
[jsr344-experts] Re: [jsr-344-experts] should really a composite component requires NamingContainer interface?

From: Leonardo Uribe <lu4242_at_gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2011 20:02:44 -0500


Thinking and doing some tests I found an easy solution that works with
both MyFaces and Mojarra. The idea is just wrap everything inside
cc:implementation with f:subview, which creates a NamingContainer

<cc:interface componentType="test.ComponentCCC">
        <cc:attribute name="value" type="java.lang.String" />
<f:subview id="#{cc.id}_p">
    <p><h:commandButton value="#{cc.attrs.value}"/></p>
    <!-- more markup here -->

Works great, becase the internal markup uses the naming container, but
the composite component base is not a naming container, so its
children or facets will not be affected. Obviously, if you use
cc:insertChildren and cc:insertFacet the components will be relocated
and affected by the NamingContainer.

Instead use cc:insertChildren I was thinking use something like this:

<yy:iterateChild ccRef="#{cc}" var="ccChild">
    <!-- some javascript markup with html and css -->
    <yy:renderChild value="#{ccChild}"/>
    <!-- some javascript markup with html and css -->

or something like that (maybe a yy:renderChildren). In fact, I don't
know why such tags doesn't exists in the spec, but I think implement
them could be easy and helps a lot when writing composite components.
Maybe it is a flaw on the spec do not have an alternative to
cc:insertChildren, just like cc:renderFacet is to cc:insertFacet.


Leonardo Uribe

2011/7/8 Blake Sullivan <blake.sullivan_at_oracle.com>:
> On 7/7/11 4:55 PM, Leonardo Uribe wrote:
>> Hi
>> BS>  The issue is that the cases that don't work aren't hacks.  If
>> anything,
>> BS>  they are the way we expect our users to use composite components.  I
>> BS>  worry that by carving out an exception, we complicate the use of
>> BS>  composite components if the page author has to look at each composite
>> BS>  component to determine whether it happens to be a NamingContainer or
>> not.
>> BS>
>> The case proposed is a hack, so if not all works, well that's expected.
>> But after thinking about it, you are right about why an user has to
>> worry if the composite component is or not a NamingContainer. I see it
>> from other point of view. The user should not have to worry about if a
>> component is NamingContainer or not. It should work like with jsf 1.1
>> or 1.2. Components like h:form or h:dataTable or other special cases
>> should be NamingContainer, but the remaining ones that does not
>> "iterate" or don't require it by definition should not.
>> In fact, I have an alternative idea: the one who should implement
>> NamingContainer is not the composite component, instead it should be
>> composite component panel, or the one that store the information
>> everything inside cc:implementation under the special key
>> "javax.faces.component.COMPOSITE_FACET_NAME". This could require some
>> changes, but I can bet with that hack we can get rid the
>> NamingContainer restriction for composite component and make it work
>> for all cases.
> It would be nice for it to appear to the page author that the composite
> components are not NamingContainers when referencing the components that
> they are passing to the composite component.  However the implementation is
> internally going to need a NamingContainer to allow the composite component
> to be used more than once on the page if the composite component definition
> contains any ids.
> There is the additional issue of backwards compatibility, by shipping a
> version with a leaky abstraction, we have made fixing the issue harder as
> users may have code dependent on the old behavior.
> There are also issues with the ids of the children passed into the composite
> component definition, as they can conflict with the ids used in the
> composite component definition itself.  This is a trickier problem to fix.
>> BS>  I agree that fixing findComponent is not trivial, however remembering
>> BS>  the original child locations isn't exactly rocket science either.
>> BS>
>> BS>  Can you provide an example of where fixing findComponent would cause
>> any
>> BS>  problems with invokeOnComponent or visitTree?  As I wrote before, we
>> BS>  aren't modifying the generated clientIds for the relocated components
>> so
>> BS>  I don't understand why a change to findComponent would have any
>> effect
>> BS>  on clientId-based behavior.
>> I checked it again and it is true that findComponent is "decoupled" to
>> a certain level from clientId generation. There are some use cases to
>> consider:
>> 1. messages : call findComponent and then getClientId
>> 2. ajax client behavior renderer : call findComponent and then getClientId
>> 3. replacement for "binding" attribute: user code call
>> invokeOnComponent or visitTree get the component instance directly and
>> do something.
> I am not particularly surprised.  JSF has a terminology problem because it
> doesn't have a name for the identifier that you pass to findComponent.  In
> Trinidad and ADF Faces, we call these scoped Ids.  There is a general
> problem that even at the framework level, developers are confused regarding
> the difference between the two and when it is safe to call getClientId() on
> a component (or in fact, to retrieve the value of any EL-bound value on a
> component that is not currently in scope).  Anyway, if framework or
> application code is calling findComponent() to retrieve a component instance
> that is not guaranteed to be in the same component context, the behavior of
> calling getClientId() on the component is undefined and always has been.
> 1) and 2) sound like bugs
> 3) In the more general case of getting values or otherwise messing with a
> potential stamped instance of a  component, #3 is correct as long as the "do
> something" is performed inside the callback.  In the binding-replacement
> case, the user wants to affect all, possible stamps, so they would only call
> one of the visiting methods if they happened to already have a clientId,
> otherwise they would likely call findComponent().
> This doesn't really have anything to do with composite components in and of
> themselves, but points to general usability problems with component and EL
> context.  If we're confused, our users will definitely be confused.   For
> example, it is completely non-obvious that for EL-bound attribute values,
> application developers need to use invokeOnComponent or visitTree in order
> to retrieve the value.
> The general rule is that all declarative markup is going to use
> findComponent and it is up to us to figure out how to translate that into
> the appropriate runtime behavior,
>> The first two are not a problem,
> Actually they are.  You can't safely call findComponent() and then
> getClientId() on a component in all cases.
>>  but 3 is a problem right now, because
>> the user needs to worry about if a component is a composite component
>> or not (is a NamingContainer or not), to then write the right
>> expression.
> That is an annoyance.  The real bug is that the page author needs to know
> whether his components will be inserted inside of an additional
> NamingContainer inside of the composite component.  This is an encapsulation
> failure.  Similarly, there are potential issues with the EL of the component
> relocated to inside the composite component.
>> I already did something related to store the child locations long time
>> ago on MyFaces to solve "composite component state get lost" problem
>> (see PostAddToViewEvent still inconsistent mails), but that code was
>> replaced with another solution. It involves use a Listener to
>> PostAddToViewEvent to store the child ids. The problem is any similar
>> hack will only work on MyFaces because the current composite component
>> implementation on Mojarra does not allow calls to getClientId inside
>> PostAddToViewEvent listeners.
>> In any case, it seems a change over findComponent / getClientId
>> algorithm is unavoidable, but I don't have clear the details about
>> which changes should be done.
>> Leonardo Uribe
> The first step is that UIComponent.findComponent() needs to specify that it
> delegates to each parent to search its children (the current implementation
> in Mojarra at least never delegates to any other component).  This will
> allow the composite component to affect the behavior.  I need to dig up the
> list of issues we were looking at for the use of findComponent in the
> Trinidad composite components, as they all apply to composite components in
> general.
> -- Blake Sullivan
>>> 2011/7/7 Leonardo Uribe<lu4242_at_gmail.com>:
>>>> Hi
>>>> This answer is from some days ago, but it wasn't sent to
>>>> jsr344-experts list, so I resend it to continue the discussion on this
>>>> list:
>>>> Hi
>>>> 2011/7/1 Blake Sullivan<blake.sullivan_at_oracle.com>:
>>>>> Leonardo,
>>>>> I agree that you can get rid of the restriction in a very limited case,
>>>>> but
>>>>> is it worthwhile to make such a change?  The reason the composite
>>>>> components
>>>>> are NamingContainers is to ensure isolation from the consuming page.
>>>>>  Your
>>>>> solution to avoiding id conflicts in this case was to not set any ids
>>>>> in
>>>>> your composite component definition.  This precludes the definition
>>>>> from
>>>>> EVER using any id-based services, such as<f:ajax>  within its
>>>>> definition.
>>>>>  In addition, your proposal does nothing to address abstraction failure
>>>>> issues regarding whether a composite component implementation happens
>>>>> to use
>>>>> NamingContainers as part of its implementation.
>>>> The intention is just allow the "exception", that theorically is
>>>> working on MyFaces without change anything. It is clear there will be
>>>> some hacks that just will not work, but the same is true for cases
>>>> that right know depends on ui:include or facelets user tags. By
>>>> default, composite components should be naming containers to work
>>>> fully. Note this feature does not need any change on the spec.
>>>>> I do not consider the initial findComponent() failure a bug.  Page
>>>>> authors
>>>>> using components need to know whether they are NamingContainers or not.
>>>>>  Good IDEs should be helping you out in this case.  In many ways, it is
>>>>> easier for page authors to remember whether a component is a composite
>>>>> component or not if all of the composite components are
>>>>> NamingContainers.
>>>>> The abstraction failure is that findComponent() should always work in
>>>>> terms
>>>>> of the document that the page author is working in.  In the case of
>>>>> composite components, this means that component references in the page
>>>>> consuming the composite component should stay the same regardless of
>>>>> whether
>>>>> a composite component uses NamingContainer in its implementation or
>>>>> not.
>>>> It sounds reasonable, but I don't see how can we do such change over
>>>> findComponent() without degrade its performance. Things are more
>>>> difficult if you consider nested composite components using
>>>> cc:insertChildren, cc:insertFacet and templating tags. The problem is
>>>> once the component tree is built, you lose the information related to
>>>> the page where the component was defined. The only information saved
>>>> is a marker to identify it on a further refresh (MARK_ID).
>>>>> Fixing findComponent() should not break invokeOnComponent() and
>>>>> visitTree()
>>>>> as we are not talking about changing the structure of the returned
>>>>> clientIds
>>>>> for the child components from the consuming page after they have been
>>>>> relocated into the composite component.
>>>> But an invokeOnComponent will not work too, without get the final
>>>> clientId. The intention of do not use a NamingContainer deliberately
>>>> is precisely to know beforehand the clientId of the component.
>>>> The problem with use facelets user tags or facelets dynamic components
>>>> is that all properties are strings that are put on a VariableMapper,
>>>> which is a nasty hack (I already changed that terrible code in MyFaces
>>>> to something better), and in practice there are some situations where
>>>> JSF composite components cannot be used, specifically by the
>>>> NamingContainer restriction.
>>>> regards,
>>>> Leonardo Uribe