Unfortunatelly there is no standard ServletContainer API defined in Servlet
3.0. I've contacted the spec lead of 3.1 to see if such API could be
possible, but still not answer :o(
On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 9:22 PM, Christian Beikov <
christian.beikov_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello!
> I posted a question on stackoverflow regarding the retrieval of the
> secure/https port of the server my application is running on and got the
> answer that he thinks that this would be included in EE7 somehow.
> Question on Stackoverflow<http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12165988/https-in-ee6-servlet-container>
> :
> Is there a way to retrieve the https port of the EE6/Servlet Container in
> a standard way? If not maybe a method to convert an URL in a standard way
> to use https?
> I know I could use a security constraint in web.xml, but the behavior is
> not configurable at runtime as far as I know.
> Maybe it is a bad idea to allow the user or admin to choose whether to use
> https or not?
> Regards,
> Christian
Antonio Goncalves
Software architect and Java Champion
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