Thank you Pedro, I will check it out!
On Jun 19, 2015 4:30 PM, Pedro Igor Silva <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've updated the project[1] I was using for JAVAEE_SECURITY_SPEC-12 with my view of the Identity Store API.
> I think it is pretty much aligned with what Alex did but with some minor changes. This project also provides two test cases to demonstrate how to use both `IdentityStore` and `SecurityContext` together to authenticate users when using CDI or just the Servlet API.
> @Arjan, I think with this approach is pretty easy to provide an "Identity Store Selector" based on a specific credential type given that the `IdentityStore` also provides a `getCredentialSupport` method that you can use to check if it supports or not a credential type.
> I've also considered a `getPermissions` method on the `IdentityStore` interface. That would be very useful for Permission Mapping, providing a very easy and clean way to obtain permissions (and even check them) from an Identity Store.
> @Alex, as I told you, I think PL IDM API was very good for an initial version. However, I think there is room for simplifications and that is what I tried to achieve in this project.
> Any feedback is welcome.
> [1]
> Thanks.
> Pedro Igor
> [1]
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "arjan tijms" <>
> To: "Alex Kosowski" <>
> Cc:
> Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 11:04:59 AM
> Subject: [jsr375-experts] Re: Identity Store Proposal 2.0
> Hi,
> On Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 2:42 PM, Alex Kosowski <>
> wrote:
> > Hi Arjan,
> >
> > Thank you for being so active with this JSR!
> >
> No problem ;)
> > Is a credential handler really needed if CDI can already do the selection?
> >
> > Here a generic IdententityStore is injected, which in CDI terms
> > may look a bit unusual. Using a CDI qualifier you could inject the correct
> > type right away.
> >
> > Eg
> >
> > @Inject @UsernamePassword
> > IdentityStore identityStore
> >
> > Or if it's needed to choose at runtime:
> >
> > CDI.current().select(IdentityStore.class, UsernamePassword);
> >
> > [Alex] What if we did not know the type of credential ahead of time?
> >
> That's where the second form of CDI comes in, the CDI.current().select(...)
> (or alternatively, the bean manager based API).
> As soon as you can do:
> Credentials creds = new UsernamePasswordCredentials("john", new
> Password("welcome1"));
> you have the credentials type, namely "UsernamePasswordCredentials". You
> can then ask CDI at runtime (at that moment): "Give me an IdentityStore
> that can handle UsernamePasswordCredentials". JSF now leans very heavily at
> this as mentioned before instead of using it's own handlers and
> registration factories.
> > The registry approach enables multiple CredentialHandlers to be
> > preconfigured to accept varied Credential types. The Credential type itself
> > would be used to select the CredentialHandler.
> >
> That strongly sounds what CDI already provides. For this EG it would be
> much simpler to go with that (if indeed possible, which it sounds like it
> is), instead of having to design and implement our own APIs.
> > [Alex] How would we use CDI to configure different CredentialHandlers or
> > Backend Stores for different deployments?
> >
> That's a core value of CDI actually. In fact, much of the reason to use CDI
> in the first place is to have the ability to change dependencies based on
> deployment type. The classical example is for unit testing, but it holds
> for deployment stages as well. The key technology here is the @Alternative
> qualifier and stereotypes. Via beans.xml different alternatives can be
> activated for different deployments. There are quite a number of articles
> about this, but here's one from Antonio:
> In addition to swapping out implementations for different deployments, the
> same mechanism can also be used to let the user provide an alternative
> implementation to a default one that's provided by the container or a
> library. I've written a small article that explains that usage here:
> > [Alex] I know, I just picked a term. I will change the proposal based on
> > the outcome of issue 2
> >
> >
> Okay, great ;) Hopefully it will remain caller, but let's see how the EG
> votes.
> > [Alex] That is what I was thinking. Would we need to request support from
> > JASPIC for a RoleCallbackHandler for containers which distinguish groups
> > and roles?
> >
> >
> I think probably not, at least not if we're standardizing how groups and
> roles currently work. The group to role mapper should be enough here. The
> identity store returns a collection of "names". Those names could be seen
> as either groups or roles. If they are logically seen as roles, then the
> application can configure a 1:1 group to role mapping. E.g. "admin" will be
> mapped to "admin", which "effectively" makes the GroupPrincipalCallback a
> RolePrincipalCallback.
> If however we want to introduce new APIs so we can say "isCallerInGroup"
> and "isCallerInRole" down the line, then such new RolePrincipalCallback
> *may* be needed (this will require more thinking though, especially to see
> how this will interact with group to role mapping).
> Kind regards,
> Arjan