[javaee-spec users] Re: allowing stereotypes to be used more widely

From: Marina Vatkina <>
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2012 17:56:27 -0800

Bill Shannon wrote:
> Marina Vatkina wrote on 11/19/12 15:46:
>> Pete,
>> Pete Muir wrote:
>>> I was on the fence for a long time, however discussing with the CDI EG and
>>> colleagues made it clear there was little support once we went through the
>>> possible confusion that can arise. The CDI EG also agrees with me here :-)
>>> Here is the point which we think kills the idea. If you define this stereotype
>>> in CDI, with the support proposed for all Java EE specs:
>>> @Stereotype
>>> @RequestScoped
>>> @Stateless
>>> public @interface MyStereotype {}
>>> And define this bean:
>>> @MyStereotype public class MyBean {}
>>> you end up with a request scoped SLSB.
>> How is it different from:
>> @RequestScoped
>> @Stateless
>> public class MyBean {}
> If we implemented it, it wouldn't be any different. That's the whole point.
> It's a sort of macro facility for annotations. Obviously it looks extra
> verbose if you just have one bean, but if you have many it's simpler.

Right. But I don't understand why is it an example of a problem with
using @Stereotype...