[javaee-security-spec users] [jsr375-experts] Actions to finalize some discussions

From: Rudy De Busscher <>
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2015 11:35:20 +0100

Hi All,

If I look at the messages on the mailing list of the past 2 weeks, some
ideas have the consensus of the group (correct me if I'm wrong !) but are
missing just a last step to get those things out of the way.

*1) Terms will need to be clarified*. For us experts so that we all know
what we are talking about and for the spec reader.
-> So there will be a "Terminology" or "Definition of Terms, Acronyms and
Abbreviations" section to the spec

But, as I'm ignorant on the procedure on this, is there an "in progress
version" of the spec for us? Where can we consult it?

The Google group (!forum/jsr375-experts)
doesn't seems operational yet. So we don't have the possibility yet to
write some things down in Google docs.

Some used terms are listed here

*2) Source code repository. * Code repository is created on (Git)

* git://
* git://
* git://

There was the question to use GitHub as the main location. Is it legally
allowed? In both cases source code will be accessible by anyone out there,
I guess (no ?)

If we don't use GitHub as the main location, we can setup a mirror so that
we have a playground in our cloned repositories.

*Update *: During assembling this overview, I saw that David already put a
playground in place :) see

*3) Conference* and other locations presence.

Expert members will already be present on *JavaLand *and *Devoxx France*.

Can we make an overview of who is where ? So that we can see where there
are some gaps to fill?
We can make also promotion on twitter (#JSR375? ) and other social media
about what we are doing and where they can find us.

*4) Ideas* already discussed

I see that there are already some ideas discussed. But, probably it is my
fault, I don't see a concrete outcome or direction yet.

I think we need a global overview of a few things first.

*5) And I'm missing a few things*, I'm sure of that.

Open for any comment, discussion, completion, ....
