
[jsr342-experts] Re: Re: Configuration

From: Adam Bien <abien_at_adam-bien.com>
Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2011 14:26:05 +0200

Hi Kristoffer,

CfEngine is a good idea. A Java EE environment should be also configurable with tools like puppet: http://puppetlabs.com/
A Configuration API would made it easier to integrate with such tools,


On 10.09.2011, at 22:19, Kristoffer Sjögren wrote:

> With risk of repeating myself and what have already said on this topic I think Jeff and Jevgeni hits the nail on the head with this one.
> I have written my comments on http://stoffe.deephacks.org/2011/09/09/configuration-management-in-java-ee, and sorry for not communicating my opinions right here on the mailing list, it is sometimes easier to express your thoughts using a blog. I hope you understand.
> For those of you who are interested in learning more about Configuration Management and System Administration in general, I highly recommend reading the 20 years of thoughtful research by Mark Burgess (author of CfEngine): http://cfengine.com/markburgess/index.html.
> Cheers,
> -Kristoffer