[javaee-spec users] Re: Consolidation of Type Conversion

From: arjan tijms <>
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 16:36:47 +0200

On Friday, August 15, 2014, Bill Shannon <> wrote:

> You missed the JavaBeans Activation Framework, which is built on the AWT
> data transfer APIs and does Object to/from MIME byte stream conversions.

Great suggestion! I'll look into doing an update.

Yes, there's a lot of converters, and probably more than we need, but many
> of them exist because there are different requirements in each case. I
> don't just want Object to String, I want Object to String-containing-html
> or Object to String-containing-xml or Object to String-containing-JSON or
> Object to String-suitable-for-display-to-user or whatever.

True, but there's overlap as well, and some seem to be doing directly the
same thing such as the JSF and JAX-RS converters (both do request parameter
to object and the other way).

It's also a question whether a different String content should require a
different API.

Converting between Java types and MIME types handles many of these cases,
> but not all of them. I'm hoping that a future version of the JDK will have
> better MIME type support. Assuming we had it, can you imagine how to
> replace all these existing uses by something like that?

Do you mean how to set up some kind of wrappers to adapt the universal
converters to more specific specs? (Eg how bean validation was integrated
with the existing JSF validators)

> arjan tijms wrote on 08/07/2014 11:10 AM:

> On Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 2:43 PM, Martijn Verburg <
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:
>> +1 to this - it needs a strawman doc for the various spec leads to
>> discuss around. Great thinking BTW - it would be good to have a unifier
>> for this.
> I just published my article about this subject, it's at:
> Hopefully this will be a good starting point for further discussion.
> Kind regards,
> Arjan Tijms
>> Cheers,
>> Martijn
>> On 7 August 2014 04:24, Reza Rahman <
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:
>>> I think the best course of action is to write up a detailed proposal in
>>> JIRA.
>>> On 8/6/2014 10:58 PM, John D. Ament wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> So in the last few days, i've pulled out what I would consider to be
>>>> the last of my short hair dealing with type conversion in Java EE 7. In my
>>>> project, I'm using JPA 2.1, JAX-RS 2.0 and WebSockets 1.0. In my use case,
>>>> I have some POJOs that I pass around those three layers via JSON. In each
>>>> of these, I have to worry about the type conversion requirements of each of
>>>> them, specifically
>>>> JPA leverages an AttributeConverter
>>>> WebSockets use Encoder/Decoder's
>>>> JAX-RS uses MessageBodyReader/Writer
>>>> In two of these, it gets a little more confusing as I have to implement
>>>> different interfaces for reading and writing. In total I need to implement
>>>> 5 different interfaces, some of which support CDI injection and others that
>>>> do not.
>>>> In addition, if you look across the Java EE spectrum, we have
>>>> additional ways in which type conversion is supported.
>>>> JMS 2.0 added support for implicit body reading when getting a message
>>>> and new ways to create messages from some POJOs.
>>>> - We did not add support a serialization process other than
>>>> reconfirming that ObjectMessage requires a Serializable object.
>>>> JSF has a Converter interface
>>>> I'm sure there are other use cases as well. I'd like to propose that
>>>> the entire platform needs to consolidate down to a single way of converting
>>>> objects, arbitrarily. Then allow each of these specs to build from that
>>>> conversion going forward.
>>>> I'm not sure the right course of action. Should this become a ticket
>>>> for this spec? Does something like this require an enhancement
>>>> specification by itself?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> John