arjan tijms wrote on 07/19/13 13:55:
> Hi,
> On Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 9:31 PM, Arun Gupta <
> <>> wrote:
> I updated the page at:
> to describe all the Java EE 7 maven coordinates.
> That's a convenient overview! :) On that page it can be seen that the GA
> pattern is mostly:
> groupId = javax.[keyword]
> artifactId = javax.[keyword]-api
> JPA, CDI, Bean Validation and Batch use a different pattern. Batch is quite
> close, but for some reason has "-annotation" instead of "-api" in the
> artifactID. Bean Validation is also close, but doesn't have its artifactId
> starting with "javax" (why?)
> JPA and CDI have rather different names.
We hope to fix JPA soon and publish a correctly named API jar file.
CDI is in a tough position because, unlike almost all the other specs, there's
no single Java package that corresponds to CDI. What we came up with for CDI is
a compromise.
> A few not listed also have rather different names, e.g.
> groupId:
> artifactId: jaspic.provider.framework
Some APIs don't follow the pattern because we didn't update the API for EE 7.
Some are just mistakes. All things considered, there's a large amount of
consistency there. We even created a Maven plugin that checks an API jar file
to ensure that it's following the rules.