
[jsr375-experts] Java2Days presentation

From: Werner Keil <werner.keil_at_gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2016 20:57:08 +0200

Dear Experts,

Please find a link to my recent Java2Days talk (the smaller room was
packed, people even stood in the back, it could have filled the bigger one,
too if it was held there;-) about Java EE Security for Java EE 8 and 9.


The topics and especially the roadmap I presented was largely based on KK's
JavaOne presentation. After talking to Dmitry he suggested it's good to
also keep the disclaimer (Rudy had a slightly different one in his talk)

Yesterday (the last day seemed a lot less crowded, especially talks around
the end e.g. on CDI 2 were almost empty) David Delabasse talked about Java
EE ".next" in general, also but not only Security. He certainly had the
same disclaimer, so nothing is written in stone, but hinted, features like
OAuth or OpenID Connect (essentially that means OAuth, since it's based on
OAuth2) were "nice to have" in Java EE 8 already.

So instead of the feature breakup and roadmap I have in my slides (or KK
did before) this would look like the attached PDF taken from page 59. And
only 2 features ("Security Microservices" and "Packaging") would be left
for Java EE 9 while the lion share could or would end up in JSR 375 for
Java EE 8.

Do all of you think that's realistic?
Don't forget especially the TCK unless a working java.net replacement
allowed "collaborative development" in the sense of jcp.next 5 (successor
to JSR 364) before next Summer will be up to Oracle because the current
license for that is not Open Source, so TCKs of all EE JSRs except by Red
Hat are not developed in the open and members of the EG even if we all were
willing to help normally can't work on that.

I hope attachments work, at least in the Google Groups alias? If not, I can
resend it to those of you who are interesting in a direct mail, but you
also get the idea from the Slideshare presentation, just shift all but the
bottom 2 to "Java EE 8";-)

Kind Regards,
