Just encountered this bug again. I can't pin it down. In this case there's
an interface:
interface Adapter<A, B> {}
an abstract class
abstract class AbstractAdapter<A,B> implements Adpater<A, B> { ... }
And several subclasses. addActiveDescriptor fails consistently to inject
these sub-classes via the interface ie @Inject Adapter<Foo, Bar>
fooAdapter. Changing the binding to using the binding dsl (ie
bind(SubAdapter.class).to(new TypeLiteral<>)) ... and it magically works.
Is this expected behavior?
But here's an interesting work around: remove the Abstract class from the
equation and implement the interface directly and addActiveDescriptor works
again. Magic?
Something is getting lost due to the presence of the base class. Likely hk2
is picking up the type variable parameters when generics and inheritance
the mix. I've encountered similar problems with reflection and generics and
inheritance. A project that solves this problem -- how to pick out the
right type type variables from a hierarchy -- is typetools (
https://github.com/jhalterman/typetools ). May want to take a look at that
On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 5:53 AM, John Wells <john.wells_at_oracle.com> wrote:
> It is possible that this is true. Could you enter a Jira on this issue? (
> https://java.net/jira/browse/HK2)
> Thanks!
> On 5/27/2014 12:48 AM, buko wrote:
>> Seems like there's a bug with addActiveDescriptor and ContractsProvided.
>> If you use it on a generic interface it doesn't actually seem to detect
>> that one of the contracts is a generic interface and bind it appropriately
>> so attempts to @Inject the binding later fails. If you normally bind it,
>> using the TypeLiteral syntax (bind(A).to(new TypeLiteral<B<C>>)) ... then
>> attempts to inject B<C> will work.
>> Seems like ContractsProvided ought to handle this?