On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 5:40 PM, Darran Lofthouse
<darran.lofthouse_at_redhat.com> wrote:
> I think the roles allowed being applied to methods is too coarse for many to
> make use of
I may also depend on what business case you assign to a role. Is a
role necessarily something like "ADMIN", or is it acceptable to have
> but overall I think it is the shortcomings of security in the
> specs as a whole that push people away from EE security rather than one
> specific part.
Indeed, IMHO it's mainly a collection of mostly little things which
all together add up.
> I think the Servlet spec also drove some away by forcing authentication to
> only occur once a secured resource was accessed with the automatic redirects
> although at least that has been covered now.
True, this was a major shortcoming in practice that was covered by
what was technically speaking not even that big and much code to
JASPIC also addressed this specific point by defining that a SAM is
*always* called, whether a secured- or non secured resource is
accessed and whether the authenticated identity has previously (within
the same session) been established or not. Preemptive authentication
is the keyword here.
Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms