Oh, one thing I forgot to add in the first email (maybe I should break this
up into a separate thread?) is adding JavaMail to the Web Profile. There
are many times a web application (or enterprise application) will need to
send email notifications and it's not there by default.
On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 04:21, Antonio Goncalves <
antonio.goncalves_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> I remember back on the Java EE 6 expert group we talked about having a
> "minimal profile" with only Servlet & JSPs (I remember Rod Johnson being
> interested in such profile, Roberto Chinicci even wrote a few blog posts
> about it :
> http://weblogs.java.net/blog/robc/archive/2008/02/profiles_in_the_1.html).
> I have a few concerns with this. First of all, JSPs are not evolving : it
> is a poor UI framework (no Ajax and so on) and is not a templating fwk
> either. Second, except if I'm missed something on Servlet 3.1, we don't
> have a simple controller to build MVC web apps. With just Servlets and
> JSPs, we miss the controller. I remember that the JAX-RS 1.1 and Servlet
> 3.0 expert group talked about it, but I think nothing happened.
> For me, such a minimal profile would make sense with a proper templating
> framework, Expression Language and a simple servlet controller (à la Spring
> MVC).
> My 2 cents
> Antonio
> On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 08:03, Jason Porter <lightguard.jp_at_gmail.com>wrote:
>> I'd also like to suggest a simple Servlet or Basic profile. It would
>> include servlets, JSP, EL, CDI and JAX-RS. Essentially tomcat / jetty with
>> CDI and JAX-RS integrated. This would give a very powerful programming
>> environment (namely CDI and JAX-RS) as a strong base and also allow our
>> friends developing tomcat and jetty to join in and be a Java EE compliant
>> server! Oh, and JSF would then run purely in a Java EE environment, no more
>> "pseudo EE container" aka Servlet container.
Jason Porter
Software Engineer
Open Source Advocate
Author of Seam Catch - Next Generation Java Exception Handling
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