On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 5:25 PM, Darran Lofthouse
<darran.lofthouse_at_redhat.com> wrote:
> @DataSourceDefinition(
> name="java:app/jdbc/test",
> className="com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSource",
> user="root",
> password="${ALIAS=password}",
> databaseName="test",
> serverName="localhost",
> portNumber=3306 )
When I see password="${ALIAS=password}", I think it strongly resembles
one of the proposals in the Configuration JSR; EL based placeholders
in XML and annotations. I haven't really looked at the password
aliasing proposal in detail lately, but what's stopping this from
being used for all other attributes as well?
Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms