[javaee-security-spec users] [jsr375-experts] Integration example identity store with 3th party libs

From: Rudy De Busscher <>
Date: Mon, 28 Dec 2015 11:55:04 +0100

Hi all,

I think an important aspect of the work we do, is that it is compatible/can
be used in existing 3th party security libraries.
Because a lot of developers are using them today and if the security
library is integrating the JSR375 code, the adoption will be

Therefore, I tried the integration between *Octopus* (the Java EE security
framework that I have developed over the last few years) and the *Identity
store proposal Arjan made* (

I used the jsr375 module and wrote a *CredentialsMatcher* that uses the
*IdentityStore* defined by a definition annotation (in the example the
embedded one but any definition will work)

The result can be seen in this repostory (starterEE7 module)

It works like a charm, of course due to the CDI nature of the
IdentityStore. :)
The code is quit generic, so I can create in the future a specific maven
artifact for the integration with the IdentityStore.

Since the CredentialsMatcher is only depending on *Apache Shiro* (and not
Octopus), also Apache Shiro can make use of the IdentityStore.

Best regards