. JavaScript libraries, images, css files),
AS> there is simply no requirement to access the session, however, URLs
AS> for these images may become unnecessarily bloated with the session
AS> id. Another downside is that the presence of the session id in the
AS> URL can thwart caching.

AS> Logging this issue to request that JSF provide a resource encoding
AS> API that provides the goodness of portlet-related encoding without
AS> the annoyances of requiring the URLs to potentially be session
AS> id-encoded at the same time.

Here are the current usages of externalContext.encodeResourceURL()

    In the renderer for <h:graphicImage>, this is used to render the value
    of the "src" attribute.

    In the renderer for <h:outputLink>, this is used to render the value
    of the "href" attribute.

    In the renderer for <h:outputScript>, this is used to render the value
    of the "src" attribute.

    In the renderer for <h:outputStylesheet>, this is used to render the value
    of the "href" attribute.

Now, this issue requests an additional API for doing the same thing that
encodeResourceURL() does, but without calling

Couldn't this issue be addressed by having the portlet bridge
implementation simply not call httpServletResponse.encodeURL()?

If we do need an additional method, how would we modify the HTML_BASIC
renderkit spec, which currently requires the above cited calls to the
existing encodeResourceURL()?



| edward.burns_at_oracle.com | office: +1 407 458 0017
| homepage:               | http://ridingthecrest.com/