
[jsr342-experts] Re: Wish-List for EE 8

From: Werner Keil <werner.keil_at_gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 17:06:31 +0200

Correct, same with things like "Big Data" which as we recently heard, is in
most cases nothing but a synonym for "Big Brother"[?]

Same as (sorry some fellow JCP or EC Members[?]) the rather un-cloudish
special JVMs and products allowing you 1024 TB (!) of VM memory if you need
it, rather than a distributed and scalable system with several smaller VMs
doing the same job... There are certainly some clients out there, most of
them extremely hungry for data either for marketing, spying or a
combination of both, while the majority of other use cases won't need that
kind of excessive memory.


On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 4:56 PM, Jeff Genender <jgenender_at_savoirtech.com>wrote:

> Nothing like a good enterprisey buzz word like "cloud" to put in your
> fresh marketing cup of Coffee each morning (oops…I meant Java) ;-)
> Jeff
> On Jul 15, 2013, at 8:53 AM, Werner Keil <werner.keil_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> Antonio/all,
> While I could have a few other duties, Codegarden related to JSRs like 354
> or a Security Expert panel (where Ron did invite other interested Java EE
> EG Members, too I recall, not just those of the 351 EG<347.gif>) or
> JCP.next, I'd be more than happy to participate in such a discussion.
> Don't forget, the PR and Marketing guys often try to blow things out of
> proportion with little or no technical relevance behind it. So calling
> "Java EE 7" "cloudish" is probably as valid or credible as claiming that
> "JSR 350 - State Management" was a pillar of it (while in reality it should
> play an important role for EE 8 and beyond<329.gif>)
> I believe it must have been this famous town hall talk between Scott and
> Larry 7 years ago http://eucalyptus.ulitzer.com/node/170925 when it was
> announced by both Oracle and Sun PR channels, that with immediate effect,
> JDeveloper shall be based on NetBeans. It only happened this year approx. 7
> years later<338.gif>
> Similar with the Social approach. Last year, at JavaOne this Social
> Hackathon was announced:
> https://blogs.oracle.com/socialspotlight/entry/announcing_hackathon_for_social_developers
> The 1 man project Oracle SocialLink was widely abandoned and has 9 members
> at java.net. One, 2 at most ever touched the code. Agorava which as
> mentioned could be seen more in the tradition of Hibernate or Arquillian
> (all started in the Open Source community, some, like Hibernate later at
> least partly contributed to Java standards like JPA or EJB3) has a little
> over a dozen https://github.com/agorava?tab=members and roughly 7-10
> actually do contribute code (not all from a single company<347.gif>)
> @Markus sure progressing existing ones makes sense, but a "let's focus on
> the existing old stuff" attitude towards let's say new fresh approaches and
> (compared to some of the others) relatively small JSRs like 330 or CDI on
> top of it, probably would have made EE 7 look a lot different than it does
> now<35F.gif>
> I didn't mention JSRs like 275, but those who also seriously look into the
> worlds of Node.js or Vert.x last Saturday's Copenhagen Node.js Hackathon
> again reminded me, JSR-275 was highly influential to what seems the only
> serious Units of Measurement module for Node.js, called MCO
> https://github.com/StevenLooman/mco
> (Mars Climate Orbiter, somebody must have a rather wicked sense of humor
> <360.gif>)
> --
> Werner Keil | JCP Executive Committee Member | Eclipse UOMo Lead, Babel
> Language Champion | Java Godfather | Mærsk DevOps Build Manager
> Twitter @wernerkeil | @JSR354 | #EclipseUOMo | #Java_Social | #DevOps
> Skype werner.keil | Google+ gplus.to/wernerkeil
> * Eclipse DemoCamps Kepler 2013: June-August 2013, Germany, Denmark, Austria,
> Norway. Werner Keil, UOMo Lead, Mærsk DevOps Build Manager will present "Triple-E’class
> DevOps with Hudson, Maven, Kokki, Multiconf & PyDev", "M4M 2 the Rescue
> of M2M"
> On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 4:18 PM, Antonio Goncalves <
> antonio.goncalves_at_gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I was wondering if we could use JavaOne to brainstorm on Java EE 8. And
>> I'm not just talking about a one hour BOF between some spec leads/expert
>> members and developers, I am more thinking of a half day with only spec
>> leads and expert members.
>> To be honest, I felt very frustrated when Oracle announced "Java EE 7
>> being Cloudish". Nobody asked what the expert members thought of such
>> announcement, of what they had in their mind for the future of the plaform.
>> What do you think of physically meeting before/during/after JavaOne and
>> start shaping the future of the platform ?
>> Antonio
>> On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 5:48 AM, Markus Eisele <myfear_at_web.de> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> after the buzz around the EE 7 release is silencing a bit I just
>>> wanted to take the opportunity to send around a link I came across
>>> yesterday:
>>> http://arjan-tijms.blogspot.de/2013/07/java-ee-8-wish-list.html
>>> Arjan compiled a list of things he would love to see in EE 8. Good to
>>> see some of it already on the list but also some new things like
>>> spending some time to modernize the security frameworks.
>>> Cheers,
>>> - Markus
>> --
>> Antonio Goncalves
>> Software architect and Java Champion
>> Web site <http://www.antoniogoncalves.org/> | Twitter<http://twitter.com/agoncal>|
>> LinkedIn <http://www.linkedin.com/in/agoncal> | Paris JUG<http://www.parisjug.org/> |
>> Devoxx France <http://www.devoxx.fr/>

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