[javaee-spec users] Re: [jsr342-experts] proposal for Tenant ID

From: Nigel Deakin <>
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2012 12:24:03 +0000

On 24/01/2012 22:57, Bill Shannon wrote:
> We've been considering how to provide access to the Tenant ID for
> the current tenant of a SaaS application. After discussing this
> issue with our security team, they wrote up the following proposal.

> - Proposal for the EE Platform Specification
> Platform implementations would be told to make the effective TenantID
> available in some well known location in JNDI. They would be free to
> implement a proprietary API to access it and do whatever tenant
> specific activities based on its value. However, consumers should be
> able to count on the value being in JNDI as the standard mechanism.
> The language to describe what this TenantID represents must be
> sufficiently clear in illustrating that it represents the customer for
> which the SaaS application instance has been deployed.
> The name java:comp/tenantId would probably be sufficient for JNDI lookup.

Is it intended that this mechanism also be used by resource adapters to access the TenantID?

Does the Java EE specification currently require that a resource adapter is able to instantiate an InitialContext with
no parameters and use it to access the JNDI provider? (Obviously they couldn't make use of resource injection to obtain it)


(JMS 2.0 spec lead)