[javaee-spec users] Re: [JAX-RS vs JSF] Why having two web app frameworks is not a bad thing

From: hantsy <>
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2012 11:19:42 +0800

Seam 3 has a "render" module, but never release a stable version.

I also like Facelets could be worked as a template language, like others
Apache Velocity, Freemarker.


On 12/17/2012 10:46, Adam Walczak wrote:
> Some other comments from DZome.
> *Grzegorz Grzybek:*
> Decouple Facelets from JSF and even HTTP to make it a general
> XML/STML templating language. Almost every web applications sends
> HTML emails for example and we have no standard way to generate them.
> There are such templating engines as Velocity, Freemarker or (recent,
> very active and promising) Thymeleaf. Thymeleaf may be used outside
> any container and allows for natural templating - i.e., writing
> templates that will look the same when opened both from local disk and
> in working application. As for facelets - if it were decoupled from
> JSF (maybe that's possible?) it could be used as template engine...
> regards Grzegorz Grzybek
> *My response:*
> Yes I know. I even experimented with Freemarker + RestEasy + Seam
> Rest. Nice combo.
> But this also proves that the topic of tempting engines is mature
> enough to include it in the standard. I think that Facelets would be
> the way to go in JavaEE. The implementation is already there. It just
> has the design flaw of being hardwired to Servlets, HTTP, JSF, etc.
> --
> Adam Walczak
> <>
> +48 604 188 992