I am also against a slimmer web profile at this time. I really think we
got it right. If you compare with the bottom proposal the only
difference is removing JSF, EJB Lite and JPA. All of these can be easily
added by a pure servlet vendor (ok easy is a bit of an exaggeration).
Both Tomcat (with TomEE) and Resin seemed to have no problem adjusting.
I bet Jetty eventually will offer a web profile set as well.
That said I do agree that EE has a significant gap in view technology
(JSF and JSP while entrenched are no longer state of the art), I think
the correct solution is to develop a new standard (or set of standards)
first, and then revisit EE (A view layer that favors client side state
and javascript generation for example)
On 2/23/12 8:50 AM, reza_rahman_at_lycos.com wrote:
> -1. We already talked about this and it is a bad idea that weakens
> compatibility (the whole point of the JCP/Java EE).
> Feb 23, 2012 06:22:13 AM, jsr342-experts_at_javaee-spec.java.net wrote:
> ===========================================
> I remember back on the Java EE 6 expert group we talked about having
> a "minimal profile" with only Servlet& JSPs (I remember Rod Johnson
> being interested in such profile, Roberto Chinicci even wrote a few
> blog posts about it :
> http://weblogs.java.net/blog/robc/archive/2008/02/profiles_in_the_1.html).
I have a few concerns with this. First of all, JSPs are not evolving :
it is a poor UI framework (no Ajax and so on) and is not a templating
fwk either. Second, except if I'm missed something on Servlet 3.1, we
don't have a simple controller to build MVC web apps. With just Servlets
and JSPs, we miss the controller. I remember that the JAX-RS 1.1 and
Servlet 3.0 expert group talked about it, but I think nothing happened.
> For me, such a minimal profile would make sense with a proper
> templating framework, Expression Language and a simple servlet
> controller (à la Spring MVC). My 2 cents Antonio
> On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 08:03, Jason Porter wrote: I'd also like to
> suggest a simple Servlet or Basic profile. It would include servlets,
> JSP, EL, CDI and JAX-RS. Essentially tomcat / jetty with CDI and
> JAX-RS integrated. This would give a very powerful programming
> environment (namely CDI and JAX-RS) as a strong base and also allow
> our friends developing tomcat and jetty to join in and be a Java EE
> compliant server! Oh, and JSF would then run purely in a Java EE
> environment, no more "pseudo EE container" aka Servlet container.
Jason T. Greene
JBoss AS Lead / EAP Platform Architect
JBoss, a division of Red Hat