
[jsr366-experts] Re: Compatibility Problems with MR Resource Annotation Widening

From: Jason Greene <jason.greene_at_redhat.com>
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2015 13:53:27 -0500

> On Mar 16, 2015, at 3:39 PM, Bill Shannon <bill.shannon_at_oracle.com> wrote:
> I'm finally picking up this conversation again after several days of
> vacation and catch-up...
> Jason T. Greene wrote on 03/05/15 22:58:
>>> On Mar 5, 2015, at 7:28 PM, Bill Shannon <bill.shannon_at_oracle.com> wrote:
>>> Jason Greene wrote on 03/05/2015 04:04 PM:
>>>> Looking into the weld history, it turns out that the CDI RI did
>>>> subsequently add everything (method support etc) except for the class
>>>> annotations bit.
>>> So maybe there's only a small implementation bug?
>>> My expectation (based on the wording in Chapter 8 of the platform spec) was
>>> that CDI didn't need to know anything about these class level annotations
>>> because the deployment process would scan all classes and find them and
>>> process them at deployment time. I think that's what's happening in the
>>> RI, so I don't think the RI needs Weld to tell it anything about them.
>> Well the problem is still that if you go by table 5-1, only CDI managed beans
>> should be eligible, and to know that you need to evaluate the rules according
>> to CDI.
> Yes, the confusion is that 5-1 is only supposed to be telling you where
> injection works, because obviously injection can only work on classes that
> are managed by the container. It was not intended to be telling you
> where resources can be defined.

Yeah I guess see these aspects as intertwined since both the bindings and the injection are defined from the perspective of a component. Namespace handling and inheritance aside, should an @Resource declared on a field of a non-component class define a binding?

>>> Would you care to summarize where we are now? :-)
>> Yes, if you don’t mind I’ll just put it all in this email, instead of
>> replying in piece-meal.
>> In a nutshell, we have a big mess :) Cleary the contradictions in the various
>> specs have lead to a mishmash of differing behavior.
> Yup! And we'll all be better reviewers of the spec in the future, right? :-)

Hopefully :)

>> - Some of us are doing this at a component level (JBoss, IBM, JonAS). Some
>> everywhere (RI, Geronimo).
>> - Resource bindings on CDI managed beans seem universally broken in ejb jars
>> and ear/lib. On JBoss/WildFly they are not done at all. On the RI they appear
>> ignored if they are in comp. Since the CDI spec itself, and a lot of existing
>> code do not define a name value with resource, those resources are all in
>> comp.
>> - On JBoss/WildFly, Resource bindings on @ManagedBean default to java:module
>> (based on our interpretation of MB 2.1.2 and or expectation that a defaulted
>> @Resource should not fail).
> Ya, that was way wrong. MB.2.1.2 says nothing about @Resource names.

Sorry I meant MB 2.1.3:
". A Managed Bean does not have its own component-scoped “java:comp” namespace. For this reason, Managed Beans should define resources in the “java:module” namespace or above.”

>> The RI on the other hand stuck with a uniform
>> interpretation of them being in comp, which is consistent with the 250
>> javadoc. Since comp is ignored on non-components, it also does not fail.
>> - ejb-jar.xml only allows DD ref overrides on ejbs and interceptors, so
>> managed beans and CDI managed beans can’t be overridden there (portably)
> At one point we planned to address this by adding the ability to specify
> module-level resources in the ejb-jar.xml not associated with any EJB
> component. I don't remember why that got dropped, but maybe it's time
> to bring it back.
>> - metadata-complete isn’t accurate with the latest definitions to the EE
>> spec, since not all components are described in DDs (Managed Beans, CDI, Web
>> Sockets, JAX-RS, etc). You can’t implement an EE7 container without
>> processing annotations.
> metadata-complete was never intended to say that. It only ever talks
> about how the deployment process uses metadata-complete when looking for
> deployment information. There's lots of other uses of annotations that
> have nothing at all to do with deployment. The spec even says explicitly
> that other specs that also use annotations and xml descriptors might want
> to define their own metadata-complete.

If I have meta-data complete set to true am I supposed to get resource injection on the components listed above that can not be defined in XML?

>> - CDI portable extensions probably need additional environment clarifications
>> (and probably other extension mechanisms, e.g. web sockets extensions)
>>> What do you think *should* work (even if some implementations are broken)?
>> I strongly feel we shouldn't break any vendor's compatibility to fix this in
>> EE7. We should do minor stuff that gets us closer.
> We can defer some of these changes, but if that means another 3 years of
> inconsistent behavior, I'm worried that we'll never be able to fix it.
>> However, even with EE8, I think that the inheritable nature of Resource
>> annotations makes it too problematic to apply across the board to all
>> classes. Further, I think inheritable behavior is a necessity, since the
>> active relative context always applies to the subclass.
>> Specifically I think:
>> - The default namespace for binding names should be comp if there is a
>> component namespace, otherwise module if there is a module namespace,
>> otherwise app.
> I think it's too late to change this, and I'm not convinced that having
> different defaults in different cases wouldn't be more confusing.

One other way to achieve the same thing is we could define a comp namespace for components that do not have one, as an alias to either module or app (depending on the location). This would offer similar behavior to definitions in a WAR.

IMO it makes no sense for a defaulted name attribute to be a failure:

    @Resource DataSource blah;

The above should just work whether its defined on a component in a war, or on a component in an ejb jar.

Jason T. Greene
WildFly Lead / JBoss EAP Platform Architect
JBoss, a division of Red Hat