[javaee-spec users] [jsr342-experts] Re: Java EE 7 roadmap

From: Linda DeMichiel <>
Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2012 12:43:26 -0700

Hi Antonio,

On 8/30/2012 11:39 AM, Antonio Goncalves wrote:
> Hi all,
> I feel happy about this news and disapointed at the same time. Many of us have expressed (at a very early stage) that
> standardazing PaaS features in EE 7 was way too early. The JCP is full of "standardizing early" gotchas and we felt it
> would be another one. So I'm happy that this is postponed (and to be honest, if it's not in EE 8 but in EE 9 it will not
> hurt me). But I'm disapointed that we have spent so much energy in this topic and left some behind. A few months ago I
> mentioned the pain that developers have with logging. Will we be able to solve it (like configuration, a single
> container... and so on) ? It was clear to me that vendors where much more interested in standardising PaaS features
> (where there's money to be made) rather than wasting time on defining a logging API (which is a day to day pain for
> developers but doesn't have any business model behind).

Now that we can focus better on the non-cloud aspects, I hope that we can make better progress here.

As I said in my note, I'd like to see us getting going on at least some of these topics in advance of Java EE 8.

> I hope we will take this into account, like we should have done with Entity CMP : standardizing too soon is a bad thing !
> So let's keep the good work happening and, as you say Linda, focus on EE 7 to make it follow the path of EE 6 :
> enhancements in simplification and usability.



> See you soon on the mailing list
> Antonio
> On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 6:31 PM, Linda DeMichiel < <>> wrote:
> When we announced the Java EE 7 JSR back in early 2011, our plans were
> that we would release it by Q4 2012. While this target date was three
> years after the release of Java EE 6 and certainly later than we would
> have liked, at the time it seemed like an aggressive schedule given
> the proposed scope of the release. We have since adjusted this date
> once (to the spring of 2013) in order to accommodate the inclusion of
> additional JSRs of importance to the community (in particular, Web
> Sockets and JSON-P).
> As you know, our focus in the Java EE 7 release has been three-fold:
> to continue to invest in significant enhancements in simplification,
> usability, and functionality in updated versions of the JSRs that are
> currently part of the platform; to introduce new JSRs that reflect
> emerging needs in the community; and to add support for use in cloud
> environments.
> At this stage of the process, I think it is safe to say that
> maintaining the entirety of this agenda -- particularly the aspects
> related to PaaS enablement and multitenancy support -- puts our
> proposed dates at very significant risk. We estimate that
> realistically we would not be ready with a release of Java EE 7
> until the spring of 2014. In our opinion, that is way too long.
> After considerable soul-searching as to the causes of this delay --
> limited industry experience in the cloud area when we started this
> work, together with a lack of maturity in the space for provisioning,
> multi-tenancy, elasticity, and the deployment of applications in the
> cloud -- we are proposing that we defer to Java EE 8 the areas of PaaS
> enablement and multitenancy support.
> Of course, we continue to believe that Java EE is well-suited for use
> in the cloud, although such use might not be quite ready for full
> standardization. Even today, without Java EE 7, vendors such as
> Oracle, Red Hat, IBM, and CloudBees have begun to offer the ability to
> run Java EE applications in the cloud.
> Postponing the remainder of the work on cloud support until Java EE 8
> will therefore also have the important advantage of enabling Java EE
> vendors to gain more experience with implementations in this area, and
> will thus help us avoid risks entailed by trying to standardize in an
> area that is arguably still some time away from being mature.
> It is important to note that the features that we have already added
> to Java EE 7 for cloud support -- such as resource definition
> metadata, improved security configuration, JPA schema generation --
> serve as enhancements to the Java EE 7 programming model in non-cloud
> environments as well. The inclusion of these features in Java EE 7
> will help expedite a cloud-oriented release of Java EE 8 in the
> future.
> We plan to target this Java EE 8 release for the spring of 2015. We
> expect to include new JSRs for application configuration, for
> JSON binding support, and others, which we hope to launch in advance
> of the completion of Java EE 7.
> This shift in the scope of Java EE 7 also allows us to better retain
> our focus on enhancements in simplification and usability and to
> deliver on schedule those features that have been most requested by
> developers. These include the support for HTML 5 in the form of Web
> Sockets and JSON-P; the simplified JMS APIs; improved Managed Bean
> alignment, including transactional interceptors; the JAX-RS client
> API; support for method-level validation; a much more comprehensive
> expression language; and more.
> To conclude, what we are proposing is to hold to the current dates for
> Java EE 7 (spring of next year); maintain the focus on all of the
> feature enhancements targeted at simplification and usability; retain
> the cloud-related features we have already defined; and defer the
> remaining portions of the cloud-oriented work to Java EE 8.
> We feel strongly that this is the right thing to do, in view of what
> we and our team have heard from members of the community.
> Please let us know if you have any major concerns with this proposed
> direction.
> thanks!
> -Linda
> --
> Antonio Goncalves
> Software architect and Java Champion
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