Note that the "alt-dd" feature provides much of this, although certainly it
could be improved. When you deploy an application you can provide an
alternative deployment descriptor to be used in place of the deployment
descriptor in the application. This gives you some ability to specify
environment-specific per-deployment configuration information.
arjan tijms wrote on 08/27/14 05:36:
> On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 1:09 PM, Romain Manni-Bucau <
> <>> wrote:
> I wouldn't go this way without config jsr otherwise we'll add another
> layer which will conflict with some other jsr. The making it more
> standard should be easier and can even be part of config jsr 1.1 I
> guess.
> I've discussed this option off list with various stakeholders of the config
> JSR and this indeed seems to be one of the wishes;
> Use the exact syntax that's already available for the in-archive descriptors,
> and provide that externally. It doesn't even have to be specifically about
> data sources. Just have the ability to add (and optionally override and
> perhaps even subtract) any descriptor fragment, and the ability to define data
> source externally comes automatically.