
[jsr366-experts] Re: Updated Java EE 7 Maintenance Review Draft

From: Kevin Sutter <sutter_at_us.ibm.com>
Date: Fri, 1 May 2015 15:35:47 -0500

Looks good, Linda and Bill. Thank you!

Kevin Sutter
STSM, Java EE and Java Persistence API (JPA) architect
mail: sutter_at_us.ibm.com, Kevin Sutter/Rochester/IBM
phone: tl-553-3620 (office), 507-253-3620 (office)

From: Linda DeMichiel <linda.demichiel_at_oracle.com>
To: jsr366-experts_at_javaee-spec.java.net
Date: 04/23/2015 05:46 PM
Subject: [jsr366-experts] Updated Java EE 7 Maintenance Review

We've revised the draft Java EE 7 MR to reflect the recent feedback
and discussion from this group. The change log appended to this
message enumerates the changes to be applied to the Java EE 7
Final Release spec. The MR spec draft itself is available on
our project downloads area:

As with the previous draft, the changes do not impact the RI or TCK,
but only update the current specification document. They therefore do
not define a new spec version, but rather result in a "Rev A" of the
Java EE 7 specification.

While our recent discussion has left some issues unresolved, we plan
to revisit these items in the context of work on Java EE 8. For
example, in some of these cases we've specified "should" in the MR
draft. We'll need to discuss which of these should be converted to
"must" in Java EE 8.

We plan to submit to the JCP by the end of next week to initiate
the Maintenance Review process. Please let us know before then if
you have any further comments.


[attachment "JavaEE7-MR-Changes" deleted by Kevin Sutter/Rochester/IBM]