[javaee-security-spec users] [jsr375-experts] Re: Read-Only Identity Store Proposal

From: Werner Keil <>
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2015 09:47:47 +0200


I'm not sure, if you have your JavaOne travel plans set already?
As mentioned in London, I hinted the EC, you might like to present JSR 375
at the F2F (
Are you able to do that? If so, please ask Patrick/Heather/PMO directly to
take it into consideration for the agenda.


On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 7:42 AM, Alex Kosowski <>

> Hi Volunteers,
> I would like to submit for your review a third iteration of the JSR 375
> Identity Store. I think this version is simpler than the previous
> iterations, and incorporates the latest comments.
> Features:
> 1. Follows the simple model: Credentials in -> Caller, groups, roles out
> 2. The IdentityStore is read only, no create/update/delete for callers,
> groups, roles or credentials
> 3. Caller, Groups and Roles are just Strings, and are searchable by
> regular expression
> 4. Credential support is extendable by using CDI Qualifiers to annotate a
> CredentialValidator implementation
> 5. Standardized support for credentials, including Username/Password,
> Basic Authentication, Token
> 6. Standardized support for persistence mechanisms, including file, LDAP,
> database, and a JAAS adapter
> Here is a usage case example:
> @Inject
> IdentityStore idStore;
> // For example, in a JASPIC SAM...
> String caller = null;
> List<String> groups = null;
> List<String> roles = null;
> CredentialValidationResult result;
> Credential cred;
> cred = new UsernamePasswordCredential("john",new Password("secret"));
> result = idStore.validate(cred);
> if (Status.VALID == result.getStatus()) {
> ​ // authentication was successful
> caller = result.getCallerName();
> groups = result.getCallerGroups();
> roles = result.getCallerRoles();
> // Callback JASPIC
> ​} else {
> // Invalid or not validated
> }
> I completely rewrote the Proof of Concept (POC) from the previous
> iteration and updated the proposal design doc. Let's discuss any issues you
> may have with this design.
> Please comment on this proposal Google doc:
> The proposal Google doc should be open for comments by anyone on the
> Google group. If you are having trouble
> commenting, please let me know. To comment, click the Comments button on
> the top right of the document.
> Here is the POC in the GitHub Proposal Repo:
> Note that the DatabaseIdentityStore in the POC is without an
> implementation because I ran out of time.
> Here is the generated JavaDoc:
> What do you think? Once we come to a consensus for an acceptable Identity
> Store API design, the proposal will become the basis for the Identity Store
> section of the spec.
> With regards,
> Alex