[javaee-security-spec users] [jsr375-experts] Comments on Current Spec Content (take 3)

From: Will Hopkins <>
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2017 14:05:10 -0500

Third try's a charm?


First of all, many thanks to Arjan for putting together the first draft
of our spec -- it's an excellent start.

I've had a look at it, and have some comments/questions for discussion.
I think the biggest issues to resolve are probably:

  * The interaction (or lack thereof) between
    HttpAuthenticationMechanism and JASPIC.

  * On a similar note, what is the behavior if
    HttpAuthenticationMechanism is called both by the container and by
    application code.

  * How is SecurityContext integrated with containers such that
    authenticate() can know what authentication mechanisms are
    configured and getXYZ() can report the correct information?

  * Is CallerPrincipal a sufficient credential for
    IdentityStore.getGroupsByCallerPrincipal()? Can it be safely used
    when there are multiple ID stores configured (since the wrong groups
    could potentially be returned)?

  * Related: should we define CallerAttributes in addition to
    CallerGroups? Any and all comments welcome.



0.0 General

  * Use of CDI vs. other mechanisms for accessing the interfaces -- I
    think it's reasonable to say that containers must use/support CDI in
    the ways described by the spec. (Am I correct that all EE Profiles
    that include servlet would also include CDI?) Is it worthwhile
    specifying that EE implementations can optionally choose to make the
    interfaces available in some other way (factory method, etc.)?
    Should we specify such a mechanism?

2.4 Installation

  * Container should be able to override ID store contained within app.

2.6 Validation and obtaining caller data

  * Should the API support other types of user attributes beyond groups?
      A generic attribute type?

  * What if the information in a caller principal is insufficient to
    distinguish the caller's identity (if, for example, the credential
    provided when authenticating included a full DN, or a duplicate
    username was disambiguated by virtue of the fact that the password
    matched)? In that case, the correct groups could not be determined.
    Should we limit the use of this to validate, and require the caller
    to make use of the returned groups when creating a subject, or
    retain the CredentialValidationResult?

  * Would overloading actually work in this case, or would the runtime
    always call validate(Credential) even if a Credential sub-class type
    is passed? Might need generics for this.

  * Last paragraph -- what if it can't, because it can't distinguish
    between two foos, or because name is insufficient to identify the
    user. Can (or should) an ID store support
    getGroupsByCallerPrincipal() for a CallerPrincipal not originally
    validated by that ID store?

2.7 Build-in Identity Store Beans

  * Embedded -- annotation only? No support for deploying a file or
    other mechanism? Safety of embedding passwords in file or in code

  * LDAP -- is annotation rich enough to support real-life deployment

2.8. Handling multiple identity stores

  * When validation fails, would it not be better to remember if any of
    the identity stores accepted the credential, and return INVALID
    instead of NOT_VALIDATED if any of them did?

  * If we have a VALID result, won't we already have the groupsu
    associated with the validate() that succeeded? Do we want to
    aggregate groups from all stores, that return them, or return only
    groups from the store that validated the user? I would argue for
    the latter. This issue also complicates the provision of a separate
    group lookup method when more than one id store is present -- what
    if store A has a user foo, but validation fails. Store B also has a
    user foo, which is validated with the supplied credential. A
    subsequent call to get groups would succeed for store A, but return
    groups for the wrong user (i.e, the "foo" whose credential was not

3.4 Installation

  * It must be possible to package an HttpAuthenticationMechanism in an
    app, but can it be possible for server to override app-provided

  * Should we define a web.xml token for indicating that an
    HttpAuthenticationMechanism is in use, similar to BASIC, FORM, CERT?
    (since the analogy is presented in section 3.3).

3.5 Orchestrating the authentication dialog

  * Does validateRequest() get called twice, then, if called by the
    container and again when the application calls authenticate()? Must
    it therefore be idempotent?

  * Should the ServerAuthModule's secureResponse() method be called if
    the HttpAuthenticationMechanism's is?

  * What happens if there is also a ServerAuthModule
    installed/configured for the app? Are both mechanisms invoked (it
    seems likely they'd interfere with each other)? How does, e.g., an
    error returned from a ServerAuthModule affect the subsequent
    invokation of the HttpAuthenticationMechanism?

  * The JASPIC spec goes into some detail about exit codes from
    validateRequest() and the subsequent behavior of the container in
    terms of returning errors vs. proceeding to invoke the servlet,
    codes that indicate success but a requirement to continue dialog
    with the client before invoking the servlet, etc. What should HAMs
    do? Should we specify behavior that matches SAMs? Different behavior?

4.0 General

  * How does SecurityContext determine the caller principal and query
    the roles? Is it the responsibility of containers to ensure the
    SecurityContext is populated with the correct information? Does it
    get the current Subject of the stack and use that to get the
    CallerPrincipal and test roles? Etc.

4.2 Relationship to other specs

  * This spec declares that the new security context supercedes all
    these other mechanisms. Should we say something about what the
    legacy behavior is, for older apps, and the extent to which the old
    and new mechanisms must return the same values? I.e., we could
    declare that the older mechanisms remain, for legacy support, but
    must be implemented by delegating to the new SecurityContext, or, at
    minimum, behave at all times as if they delegated to
    SecurityContext. (This also implies that the new SecurityContext
    must return values consistent with the older APIs.)

4.3 Testing for Caller Data

  * Downcasting -- to be clear, this section does not assume that HAM
    and SAM are the only possible sources of Caller Principals, correct?
      I.e., a container might choose to implement BASIC, FORM, and CERT
    using proprietary interfaces. Or are we suggesting that all
    containers should provide BASIC/FORM/CERT via HAM or SAM?

  * isCallerInRole() -- this should not be defined to map explicitly to
    a group principal in the subject; rather, it should map to a role in
    a security constraint, which may be mapped arbitrarily by the
    container. See, e.g., the javadoc for isCallerInRole/isUserInRole
    for EJBContext/HttpServletRequest.

Will Hopkins | Platform Security Architect | +1.781.442.0310
Oracle Cloud Application Foundation
35 Network Drive, Burlington, MA 01803