
[jsr342-experts] Re: [] Welcome to JSR 342

From: Nicolas Leroux <nicolas_at_lunatech.com>
Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 20:37:42 +0200

Hi all,

My name is Nicolas Leroux and I am very pleased to be part of this EG and to be working will all of you.

I am a software developer, software architect and also the technical director of a small company based in the Netherlands: Lunatech Research. On my daily job I am an heavy user of the JavaEE platform since JavaEE 2, on both the backend and the web/frontend part.

I also happen to be a core committer of the Play! framework (yet another web framework). The particularity of this framework is that it does not use the servlet API and focus on simplicity. I would actually very much like to see the JavaEE platform to bring even more simplicity. I hope that I can contribute towards this goal (I am aware that it has been done from JavaEE 2 towards JavaEE 6). Looking for the right integration between all the specifications that this JSR regroups might be key here I believe.

Again, I am looking forward to work with all of you,


PS: I am also looking forward to deplay a JavaEE web application in the cloud using single command line or through a web interface ;).

On May 24, 2011, at 12:28 AM, Linda DeMichiel wrote:

> Welcome to the Java EE 7 Platform Expert Group
> This message is to announce the formal launch of the Expert Group for
> JSR 342 and to welcome you all as members. Thanks again for offering
> to participate in the Java EE 7 Platform effort.
> The expert group currently includes representatives from 7 companies and
> 6 individuals. The current members are:
> Deepak Anupalli (Pramati)
> Florent Benoit (OW2)
> Adam Bien
> Bongjae Chang (TmaxSoft)
> Jeff Genender
> Antonio Goncalves
> Jason Greene (RedHat)
> Jevgeni Kabanov
> Werner Keil
> Reza Rahman (Caucho Technology)
> Ming Li (TongTech)
> Nicolas Leroux
> Bill Shannon and I will be sharing the Specification Lead roles for
> this work.
> There are also a few more companies and individuals who are still
> sorting out their representation, processing JSPAs, etc., who I expect
> will be joining us shortly. The current members of the expert group
> and their contact information are listed on the expert group page at
> http://jcp.org/en/eg/view?id=342.
> To start things off, and so that we know that the javaee-spec project
> on java.net and the jsr342-experts mailing list are working correctly,
> we would appreciate if you would reply with a brief note so we know
> that we have you on the list correctly. It would be even more helpful
> to send this reply to the group with a brief self-introduction and a
> note about the particular areas of this JSR in which you yourself are
> most interested in being (pro)active.
> Please also (and always) feel free to send any comments or concerns
> you might have directly to either Bill or myself.
> My next message will address the logistics for arranging for members
> of your company to view the email sent to the expert group.
> Thanks again for participating! We're looking forward to working
> with all of you to build on the success and momentum of the Java EE
> Platform.
> regards,
> Linda
> Linda DeMichiel
> Java EE Specification Lead
> Oracle
> 4220 Network Circle
> Santa Clara 95054
> linda.demichiel_at_oracle.com