[javaee-security-spec users] Re: [jsr375-experts] Re: Drop SecurityContext from the spec?

From: reza_rahman <>
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2017 14:42:35 -0400

If it's very easy to do or already pretty much done, I agree there is probably no reason to regress.
There is value to having a uniform API for security context to rule them all as opposed to the current distributed mess that's very hard to explain - particularly the one for EJB. Hopefully at some point even the one in Servlet could be deprecated in favor of something more centralized and robust.
-------- Original message --------From: arjan tijms <> Date: 3/16/17 1:50 PM (GMT-05:00) To: Subject: [javaee-security-spec users] [jsr375-experts] Re: Drop SecurityContext from the spec?
The original vision for security context was really simple. Basically just isCallerInRole and getCallerPrincipal.
In fact it's basically done. There's some discussion regarding how to implement it, especially in the light of the "fear" (for lack of a better term) of JACC. But that shouldn't really stand in the way of the specification.
All the other methods and features mentioned in the issue were pretty much optional (nice to haves).
So if we take what we have now, declare that to be the draft spec and invite the EG to provide comments for minor adjustments at most (no new features, but perhaps change the names or option syntax somewhat), then we  should be there.
I can try to do the GF implementation soon.
Kind regards,Arjan Tijms

On Thursday, March 16, 2017, Will Hopkins <> wrote:


    Hi All,


    I'm wondering if it makes sense to drop SecurityContext from the
    spec, for these reasons:

      As currently specified, it is completely redundant. It does
        provide a uniform syntax across containers, but all three
        methods (one of which only works in the servlet container)
        duplicate functions that already exist, albeit with slightly
        different syntaxes, in every container. The only value we're
        adding here is syntactical uniformity.
      As currently specified, SecurityContext provides only a subset
        of the functionality originally envisioned. I confess I'm not as
        familiar with the earlier plans as I should be, but based on
        more recent discussions it seems clear that the original vision
        was for a more complete set of functions. It might make sense to
        avoid specifying any of the functions until we can consider the
        API more completely and wholistically and ensure that it
        presents a concise and cohesive set of functions.
      The EE 8 schedule is very aggressive. SecurityContext isn't
        extremely complicated, but there is still significant work to
        finalize the spec and the API, make sure the RI is correct, and,
        for us here at Oracle, integrate the RI with GlassFish and
        develop the TCK. I think it's still possible to get all that
        done for SecurityContext, but in light of the fact that
        SecurityContext doesn't add any net-new functionality, I think
        it makes sense to drop SecurityContext so we can focus
        completely on getting HttpAuthenticationMechanism and
        IdentityStore done. Those two pieces add a lot of value, and is
        still significant work to do for them, particularly
    Let me know what you think.



Will Hopkins | WebLogic Security Architect | +1.781.442.0310
Oracle Application Development
35 Network Drive, Burlington, MA 01803